Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bump Envy

I think something is in the water in Hollywood. I feel like everyone is pregnant!! Posh, Tori Spelling, Mariah, Pink, Natalie Portman, Kate Hudson and Jessica Alba to name a few. I am starting to wonder who will announce they are preggers next, maybe Reese? It seems to be a trend out there to get knocked up! I have to admit all these pregnant ladies are making me feel a little jealous and have me dreaming about baby number two. They all seem to effortlessly pull off being pregnant (hello, I have yet to see a picture of Posh even showing a slight baby bump) and being a mom.

Selma Blair is one celebrity who usually stays under the radar but since she got pregnant I feel like I have seen pictures of her everywhere. Let me tell you, the girl has fabulous Maternity Style. I honestly don't even know how well she dressed while not pregnant but she is looking flawless while pregnant. She really knows how to dress her baby bump in the right fashions. I am taking style notes for baby numero dos.

Love that she is wearing heels the whole time and has yet to look like Shamu as my husband referred to me at the end! The red dress is my favorite, I would wear that not pregnant!


ohyouprettythings said...

She is gorgeous!! :]

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

I've never noticed her style either, but she looks adorable in all of these shots!

Unknown said...

She totally does look amazing. I just heard through Twitter yesterday about Tori and Jessica. You are right though it seems like eveyrone in Hollywood is preggers. But it does not make me jealous...totally not ready for all that yet again.

Jill said...

yes, that red dress is perfection!! I actually think she dresses better pregnant than non pregnant:)

Jenny Castle Design said...

She pulls off everything!!

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

I couldn't agree more about the heels! I barely wear heels now and I'm not even pregnant!

H.G. The Countess said...

I like that she looks great while having a normal pregnancy-- not a "fashion pregnancy" as we call them here in NYC where women gain about 5lbs and get induced a month early!

Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

Oooh, she is going to Shamu right out at the end of it! Everyone does. ;)

Taylor said...

I agree - it's like she became pregnant and was suddenly photographed everywhere because she looked so great!! Love her outfits - especially that final one in the long navy and black gown.

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

She looks so cute!

Anonymous said...

love this- she's so pretty!

natasha {schue love} said...

She looks so fabi! Love how svelte she is! :)

Lisa "Mrs Kool" Koedyker said...

If only money were no object...we could all look as good as her while pregnant! :o) That would totally rock.

Alicia xoxxo said...

Wow!!! She DOES look amazing! I love the red dress too! I am impressed she has heels on! The minute I put on heels my feet swell!

Baby Shopaholic said...

I love Selma! I could not wear any shoes when I was preggers, messed up my whole style! : )

Unknown said...

She looks fab and with a glow!

Sweet Southern Prep said...

Wow! You're right. LOVE Selma preggo! Loving her shoulder-length locks too.

Sweet Southern Prep said...

P.S. Isn't she married to one of the Zappas? Wonder what the baby's name will be. :)

Kandice Breinholt said...

she looks great! i felt like i never looked good while i was pregnant. i should be taking styling tips as well for the future when we decide to have baby#2

Bud and Leo said...

She looks better than most people who aren't preggers!

Chassity (Look Linger Love) said...

Ahhhhgreed. I've been eyeing her lately thinking, "where'd she come from?!"! Love this post. Love all your posts, you're one of my favorite bloggers :) Oh and yes to drinks soon. Can't remember what you email said? I do happen to have tomorrow night (Friday) open if you care for a last minute date. Otherwise maybe next week?

Laura said...

Just stumbled upon your bloggy and love it! Selma is one adorable prego lady! I'm so glad stores like Gap and Loft have maternity lines now so you can look cute when you're preggers and not break the bank!

The Southland Life said...

i looove her! and its time for baby no. 2 - i bet your bump would be fabulous!

Julia Ryan said...

she looks fantastic, as would you pretty girl!

Katie said...

Amen for Posh not looking pregnant! LOL, I've been thinking the same thing!

Veronika said...

she is very cute :)