Friday, August 22, 2014

Uninspired + Blog Ideas

Happy Friday!  So I have to admit I am a bit uninspired lately.  There are times when I have so many things I want to blog about and times I struggle to think of things to write about.  Today is one of those days, I just can't think of anything to share. I don't want to write something just for the sake of post, I want it to be about something I truly love/care about.  We all have been hit by a nasty cold at our house so I think I am just tired and have had little time to sit and work on my blog between tending to the kids and blowing my nose a million times:)  I wanted to get your advice what do you like to see on my blog?  Anything you would like to see me write a post on?  I would love to hear your thoughts and welcome suggestions.  Someone left a comment on my instagram wanting a post on my Fall Basics so I am working on that now.  What else do you want to see on Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers?

Have a fabulous weekend!  Here's to hoping we kick this cold fast so we can enjoy ours!


Ashley said...

A house tour! Not sure if you have done that yet! Happy weekend!

Lindsay, XO Lindsay said...

I second the house tour. I've seen the adorraaable kids' rooms, your bedroom, and parts of the living room, and it all looks great. Show us more!! Also, have you done "the best of Charleston" on your blog?? I usually get down there once or twice a year, and would love to know your favorites. Lastly, a bunch of couples and I have decided to start throwing fancy schmancy dinner parties (with 3 or 5 courses), and I need tips on how to not spend the whole time in the kitchen. Happy Friday, and I hope you feel better soon!!

eshanks said...

Yes! House tour please!

Amber Rose said...

Hi Natalie! Long time reader, first time commenter. I would love to see a post with some flashback pics from the '90s! :)

Natalie and Ashley Yakopec said...

I would love to see you how your organize your closet...mine is always a mess! Also, for all the blondes out there, would you mind sharing how you get maintain your color? It always looks so good! Happy Weekend!

Unknown said...

I like closet tour, house tour too! I know you complained about your home, but it has serious style Natalie! Sometimes bigger houses are just more of a pain because it's more rooms to decorate that you just don't have the $ to do! We moved into a bigger house when we moved to NC and I just feel frustrated most of the time because I have to leave rooms undone because it's too $! And seriously, anything you write about is great and a must read for me each day :)

Nickie said...

I love your recipes and ideas and different ways you entertain. YOu make it seem so easy and effortless. I love your wine recommendations and post about fashion.
Take a bit of a break if you feel burned out. Everybody needs a break every now and then. We will still be here when you return. :)

BLovedBoston said...

I cant remember if you have a bar cart - but how you style yours/what you'd add to it!! :)

steffimarie said...

Maybe a "what I ate" post. You are in such good shape, I would be interested to see what a day of food is like for you :) Is that too cheesy and stalkerish ? :)

I second the organization posts too! I need a better way to organize my recipes and my kitchen!

Kristin said...

I love all your recipes, seriously the best! I second a Best of Charleston post, I went to CofC but I know things are always changing and I like to stay on top of the best restaurants etc! I would love to see a post on how you balance being a mom of two with a husband who works a lot. We are expecting our second and my husband also works a lot and some Saturday's as well.
I'm making your White Bean Pancetta Salad this weekend, can't wait! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I second the post about balancing two kids with a husband who works a lot. I am expecting my 2nd in 2 months and would love tips, suggestions, etc.

Sara said...

More recipes! A house tour would be nice. A day in the life type of post. Less clothes/Obessions/sale notifications...I skip right over all of those.

Unknown said...

I can understand your lack of inspiration. Maybe it's time to switch up what you post about...just look back over the. last several months. Let's "amazing" recipie with the food all chopped up; what clothes you think people should buy, which all look the same; a picture of Francis sleeping with her arms behind her head; you jogging every morning; another clutch that you need; how grateful and blessed you are...same..same..same,. All good but time to switch it up girl!!!

Unknown said...

I repeat on the house tour, closet organization, recipes! Awhile ago, you had some recipe ideas for the whole family that Sterling liked as well, maybe a repeat on that concept? Best of Charleston/Charlotte would also be great! Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Whoa...and side note - I love everything you have been posting about recently, especially your wardrobe ideas for Fall. I don't think Dakota's feedback is necessarily all of your reader's perspective.

Baby Shopaholic said...

I'm always uninspired when it's time for seasons to change. You can't wear the stuff that you want to wear.

Alicia xoxxo said...

I would love to see how you manage 2 small kids, staying in shape, cooking, etc.. Maybe a day in the life? How about restaurant reviews of the local Charleston area? Book recs? How do you manage your time? What do you like to do when you have a minute to yourself? Have a fantastic weekend and feel better!

Boston150 said...


I would love to hear about what baby gear you love for Francis, and what you think is best for 2 kids (stroller, etc).


Liz said...

What about secrets to scoring great finds at TJ Maxx? Also, fall basics for kids would be great!

Jackie said...

Would love to see a post on your view on splurge vs. save, and if you have a budget for shopping. Also love your recipe posts!

Unknown said...

A day in the life post would be very interesting and fun to read!

natasha {schue love} said...

You could start posting typical meals in a day...I love when other bloggers do that...helps gives ideas on what to eat/make!

Unknown said...

I'm with you...I've been feeling the exact same lately. I think we need a vacation!! haha

All Dressed Up In Love said...

I always liked when you would give book recommendation or talk more about your daily life with the kids.

Anonymous said...

What if you "met" with some of your readers who then offered the things they liked to wear, and you styled an outfit post together specifically for them? A house tour. A post of your favorite items passed down from family-whether it be small things in your home, jewelry, etc. A post on faith? (What Bible verse has impacted your life, a time when you knew God was real, a mission trip you may have went on as a kid, etc.) Just some thoughts :)

Sparky said...

I love day in the life style posts, as well as seeing a typical day of what you and the kids eat. I love seeing your kiddos, too, and hearing about what kind of schedule you have them on and what kind of activities you do with them throughout the day. A agree that a house tour would be great - I live in a smaller older home and I think they're the best! The glimpses of your home that I have seen are beautiful. I always love your recipes, too. I also like product reviews- what kind of makeup, skincare, haircare, etc. people use. Confessions posts are fun and budget posts are always my favorite for some reason! I love your fashion, but I think so many blogs out there just show clothes, and I like to read more about people's lives. So more of your day to day stuff would be great! Happy Friday and hope y'all feel better soon! :)

caycee said...

Not just saying this because you're my best friend! But I love your blog, still my first read every morning! You're an amazing mama, wife, and friend! This all shines through on this space!! Love you mean it!!

francyface said...

-I second (third? fourth?) the house tour request!
-Also a tour of your Charleston favorites would be great (food, shopping, fun places to take the kids) - or maybe highlight one a certain day of each week?
-I would also love a post on toddler meals and what you feed your babes. I have 2 under 2 (10 months old and 22 months old) and feel like I am constantly in a rut as to their meals (when they can't eat what we're eating).
-Your makeup and skin care favorites - daily wear,special event makeup, daily skincare.
Of course you have already done some or all of these, but I am a relatively new reader.
Thanks for sharing all you do - always love seeing pics of your kiddos :)

Unknown said...

I would love a house tour, more recipes (your's are amazing), and a post about mom's med minder (wink wink). :))

Anna said...

I like your recipes and "day in life" type posts. I'd love to see a house tour. But honestly, I'm getting a little burnt out on the affiliate links and "things to buy" posts. You have great taste but I think over the last few months, the amount of posts that focus solely on what you're buying/what you think your readers should be buying has been excessive. It makes me feel like I'm getting a sales pitch. I come to your blog to read about your life, not to be told I have to have something. I don't mind bloggers having affiliate links--you totally should be able to make a little money off of it! But when your real content has been lacking and you come across as inauthentic, it's a huge turn-off as a reader. For example, I really didn't like the affiliate link to the Lilly sale when you stated it wasn't your style. I thought it was in bad taste and I was really surprised. Basically, I'd like to see more about you and your cute family and less sales pitches about shopping!

Amanda said...

Maybe top 5 (or 10) most worn items/fav purchases. Toddler meals. Top 5 repeat recipes. Top baby gear purchases/most used baby items. Top recommendations to have for a newborn.

Portuguese Prepster said...

As someone who recently graduate college and is now navigating the land of "real life" ie, jobs, people getting engaged, married etc. I'd love a post on what you wish you knew in 20s-whether it be about budgeting, investing, relationships, friendships etc. I'm sure you have some great advice to offer!

Emily Satzger said...

I always enjoy seeing your latest wine recommendations!

Emily from F is for

Jamie said...

More recipes! Several of your recipes have become weekly regulars in my house, I just love them. Please keep them coming!

Megan said...

Hope you all feel better!!! Drink your lemon water, lady! XO

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess said...

I would love to read more about recipes and how you do your grocery shopping. Like if you shop sales, use coupons, meal plan, etc.

Emily {Luscious Life & Decor} said...

I love reading your blog and seeing cute pictures of your kids. I would also agree with the day in the life, what activities do you do with your kids, kids recipes. I also agree with the house tour. You mentioned you were doing a mini makeover of your patio, but I only saw your new furniture. I also saw the ghost chairs you bought on Instagram, but where did you put them? You have some great pieces in your home that I've seen from pictures. I'd love to see the full room. Even if they are just "in progress" posts! I feel like the rooms in my house never feel complete. I want to change things, but it takes lots of money and that's just something I can't do all at once as a stay at home Mom. Everyone's situation is different so don't compare yours to someone else's! I love the quote, "Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle." So true! Happy weekend!

Letra said...

Hi natalie,
I've been a long-time reader and always enjoy reading your blog about design & family life. My favorite posts are when you write "a day in the life" posts, as your life is quite different than mine! It's always interesting to get a peek into someone else's day. I agree with another commenter that suggested some flashback pics from the 90s! Would love to see what you were like in college, when you first met your husband, what the dating scene was like for you (as I'm in my early twenties and can relate to that :). Either way, keep it up because I love reading!

Faith said...

Hi there! I would love to hear more about living in charleston. Where do people live? Do the neighborhoods have unique personalities? Ie - in town, mount pleasant, the islands, etc. where do your fiends live? Singles? Are there good shops/restaurants everywhere?

Faith said...

Hi there! I would love to hear more about living in charleston. Where do people live? Do the neighborhoods have unique personalities? Ie - in town, mount pleasant, the islands, etc. where do your fiends live? Singles? Are there good shops/restaurants everywhere?

CarolinaBlues said...

I always enjoy your post! i love when you shop for me. i have really been loving the baby shopping! my friends are all starting to have babies and it helps to know what is in. I bought that owl blanket you posted a couple of weeks ago for a friend! I would hate to see your blog turn into a baby blog but i love it mixed in.

Christina said...

i love day in the life posts. i would also really love to know more about your faith - something i feel is lacking in my life. i'm always curious to know if someone was brought up with religion or if they chose their faith as an adult. oooh another cool one would be a family member interview! your mama!

Marychris said...

I don't get it...if people are so sick of the shopping and outfit posts, then why are they still reading? People can be so rude!

Sweetest Greetings said...

I have kiddos the same age as yours, a 3 yr old boy and 8 month old baby girl. We're getting family pictures in a few weeks and I'd love to see how you'd style your family for a photo shoot! Nothing crazy expensive, please. J. Crew and Gap type places are great! Thanks!!!

Wendy H. said...


I love everything you blog about. Your recipes are divine. Every time I make something you suggest my friends and family all compliment the food. I also love seeing pictures of your sweet little family and you house and clothing updates. Your blog really is a bright spot in my day. You make my work week SO much better. Just wanted you to know so that you don't feel too down.

I do have a request. I'm not sure that all your Wednesday recipe posts are being updated to your recipes tab. Is there a way to link them?

When your cookbook is ready, I want to buy one. Please reserve one for me.

Thanks, Wendy H.

Unknown said...

I love reading everyones comments because they are all such good ideas! I think I've requested a house tour before....People always love to see more inside. I always love your recipes. They are amazing. I would like to see how you grocery shop for the week and prepare your meals. Some of my favorite posts of yours are the day in the life posts and your random, totally honest, confessional posts.

Nat said...

I would love to see a food post on feeding a toddler- I know you've done one before about Sterling but I'm the thick of trying to find fun creative meals that my toddler will eat and I'm stuck! I'm barely a cook so coming up with new ideas is hard for me. I would also love a post on balancing two kids and still finding me time (if you do!) since I'm about to have two and terrified of losing all my me time and my mind.

Brette said...

What about a what to do/see/eat/shop in charleston for first timers ... things you could fit in a weekend.

Brette said...

Also maybe a "look for less" post ?!

Unknown said...

A few dresses to wear to fall weddings?! Thank you!!

Brooklyngal said...

How you're able to cook such beautiful dinners with two little ones? I have a nine month old and find it challenging to throw a meal together in the crock pot, let alone actually cook! Perhaps, also how you manage your time, fit in runs, cleaning, errands, etc all while looking after the kids.

Also, a house tour!

Happy weekend!

Megan said...

I have read your blog for a couple years and do have to agree with a few of the other commenters, the extreme amount of times you are linking to clothing/shoes/bags that we all NEED to buy is a little out of control. We understand that you need to make some money too, but it does come across as pushy and unauthentic. I love when you show how you entertain, wine recommendations, real life talk, maybe something on your relationship with your husband…you don't talk about that very much, budgeting strategies, favorite places to visit in Charleston. Just LESS of the shopping stuff, I can go to a million other blogs and find that. Your blog was always the most real. Bring that back!

Unknown said...

I LOVE your blog! I look forward to reading it everyday!
Would love to know how you organize your closet and decide what to get rid of. Also, how you decide which clothing items you invest you give yourself a clothing budget?
Thanks and happy weekend:)

Katie C. said...

I would love a post on any go-to recipes that you have for dinners. I don't always have time/energy to make new meals from cookbooks so I'm always interested in easy meals for the whole family

amy said...

I wish that people would realize that just because they are typing from the privacy of their computer doesn't give them the right to be insensitive and rude. If you wouldn't say the same something to someone's face, you shouldn't be posting it as a comment. (And, yes, if I met the people above who veiled their rude comments as constructive criticism, I would say the same thing in person!) Let's have some manners, people!!!

Natalie, since this is YOUR blog, I think you should blog about what ever makes you happy. Those of us who enjoy it, myself included, will continue to show up everyday.

Natalie said...

I would love to see breakfast/lunch ideas! I am always at a loss for what to make. Also, more workout ideas/clothes/motivation - it seems like you & I have the same issues with working out but you have been kicking butt with getting your workouts in (while I've been slacking). Ideas of styling certain pieces - like your new black distressed jeans - styling them up for a night out vs. styling them casual for errands. Just taking one piece and giving different styling ideas.

Love the blog!!!

lvmoon said...

This is my favorite blog and I follow you on Insta too. I love your random posts and recipes. I have bought so many things that you suggest that it is almost embarrassing. I feel like you my personal shopper. But it just makes it easy because I like your style and don't have time to browse the sites or stores. I appreciate how honest you are. I would like a post on your faith also, like how your family keeps faith in the home. Also wedding dress ideas would be great like from rent the runway.

Unknown said...

My favorites are the step by step looks into your daily life and then recipes of course! After reading comments, I agree anything about organization and interior design are always interesting.

Elizabeth Blount said...

I think that most Moms suffer from end of summer blues. Your blog makes my day! Your reading suggestions are always appreciated. I would like to see more beauty tips to go with your fashion suggestions. Hang in there!

Kristy @ I Design Love said...

I feel uninspired all the time, it can be very difficult trying to come up with new blog posts everyday and taking care of the kids. The posts that I love the best is when you just talk about your weekend or your life with your kids. It is good to see that someone else is going through the same things as you.

abby said...

I love reading your blog! Just keep writing and I'll keep reading! I would love a recap of things you used with Frances products tips that actually worked and were worth your money

linda said...

House tour ( love smaller older homes so much), less clothes , more real life in and around Charleston. Love your sweet blog.

Unknown said...

I LOVE your blog and the shopping details you provide. You have a great eye and I have purchased several of the items you have featured. I don't have time to peruse sites and enjoy when you highlight good deals or cute pieces.

Would like to see: toddler activities, toddler recipes, healthy eats, fall meals, best fashion pieces for Fall, best booties, Old Navy fab finds, best lipsticks, best facial routines, easy cocktail recipes,
book club recos, links you love, how to decorate bookshelves and overall decorating tips.

ashleythurston said...

your blog is one of my favs. I have already purchased many of your fashion items. I would love to see more. I would also love to see: meal planning, toddler meals, home items, a home tour, dinner party ideas, activities to do with toddlers, makeup tips and or items, cocktails, must read cookbooks and fun reads…I love your blog:)

linda said...

I like that you kept even vaguely critical comments up.... It shows to me at least, that you are a very confident, professional, mature person.

Sharon said...

What if you did a look for less post? Not only for adults but for kids too. I love Rebecca Taylor and Joie as much as the next girl, but between a mortgage and other bills I can't justify spending $200+ on a shirt. I think it would be fun to see what other options there are for us budget conscience gals. :)

Babina868 said...

I love your style, so I'd love to see pictures of your whole house. And I love all the day in the life posts, especially when you share menus and recipes.

Also, I'm a mom of a 7-month-old baby girl, and I am considering staying home with her, so I'd love to hear about what changes you have made to accommodate staying at home with your kids (financially maybe, but also career-wise, with your marriage, and maintaining friendships), and how you manage it (both good and the bad!). I know that's a topic that could bring some controversy, and obviously there are some big privacy issues, but even if you could just talk a little about it, I think it would be helpful. I don't know many stay-at-home moms my age. My mom stayed at home with us and her friends all stayed home with their kids as well, but almost all of my friends with kids work outside the home, so I don't have any current viewpoints on it.

Unknown said...

I would love to see a post on your favorite baby products! Now that you have two- and like a variety of products- strollers/car seat/bottles/ etc! Would be so helpful for first time moms :)