Monday, June 23, 2014

Scenes From Our Weekend

We had a pretty low key weekend this weekend.   We tackled some projects around the house and enjoyed some family time.  Here is what went down.

Friday I met my sister in law for lunch.   Always love catching up with her although lunch with Sterling is never relaxing!  He would not sit still! We ate at Heart and I had the most delicious flatbread with local squash, pesto, and goat cheese.

I have been embroidery obsessed lately.  If you are pregnant this would be a great top because it is loose.  I wore this to lunch Friday.

We enjoyed some ritas for happy hour.  Check out my instagram (snoopnattynat) for the actual recipe.

Then we headed to the Yacht Club to let the kids play before dinner.  The swings were a big hit with both kids.

Afterwards we grilled burgers and I made a delicious mayo free broccoli salad for the side.  Recipe coming soon.

Saturday the kids and I hit up the Farmers Market while Matt worked.
I could browse for hours, it is my happy place.

It is Sterling's happy place too,  he loves the trio of jump castles.  The joy on his face is priceless.

I made some tasty sandwiches to do an evening boat ride, only for it to be rained out.

We still had a good time hanging at the Yacht Club again.  

After the storm we did get to see a beautiful rainbow.

I wore my favorite tank top that is now on sale.  I have lived in this tank all Summer. I am in a size small

Sunday we cooked up some delish bread from the Farmers Market.  You must stop by the Rococo booth.  This cream cheese twist bread was awesome- also love their Marathon bread.

Matt took Sterling fishing most of the day Sunday and they caught a fresh flounder that we cooked for dinner that night!  Pretty sure my little man is going to be quite the fisherman like his daddy.

Piperlime is having 25% off dresses and skirts only til tonight at midnight.
My favorite Amanda Uprichard Maxi is now out in a fabulous nude color- use code RSVPSTYLE to get 25% off your order.

Cheers to Monday.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturdays Steals and Splurges

Happy Saturday Friends!  
The latest and greatest online deals.

The promo code for the Teddie Tote from Gigi New York is still valid and this weekend it is free monogramming and shipping!  
Use code DBDD25 to get 25% off your Teddie Tote.


Theory just started their big summer sale.  Most everything is at least 40% off.  Shop whole sale HERE.

 I love this Adrayna Dress 
I also love this V-neck Resort Dress.  A white dress is always a good idea.

and my favorite the Dindra Dress.  The style and pattern are perfection.

The most classic sophiscated classic romper ever.


Neiman Marcus is running a big sale too.  Prices are already marked down and then you get additional 25% off the sale price.
This Rebecca Taylor two toned Chambray Dress is like 60% off.  Such a great shift dress for Summer.

I just love this Joie Dress, it is 50% off.  The color is so great and you could wear it with or without the belt.

Really love this Tie Dye Sweater too.

This may be the perfect black one piece.  I love the plunging neckline and peplum sides.

The Tory Burch sale is still going on.  Shop the whole sale here.
I ordered this Calita Dress, just love it!  I ordered a size small for those curious.

Seeing Julia from Gal Meets Glam wearing it, really sold me on it- although everything looks good on her!

These sandals were another favorite of mine from the sale.

Julia's pom-pom wedges are also on sale.

Lastly, my favorite Rag and Bone tank is now 40% off.  I own the gray and blue and have lived in them all Summer.  They are soft, and go with everything!  Plus you can wash them they don't have to be dry cleaned!

The back is my favorite part and yes you can wear a regular bra with this top it is hidden.

Happy Saturday and Happy Shopping!

Friday, June 20, 2014

A Day in Our Life : Summer Edition

If you are like me Summer hits and you are like what am I going to do all day with the kids?  I actually love Summer and having no real schedule, but the days can be so long!
I always love seeing a sneak peek in others lives so I thought I would share a day in our life. It has been awhile since I did one of these posts, last time I only had Sterling this time it's juggling two kids

6-7  \\ Wake up with Frances and feed her a bottle.  Now that school is out Sterling has been sleeping later which is nice.  I get a little one on one time with Frances.  After I feed her I proof read my blog and post it.

While I feed her I sip my hot lemon water.  I have basically given up coffee and just drink this in the morning now.  I read it has so many great health benefits. Plus is starts the day off right by re-hydrating my body.

7-7:30 \\ Three days a week I go on a run before Matt leaves for work, this way he can watch the kids because running with a stroller is hard!!  I have a 3 mile loop I do, I run a mile walk about a 1-2 minutes then run another mile.  I am still obsessed with these Zella Tanks, I ordered two more and they are all I run in.  They don't ride up at all and are not too tight.

8-9 \\ Get back from my run and I feed Frances and Sterling breakfast,  he is always up by then.  I also fix Matt and I a quick bite.  Lately we have been into hard boiled eggs, veggie sausage, avocado, and fresh heirloom tomatoes.  It is such a tasty and filling breakfast.  I have been trying to cut back on my processed foods and my beloved cereal falls in that category, so this is a new breakfast I am loving.

9- 10:30 \\ I put Frances down for her morning nap, turn on a TV show for Sterling and then I have a chance to get showered and cleaned up.

10:30- 1 \\ This is when I take the kids out to run errands.  Today we went and picked up my new contact lens, signed up for Fall Soccer for Sterling,  and hit up Trader Joes.  Then I try and squeeze in an activity that is fun for Sterling. I usually let him choose either the park, library, chick fila, pool etc.  He chose the library today.  It melts my heart that he loves the library so much because I am a huge book lover.  The library is such a great free activity.  He plays with the toys while I chill with Frances and read a magazine.  Then we pick out a few books and DVDS to check out.

1- 3:30 \\ Get home and put away groceries and then I put Frances down for a nap.  She usually naps about 2 hours. Then Sterling and I eat lunch.  His go to is PB and jelly,  he loves it and wants it everyday!  I made a salad today with leftovers from the Farmers Market.  I try to eat salads most days for lunch. 

 Sterling just recently stopped napping but I do still make him have quiet time.  He can sit in his room and play with toys or the IPad.  This usually lasts about 45 minutes then he is bored.  During that 45 minutes I quickly empty the dishwasher, start a load of laundry, and work on my blog.  If I have time I will start dinner prep too.

3-4 \\ Frances usually wakes up and is ready for another bottle.  After that I play a quick game with Sterling, today was Memory.  Then we all usually stroll around the block.  Frances rides in the stroller and Sterling rides his scooter.  If we have time we walk to the park near our house but sometimes we just loop around our block.

4-5 \\ Get back from our walk and I put Frances on her play mat with toys and let her and Sterling play while I start assembling dinner and get it started cooking.

5-6 \\ Bath Time.  Most nights I do bath time solo because Matt usually doesn't get home til 7 or so.    I have a plastic bath for Frances I still use that kind of hinges over our tub so I can bathe her and Sterling at the same time.   I have been loving this line of bath products called Weleda my friend and fellow blogger Jess recommended, I swear they have helped with Frances' eczema.

6-7 \\ Dinner for Frances Moon,  this week she is eating avocado, banana and butternut squash.  I feed her around 5:30-6.  Usually at this time I let Sterling watch TV til Matt gets home.  This is  when I pour a glass of wine if I am drinking that night (which is most nights haha).  I sip it while I finish cooking dinner and wait for Matt to get home.  Many nights we sit on the front porch and wait for Daddy.

7-7:30 \\ Feed Frances her last bottle and put her to bed.  Then Matt, Sterling and I sit down and eat dinner together.  I really think it is important to sit down and eat as family so we always do this unless Matt is working too late.  I made one of my all time favorite recipes Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Meatballs.  They are so good.

8-9 \\ Get Sterling read for bed, brush his teeth and then Matt and I each read him a book.  After that we clean up the dishes.  I usually work on my blog for about 30 minutes.  I try not to work on it at night while Matt his home but during the Summer I have a hard time getting it all done during the day since Sterling is out of school and no longer naps.  Matt and I really don't watch much TV, but lately we have been into Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown show on CNN.  We may watch an episode of that and then get in bed.  It is also on Netflix if oyu have never watched it, it so interesting!

9-10// We get in bed and read and lights are always out by 10.  I love going to bed early.  Currently I am reading The One and Only by Emily Giffin and I am really liking it.  I always love her books.

Go to bed, wake up and do it all over again:)  I would love to hear any ideas you other moms have for Summer activities!!


Lastly, local friends don't forget about the Pixie Lily Sample Sale tomorrow morning!!  Seriously the cutest baby clothes around!!  Now is the time to stock up and trust me the prices are amazing at these sample sales!!

Pixie Lily Sample and Seconds Warehouse Sale
Saturday, June 21st
8:00 am - 12:00
Layette and Toddler
BYOB Bring Your Own Bag
48 Society Street (corner of Anson and Society)