Today I wanted to share a few real life thoughts. We all like to look at pretty clothes and good food but sometimes you just gotta keep it real.
- We have officially hit the Terrible 2's with Frances I am talking about full on tantrums in public and often. If you tell Frances no she does not like it. She flings herself on the floor and screams. Then when I try to pick her up she stiffens up her body so it is hard for me to lift her, it's beyond embarrassing. This was taken after I told her it was too cold to wear her bathing suit- I am clearly such a mean mom.
- I have been going to Barre class regularly for about 6 weeks. Before I started barre I was certain I was fairly fit. I run and walk and I am fairly active. I was so wrong. I got to class and could not physically lift myself off the ground to do a sit-up. My ab muscles were shot. I saw 60 year old ladies pumping out sit-ups and I could not do one. I am slowly making progress but damn its hard.
-Then the downside to exercising more often, is I am hungry all the time. I am not losing weight because I am eating more.
- Sterling's new favorite word is poop. Drives me nuts
- Speaking of poop every time we go into a nice store he has to poop. It never fails, my mom and I joke about it now. As soon as we walk in he has to go and can't hold it and of course it always smells horrible and takes him forever.
- Both of my kids have suddenly turned into the pickiest eaters. All they want to eat is pimento cheese, applesauce and oranges. It frustrates me to no end they won't try what I cook.
- Instead of showing her belly Frances is now obsessed with showing her "hiney." This should bode well for her collage days.
- Every single morning Frances checks to see if I have underwear on. As soon as I lift her out of her crib she lifts up my robe and says "mommy have gina, mommy wears panties. " I have no idea why but she likes to make sure mommy is covered up- haha
- Our oven has been broken for about a month. We have a new one but didn't realize what long process it was to have gas run to our house since we didn't have an existing gas line before. We have been using our toaster oven to cook the majority of our meals and I have to say you really can cook almost anything in a toaster oven! I miss my oven though and can't wait to get the new installed hopefully next week. Maybe Sonja Morgan was onto something with her toaster oven line:)
- My kids think seltzer water is coke. I think maybe because it is carbonated like coke they think it is the same. I love it they ask for a coke and I give them a seltzer and they are happy.
- It never fails as soon as I get on the phone both of the kids start having a total melt down. They can be outside or back in their bedrooms but I swear they sense when I am on the phone and come in just to bother me. I was having a conference call the other day and Frances screamed the entire time. I actually had to go outside to talk and watched her scream through the window.
- 90% of the time my car looks like a homeless person lives inside. There is always crushed food, papers, and toys everywhere. That is until my parents come to town. I always vacuum it before my parents come because at the ripe old age of 35 I still don't want them judging me because my car is dirty. When they are not in town it is a hot mess.
- My past two shellac manicures I have peeled the nail polish off every single nail. I have no patience to wait to have it removed and strangely I like the satisfaction of peeling it off- so weird I know.
- Last night I rode in an Uber that smelled like rotten eggs, at first I thought it was the sewer but alas I think the driver had horrible gas. It was so bad.
- I yell at my kids more than I wish I did
- I am addicted to my phone. I can't go to bed or wake up without immediately grabbing it and checking emails and scrolling instagram. It is a horrible habit.
- The other day we had cashier whose gender was questionable and Sterling loudly goes " is that a girl or a boy I can't tell." I wasn't totally sure so I just tried to pretend like I didn't hear it. I love when kids say embarrassing things.
- Frances beats up Sterling every single day. I had no idea a 2 year old could make a 6 year old cry so much but it happens several times a day. It is like a role reversal. I try to tell Sterling to toughen up and Frances to be nicer:)
- I love to throw away toys when the kids are not looking. I am always finding random pieces that go to who knows what and I immediately chunk them.
- I came home to this scene the other night after Matt watched the kids while I was at Supper Club. He was "too tired" to clean up. He promised he would clean it the next day but I am too OCD and had to clean it all immediately.
- I turn 36 in a few weeks and I am not gonna lie starting to be in the upper 30's is starting to freak me out. All I notice now are my wrinkles and fine lines.
Have a fabulous weekend!