Monday, August 8, 2011


That is how I feel after our long weekend away, refreshed. It was so nice to have have a baby free weekend (although I thought about Sterling every minute and missed him like crazy). It was nice to go out to dinner, have adult conversations and bond again. We had an amazing time. This was pretty much our favorite evening activity, lounging by the pool with cocktails. I totally need to diet and detox this week, after what I put in my body in HH.

I am almost finished with The Help, I have like 20 pages left and might just finish it tonight. I love it and will be so sad when it is done. I can't wait to see the movie, what a wonderful story.

We managed to squeeze in a little time for shopping while we were in Hilton Head, mainly for Matt some new clothes but we did find this adorable sweater for Sterling. How cute is this?

On Sunday we came back to a spotless house, I mean really. My parents had mopped floors, scrubbed doors and windows and did all our laundry. My dad even put new hinges on all my kitchen cabinets and recovered my vanity stool that Sterling ruined with his passion for ink pens. Such great surprises. I really should have my parents babysit more often if this is what I come home to!

Sunday afternoon when we got back in town we did a family boat ride that was perfection. Sterling loved every minute of it.

I feel like myself again. I felt like my life was kind of like groundhog day for a little while. Being a stay at home mom is the best job in the world but I am not going to lie, your days are long and are usually the same thing over and over again. It can really wear you out. This trip made me realize how important it is to take time for your relationship and to have some adult time! Enjoy your Mondays!


SisterBatik said...

What a great time you look to have had!

caycee said...

Yay! So glad you and Matt enjoyed your little getaway together! Tell the rents they are welcome to babysit at the Hewitts anytime ;) Miss you my love, cant wait to see you Wednesday!

Laur said...

Sounds like a great time! What sweet parents you have!!!

Bud and Leo said...

What a perfect trip- looks like it was the best getaway- so happy you got to do that! And seriously your parents are like angels. And loved loved loved The Help. Can't wait for the movie!

Kyle said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! Couldn't agree more that time away to bond with your husband is a must every now and then! Your son looks so happy on the boat. : )

Liz said...

So glad you got to get away and have some adult time! It's so important. And please tell your dad that I love the newly covered vanity stool!

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

Looks like a perfect weekend!! And wow your parents are amazing!

Jenny Castle Design said...

Glad you had a relaxing and fun time!! Don't you hate how fast those getaways go though?

megan said...

Glad you and Matt had a relaxing vacay! Parents really are the best - my mom came over yesterday and helped me sew pillow covers!

Julia Ryan said...

So glad y'all enjoyed your vacay! What wonderful parents you have to clean house and care for Sterling. And I am in love with his little red swim trunks with the buttons!

Jill said...

I need an adult weekend too, I hear you about the same thing everyday!!

Looks like you had a fabulous weekend. Tell your dad I love your new vanity seat:)

Anonymous said...

aww how fun for you two ;) what amazing parents you have! xo love all the pics too! xo

Tara {The Silver Lining} said...

Glad you got to rejuvenate!! And Sterling is adorable!! haha I love how much fun he's having on the boat.

Chassity (Look Linger Love) said...

So glad you refreshed! Adult time is def a necessity :)

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

Love that little sweater for Sterling. :-)

Baby Shopaholic said...

Glad you had a great weekend! Hubby and Mommy time is a must! Also girls night!

natasha {schue love} said...

OH sounds so so nice! And how great are your parents?! They can come pet-sit anytime! :)

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

I'm so glad your trip was so perfect, and I understand *exactly* what you mean! Love being a mom, but being a wife and woman is pretty great, too! (c: And can your parents come to my house??? They are AWESOME! (c:

Becca {A Blonde's Logic} said...

You have the nicest parents!! I'm glad you had fun and are refreshed :)


Balancing Lisa said...

Looks like an amazing time! Glad you had a little time off from mommy duties, everyone needs that! ;)

Sarah said...

Glad you had a great time!
Your little man is SO adorable!

Catherine said...

just found your blog! i love it! your family is picture perfect!

Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} said...

You look fabulous! So glad you had a great time!

Taylor said...

glad you had such a great trip!!! I really need to read The Help ... the movie looks so great but I'm sure the book is even better!

Pinot after Playdates said...

Groundhog day is the perfect way of describing being at home with little ones, glad you had a great trip!

Miss Cupcake said...

Awww..such great pics!!! I'm so happy for you that you had a great weekend!!!


Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

I'm so looking forward to my R&R where I'll have all the grandparents to take care of Matthew while my husband and I relax, it's been really tough taking care of Matthew on an island where there is NOTHING to do!

Vanessa Stern said...

That's awesome!

Unknown said...

How do you look so amazing? Gorgeous!

Carly Messmer said...

Sounds like a great time! I can't wait to see The Help, I loved the book!

Michaela said... fun! I love that your parents cleaned for you (: And Sterling is so adorable...just keeps getting cuter!

Megan said...

So glad you had a good vacay, I"m sure it was wonderful to get away and when you get back it always make you appreciate home that much more!! You have a few days to finish the help before the movie comes out- isn't it great!!

Katie said...

So glad to hear that you had a great vacay! Definitely sounds like it was much needed!

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

Couldn't agree more--if you don't give yourself time to refresh and rejuvenate you'll go crazy!