I wore my Greylin Blouse this week and love it. Thanks to all who encouraged me that blondes look good in Hot Pink. I think this may be the perfect blouse. I am seriously considering ordering the Cobalt Blue version. You can order yours HERE. **It may look like a deer in the first picture behind me, but that is just our extra large boxer. Our girl likes to eat.**

I was so excited this week because the OC Housewives started back. Just as I was sad the Beverly Hills girls ended this new season starts. A few thoughts: so glad Vikki and Don got divorced their marriage seemed so awkward. But what is even more awkward is that they are still living together. Gretchen and Slade annoy the crap out of me. Are people really buying Alexis's clothing line? She acts like it is doing great but those clothes are ugly. I think I might like the new girl, always nice to have a fresh brunette amongst all the blondes.

I started my garden for the year. I went to Hyams, the best garden store in Charleston, and was ecstatic to find that they had swiss chard and kale. I potted them and they are doing great. I can't wait to use them in my juices and cook with them. Anyone know where I can find arugula? I want to grow it too but can't find it anywhere.
I also couldn't resist these gorgeous pink flowers. Hot pink flowers make me very happy!
I took my little man to the Outlets yesterday for a morning outing. He loved riding the race cars,
I loved the Jonathan Adler Goodies I found at 60 percent off.
I have a new lunch I am obsessed with. Cut-out Toasts with Hummus, Avocado, and Roasted Tomato. Make this asap it is the perfect combination! I found the recipe HERE. Trust me you will be addicted to these tasty treat!

This is my last weekend to hang out with my one year old. Sterling turns two on Thursday. A little bittersweet for me. I am excited to celebrate his birthday but I can't believe how fast my sweet baby is growing up.
And here is your quote for Friday. So True. Have a wonderful weekend friends.

Great post! Keep me posted on how your veggies do. Have a wonderful weekend!
Sterling could be a little baby model, seriously. Love that you're already starting your veggie garden, I bought a cilantro plant last week but it's already looking like poo because it hasn't been sunny & warm enough!
You're so cute--- look better than the model! Have a great weekend. XO
The blouse looks fab on you! It reminds me of a Lilly Pulitzer blouse--the Elsa? I swear, Sterling has got to be the cutest thing out there. He is so adorable! Have a great weekend!
Ooh can't wait to try the hummus on toast with avocado and tomato-right up my alley!!!! Love the blouse too-looks great on you! Hope you have a great weekend with "your baby"!!! I feel the same way about Gibbes..he'll be two in no time!
We started our arugula from seeds. I will ask hubs. We are regulars at Hyams too! That blouse is gorgeous! Sterling is so handsome!
Absolutely love your fat pup's booty and your new pink shirt. Could Sterling be any cuter?
Love your hot pink blouse and it's perfect with the black leggings, and your little one is precious!! Happily following you ~
LOVE the housewives too!! Love your blog!
So glad that the housewives are back on! Alexis is awful. Also for arugula have you tried abide a while in mt p? They usually have a great assortment.
The new blouse is so cute! I'm loving the hot pink. I can't wait to catch up on my up on my OC real housewives this weekend- I need a dose of trash. Enjoy your last weekend with baby Sterling- he is just too cute!
Is there an Adler Outlet? Love the photos of your little man. They do grow up fast.
I love your Friday round-ups. Especially as a Charlestonian! Happy weekend!
I love the pink blouse on you, great choice!! Your new lunch sounds delish. I think lunch is so hard, I am always starving by noon but I never want to make anything too difficult.
Have a great weekend and enjoy your last weekend of having a 1 yr old....it goes by too fast
You look fab in that pink blouse, so cute! I'm so happy RHOC is back too, but I can already tell Alexis is going to make me crazy again! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Sterling is just to cute! Enjoy your weekend!
The top reminds me of the Lily Elsa one that Sweet Southern Prep talks about and I am dying to purchase! Making your ranch veggie pizza this weekend, can't wait! Any good books lately? Need suggestions! And Happy Birthday to Sterling, mine will be 2 in May, makes me sooo sad....
You always have the prettiest blouses. That is something I need to work on in my wardrobe! The Beverly Hills and OC Housewives are my two favorites!! I'm glad to see this new season start too - should be intersting! :) Sterling is so precious, seriously that little smile is the cutest!!
that hummus and avocado on toast looks amaze.
That pink blouse is gorgeous. i am starting a new job this week and I am going to go straight to jcrew with my first paycheck.
Your son is beautiful. Two is going to be the best! Can he make two on his hand yet? I love that, it's adorable.
Patty from PrettyGrounded.com
*New prints featured every Friday!
Gretchen looks like a overly made up Barbie doll. Seriously could she look any more trashy if she tried? Dolly Parton looks classy next to her! lol
I love that hot pink blouse! And I am excited about the Real Housewives of OC too! I think the new gal will "hopefully" add some class back into the group...no? Fingers crossed!
okay I love that top - looks incredible! and I think I enjoy the new housewife on OC too... It is astonishing to me how loaded she is! Whoever buys Alexis Couture.... no words. Well, maybe two words: no taste.
Hot pink is always hot on blondes :) And it's crazy that Sterling will be 2! Can't wait to celebrate.
Love the blouse! It's still on my list. Were the avocado toasts not amazing...yum!
Great blouse!! Adorable child! have a wonderful weekend!
Hot pink looks so good on you! Whenever I find avocados I'm making that recipe, sounds delicious! And early happy b-day to your little S ;)
love the pink blouse!!
Well you know how I feel about pink blouses! Blondes look amazing in pink:) Totally with you on Alexis's clothing line, very very tacky. Little Sterling is adorable:)
That blouse looks amazing on you! Get the cobalt :) Oh, and your sweet little Sterling is the sweetest little guy I've seen! x
I've been eyeing up that blouse...It looks gorgeous on you!
the blouse looks adorable! I think I need it too. And is that your dog in the background?? Regarding RHOBH yes totally awk that Vikki and Don are living together - don't get it. Slade is ridic did you see him on the aftershow? He is always so awk! And love the new girl- so classy- love love love her style! And Happy almost 2 years to Sterling! xo Lis
love that top! And I'm so confused with this season of the OC Housewives - is Peggy on the show or off the show??
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