For a long time I have not had my same lust for food. I was so nauseous in the beginning of my pregnancy that I wanted to eat nothing and on top of that too tired too cook. We have eaten alot of cereal and frozen food (think bad frozen food like bagel bites and pigs in a blanket) around here lately. I finally feel like I am slowly starting to feel like myself again (thank you second trimester) and I want to get back in my cooking routine. Cooking and food make me happy, its as simple as that. Here are a few things I have had my eye on lately that need to be cooked asap in the Mason House.
:: B R I E A N D B A C O N G R I L L E D C H E E S E W I T H F I G J A M::
:: C R O C K P O T B E E F C A R N I T A S T A C O S ::
What have you been cooking lately? What should I add to my must cook list??
** all images and recipes from my pinterest page **