Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Best Broccolini Recipe + Other Ideas for Thanksgiving Side Dishes

I love a good veggie side dish.  I could take or leave the Turkey at Thanksgiving but the sides are what I am all about. Each year I like to add a couple new side dishes to our Thanksgiving Dinner.  I made this Broccolini a few weeks ago and it would be the perfect addition to your Thanksgiving dinner.  Best part is the kids loved it.  Sterling helped me make the cheese sauce and I think anytime the kids actually can help you cook they are more likely to eat the food.  You could easily make this the day ahead and reheat.  It saved well as we ate it again the next night.

B R O C C O L I N I  W I T H  C H E E S E  S A U C E

2 pounds broccolini
2 1/2 cups water
Salt and pepper
2 tbsp unsalted butter
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup shredded Provolone cheese  

1. Adjust oven rack to upper-middle position and heat broiler.  

2. Trim the bottom inch off of the broccolini. Bring a medium pot of water to boil over high heat. Add the broccolini to the pot, cover, and cook, stirring occasionally, until nearly tender, 2 to 4 minutes. Transfer the broccolini to a paper towel-lined baking dish and set aside. Reserve 1 cup of the broccolini water and drain the rest. 

3. In the same pot, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the flour and cook, stirring constantly until golden, about 1 minute. Whisk in the broccolini water and bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until thickened, 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and, whisk in 1/2 cup Parmesan and the Provolone until smooth. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.  

4. Transfer the broccolini to a baking dish and drizzle sauce over the center of the stalks. Top with the remaining Parmesan. Transfer the baking dish into the oven and broil until cheese is golden and broccolini is tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Serve immediately. 

I also wanted to share a few tried and true favorite side dishes we have made in the past.   I highly recommend any of these for the big T Day.  If you have any favorite side dishes please do share as I am still planning out my menu for this year!

Lastly if you need an appetizer idea I made this cheese ball last year and it was huge hit.  Not only beautiful and festive to look at but seriously delicious.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Lulu & Georgia 12 Days of Christmas | $100 Giveaway

Happy Humpday Friends.  I am so excited to be teaming up with Lulu and Georgia for their 12 days of Christmas.  We are starting early this year so people can shop early!

Each day there will be a new blogger sharing their favorites from the Lulu & Georgia site and a chance to win $100.  Below are a few of my favorites and you can head HERE to see my entire list! Any of these would make great Christmas gifts.  In fact Santa if you are reading I would love the wine rack, pink pillows, and agate tray.

If you want to enter to win $100 to Lulu and Georgia just follow my instagram account HERE
and you can enter to win!

lulu and georgia

The Ink Dye rug above we have Frances Moon's nursery and LOVE it.  Such a fabulous rug. 

My friend Megan used it in her dining room too.  It is such a versatile rug!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Holiday Gift Guide | Quirky Gifts and Stocking Stuffers

It is hard to believe Christmas is just a few weeks away.  I personally like to start Christmas shopping the beginning of November.  That way by the time Christmas rolls around I am prepared and not stressing out over last minute gifts.  Each week I will be sharing some sort of a gift guide. Today I am focusing on smaller gifts and most of these are under $50.  Many of these would make great stocking stuffers too.

First of all I have to recommend the Swell water bottle.  I use mine everyday.  I actually gave my mom one for her birthday and bought a small sized one for Sterling's lunch box.  They really do keep your drinks ice cold.  It is such a great gift idea.  I have the medium size but I occasionally wish I had the large.


I am totally obsessed with the Gold Break the Ice Cooler Bag
I also love the confetti shot glasses, perfect for any occasion.

hostess gifts

I love the vintage look and packaging of the dominos and checkers game.  My parents have several of the older games like that at their condo and Sterling loves to play them.   I love the idea of the  Dinner Distractions Trivia,  it would be so fun for a dinner party.


I love the idea of the whiskey rocks for a stocking stuffer for the men in your life.  I am tempted to get the insulated wine glass just to use on our boat.



My mom and I love all things Annie Taintor .  Her sayings always make me laugh.  I am totally ordering my mom this calendar.  I know she will think it is so funny.  I started following Humans of New York on instagram and it is so powerful.  It shares different life stories from people in NYC.  It would be such a beautiful coffee table book to own.

Calendar | Humans of New York Coffee Table Book | Zebra Dish
Candy Collection | Coffee Mug | Initial Jewelry Dish


and finally some fun Holiday Decorations.  I just ordered the confetti balloons for Frances Moon's second Birthday!  I love LED lights to put on my indoor plants for the holidays.


All these fabulous gifts are from Nordstrom and there are so many more fabulous ones.  Don't forget it is free shipping on any and everything!

Thanks to Nordstrom for partnering on this post.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Scenes From Our Weekend

Dear Monday.  I wish it was Friday again.  This weekend flew by.  I am off to get a cavity filled this morning and dreading it.  It is my first cavity in probably 15 years.  I have only had one other cavity before.  I hate needles and the numbing aspect most off all. Wish me luck!

We had a fairly low key weekend.
Thursday night I went out to dinner with some girlfriends.  We ate at The Grocery and I forgot how amazing that place is.  Everything we had was delicious.  If you go definitely try the broccoli, okra and Churros for dessert.

I found a new sandwich I love at East Bay Deli.  The Carolina.  It is turkey, cheese, sprouts, tomato, bacon + avocado and so good.

Frances Moon looked so adorable I had to snap a picture.

Friday night we enjoyed an early happy hour at the Yacht Club.  The sun finally came out Friday afternoon after several days of rain and gloom.

My little family.

Teaching Sterling how to make a wish on a dandelion.

Miss attitude.  I swear the terrible twos are starting early here. Frances Moon has temper tantrums all the time now.

Saturday morning we enjoyed brunch at our favorite spot The Variety Store.
Wearing the most comfortable sweater/knit dress (under $50)

Another view of the dress.   I wore mine during the day with flip flops but it is also cute styled with booties too.

The kids love to go see this dog after we eat at The Variety Store.  He is always chilling near the docks.

Sunday the kids and I hit up the grocery store bright and early and we found the cutest Christmas hats at Publix.

The weather got chilly and rainy again on Sunday, so it was perfect to bust out my new sweater.  I bought this a few weeks ago and had been waiting for colder weather to wear it.
 I love the swing style and pockets. I am in a size XS.

Sunday Matt took Sterling to the Stringray Hockey game and Frances Moon and I want to Baptism celebration for baby Ellis.
He is quite possibly the sweetest baby ever.

How beautiful is sweet Ellis??

I love this picture of Frances and Taylor I snapped.  They are such good friends already just like their Mamas.

Ended our rainy Sunday night with some delicious French Onion Soup with Gruyere Croutons.
I use this Tyler Florence Recipe it is really good.

Have a great week.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday's Truths

It has been awhile since I did a Friday's truths/confessions post, so here we go.
1. I love One Direction.  Like really love them and kind of want to see them perform live.  Why at the ripe old age of 35 have I started to like teen music??  I also love Nick Jonas:)r
2. I joined a gym for the first time in 5 years.  I decided I need to do something to lose the few pounds I have gained.  I figure if I am paying every month it will make me feel like I need to get my money's worth. 
3. I have anxiety every time I leave Frances in the nursery at the gym.  Even though I am at the gym right there near the nursery I feel bad leaving her.  I have attachment issues with my kids clearly.
4. I have become addicted to decaf cappuccinos.  It is my favorite treat in the morning.
5.  Yesterday Sterling and I finally watched Inside Out and I cried.  I mean I got teary eyed several times.  I thought it was going to be a funny light hearted movie but it was way more thought provoking and serious than I expected. 
6. I feel like time is passing by so quickly these days and it scares me.  I heard the country song "Don't Blink' on the radio yesterday and it really resonated with me.  I want to try and savor these moments with the kids while they are young and still want to be with me.
7.  I can't stop thinking about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton possibly being a couple.  For some reason this makes me really happy.  I love both of them.
8. I am so ready to start decorating for Christmas.  Matt insists I can't put any decorations up til after Thanksgiving but I want to start decorating so I have more time to enjoy them.
9. Every Friday morning I wake and get excited because I know we will order pizza tonight.  I am pizza obsessed.  It is my favorite way to the end the week with a side of wine:)
10. Last week I went 5 days without washing my hair.  It was a record.
11.  I have become a snob about alcohol and wine. I only want to drink the good stuff.  Life is too short for bad booze.  Gray Goose and Casamigos tequila are my favorites.
12. I think I may be the only person who starts eating more veggie meals and gains weight.  Matt is losing weight and I am gaining weight- not fair!  Maybe my beloved bacon helped me keep the weight off.
13.  Sterling brings home so much stuff from school and I throw almost all of it away.  I feel bad but I just can't save everything little thing he draws or colors.  He actually saw one in the trash the other day and I had to act surprised like how did that get in there???
14. I am so over breakfast foods.  I can't ever think of anything that sounds appealing to eat in the morning.  I know breakfast is the most important meal- any suggestions?
15. John Stamos and Rob Lowe are two men who I feel like reverse age.  They look just as good now as they did 20 years ago.  They need to dish their secrets.
16.  I am really thinking about jumping on the botox train.  I feel like I know so many people who are doing it and I don't want to the be the only one with wrinkles.  I also hate needles and don't want to look frozen.  I sometimes wish they had never invented these types of things so everyone could just age normally.
17. I cut a few inches off my hair this week and it felt really good.  I didn't go too short but definitely cut about 4-5 inches off.  I may go shorter next time, but baby steps for now.  I have hair issues.
18. My Monday nights are not the same without The Bachelor/Bachelorette.  When does it start back up??
19. This time last year is when Matt's back went out.  I am thankful everyday that he is better.  He meets with a surgeon in 2 weeks to discuss options.  He still really wants surgery and that scares me.
20. Friday is my favorite day of the week