I have had several requests to do a day in my life post. My life is not very exciting but here you go! This is a pretty typical day although sometimes things change.
alarm goes off
I usually press snooze once then get out of bed.
I immediately brush my teeth (I hate morning breath) and then I go make my cup of hot lemon water. After that I go wake Sterling up. This can take anywhere from 10-15 minutes to get him up. Why does kindergarten start so early??
Frances usually hears me getting Sterling up so of course she wants to get up too.
I feed both kids breakfast and make their lunches for the day while they eat.
Matt or I take Sterling to school, we usually rotate days depending on his work schedule. The other stays home with Frances. After I drop Sterling off I make a cup of decaf coffee and a batch of green juice for Matt and I, then I sit down to finish up my blog for that day and try to respond to a few emails. I let Frances watch Paw Patrol during this time so I can work.
I make myself breakfast and if I have time I quickly read a few blogs while I eat.
Then I do a few household chores like empty the dishwasher (I swear I empty it everyday), start a load of laundry (that is never ending too) and make the beds. I hate an unmade bed!! If I am not going to the gym I shower at this point too. Otherwise I throw on a bit up make-up and workout clothes- and yes I wear make-up to the gym, I don't really go anywhere without make-up.
I also get Frances dressed and ready for the day. I talked her into pigtails today it I am loving them!
I take Frances to school. She does Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I hit up the gym. I do 30 minutes on the treadmill of running intervals, then 20 minutes on the elliptical. Or on Tuesdays and Thursdays I do an hour barre class.
For those who asked I am still loving my yoga mat.
It is a bad habit but after the gym I usually hit the Starbucks drive thru (I mean its right beside my gym) for an iced green tea. Then I head to the grocery store. I also use this time to run other errands I have like post office, dry cleaners, Target etc.
Head home unload groceries, take a quick shower, and start assembling a salad for lunch. This week I made one my favorites, Asian Kale Salad. I usually don't have time to eat before I pick up Frances so I just prep the food.
Pick up Frances from school. She always falls asleep in the car so I just carry her in and lay her down in her crib and she keeps napping. Then I sit down and eat lunch. I usually power thru a show I have recorded like Housewives or Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce while I eat.
I use this time to finish up laundry and straighten up the house that is normally a wreck from that morning. Then I sit down and work on my blog til time to pick up Sterling
Pick up Sterling from school. After school I try and take the kids to do an activity. We usually have a playdate, hit up the park, go to the library, or make some sort of art/cooking craft at home. Today we stopped by the drug store and then hit up the park.
Get home and start working on dinner prep. I let the kids rest and watch tv during this time. This is what usually happens while I cook, they pull out everything they can and make a huge mess.
For dinner this night I made Salmon Cakes, squash, and navy beans.
Dinner for the kids. If Matt is working late I usually go ahead and eat with them too. Otherwise I wait and eat with Matt. Whether I eat or not I at least always try to sit down with the kids and talk while they eat.
We usually do Sterling's homework at this time too after we eat.
I quickly clean up dishes and wipe down counters.
Bath time. I used to love bath time, now I dread it. Sterling and Frances basically fight the entire time, hitting and splashing water everywhere.
We start the bedtime routines that includes brushing teeth and reading a few books and saying prayers. Frances still likes to be rocked so either Matt or I rock her for a bit. Then I am not kidding for the next hour or two someone keeps asking for something. They need water, or Sterling wants a pen to write in his journal, or they need to ask me something- their elaborate list goes on and on. They are masters at extending bedtime.
The kids are finally asleep and I sit down. Matt and I don't watch much tv but we do it is usually Netflix. We are still powering thru Mad Men and loving it.
This is also when I put on a face mask. Still loving my Peter Thomas Roth Irish Moor Mud one I got for Christmas. It is awesome and I really think it has made my skin more even and brighter.
Get ready for bed, wash face, brush teeth, and then I get in bed and read a bit to fall asleep. I just started 800 Grapes and I am liking it so far. It is a light and easy read compared to Room which I just finished.
I then sleep stalk my kids and call it a day.