Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Obsessions Valetines Style

Happy Valentine's Day!! The hubs and I are usually pretty low key on Valentine's Day. We like to cook a fabulous meal at home instead of going out. This year marks our 11year dating anniversary. Yep, we were lame and had our first real date on Valentine's Day 11 years ago in college. Now we celebrate our wedding anniversary instead of our dating anniversary. This year I plan to cook up some lobster tails and make some truffled mac and cheese to accompany it for our date night at home. We don't usually exchange gifts (I am pretty happy with champagne and flowers) but if we did here are a few things I love!

I love all David Yurman jewelry but especially this ring! I really want this pink beauty on my hand! Maybe for our wedding anniversary:)

If we were going on a date I would want to wear this hot number. I love the color and shift dresses are my favorite style of dresses. Tibi really knows how to rock out a killer dress!

I really love a good one piece, especially since having a baby and my stomach ain't exactly the same if you know what I mean. The hot pink makes me swoon and how gorgeous is the back? A chic one-piece for sure.

I am obsessed with this candy. Best chocolate ever. I would be a happy lady to have a box of these chocolates!

This is my favorite champagne. I could and would like to drink an entire bottle of it tonight!

On another note I am guest posting over at Gaby's blog, The Vault Files, sharing whats in my make-up bag.

If you don't already read Gaby's blog you should. It is filled to the brim with fabulous fashion and decor. Plus Gaby makes and sells her own line of gorgeous jewelry. Check out her Etsy shop HERE Here is one necklace I have my eye on:

Pretty gorgeous, right? It comes in different colors, but you know me and how much I love hot pink! So please go check out my guest post HERE and visit Gaby's amazing Blog!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Scenes From Our Weekend

I picked up my first batch of Valentine's candy. I had been trying to avoid it but I can't resist a Reese's Heart. So darn Good! I ate 5 right when I got home with the bag!

My sister and I made these Pimento Cheese Cookies from Southern Living. They are sweet and savory as they are filled with strawberry preserves. Kind of similar to a cheese straw. Delish, I highly recommend!

I also finally made this Quinoa Mac and Cheese I had been dying to make. It did not disappoint- recipe to come Wednesday.

Matt had a law seminar all weekend so I had alot of quality time with my little man. We enjoyed an afternoon at the beach near our house.

I watched two movies, Horrible Bosses and The Change-Up Plan. Really enjoyed them both but definitely liked the Change-Up Plan better. What's not to love about Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman in the same movie, and it was hilarious! Both movies reminded of how much I love Jason Bateman.

My patience paid off, guess what I found on sale finally? My JCrew dress! Happy Early Birthday to me!

I always love when I see celebrities in non-designer dresses. Makes me appreciate them for shopping at regular stores. Love that Drew Barrymore wore my dress on the Jay Leno Show.

In case you can't tell I am officially obsessed with the Instagram app! I swear I don't even use my camera anymore. If you are on instagram you can follow me @snoopnattynat. Yep I know the name is cheesy- long story but it was a nickname from College!
Happy Monday Dolls!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Brook Bertschy Photography

In honor of my little man turning two I wanted to get some pictures done of him. One of my good friends from High School's sister just moved down here and contacted me about her photography business. She has 4 year old twins of her own so I knew she would be a pro with photographing kids, because let me tell you it is hard to get my little man to sit still for 5 secs.

The name of her her photography business is Brook Bertschy Photography and she did an amazing job! I can't say enough wonderful things about Brook, I look forward to working with her again soon! She was so good with Sterling and the pictures turned out gorgeous. If you live in Charleston and need a photos done you must call Brook. She does parties and events as well as family photos! Check out her facebook page HERE for a peak at more of her incredible work! I wanted to share a few of my favorite photos from our photo shoot. I could not be happier with the results! Big thanks to Brooke!

If you want to contact Brooke to do photos (and trust me you should:) her info is:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Your Dose of Random Thoughts This Friday

I wore my Greylin Blouse this week and love it. Thanks to all who encouraged me that blondes look good in Hot Pink. I think this may be the perfect blouse. I am seriously considering ordering the Cobalt Blue version. You can order yours HERE. **It may look like a deer in the first picture behind me, but that is just our extra large boxer. Our girl likes to eat.**

I was so excited this week because the OC Housewives started back. Just as I was sad the Beverly Hills girls ended this new season starts. A few thoughts: so glad Vikki and Don got divorced their marriage seemed so awkward. But what is even more awkward is that they are still living together. Gretchen and Slade annoy the crap out of me. Are people really buying Alexis's clothing line? She acts like it is doing great but those clothes are ugly. I think I might like the new girl, always nice to have a fresh brunette amongst all the blondes.

I started my garden for the year. I went to Hyams, the best garden store in Charleston, and was ecstatic to find that they had swiss chard and kale. I potted them and they are doing great. I can't wait to use them in my juices and cook with them. Anyone know where I can find arugula? I want to grow it too but can't find it anywhere.

I also couldn't resist these gorgeous pink flowers. Hot pink flowers make me very happy!

I took my little man to the Outlets yesterday for a morning outing. He loved riding the race cars,

I loved the Jonathan Adler Goodies I found at 60 percent off.

I have a new lunch I am obsessed with. Cut-out Toasts with Hummus, Avocado, and Roasted Tomato. Make this asap it is the perfect combination! I found the recipe HERE. Trust me you will be addicted to these tasty treat!

This is my last weekend to hang out with my one year old. Sterling turns two on Thursday. A little bittersweet for me. I am excited to celebrate his birthday but I can't believe how fast my sweet baby is growing up.

And here is your quote for Friday. So True. Have a wonderful weekend friends.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Two For Thursday

I am not one that normally buys Architectural Digest. Don't get me wrong I love looking at the houses but at $6 an issue that is kind of steep for a magazine. The issue for March lured me in, with the tittle "Celebrities at Home." I am sucker for all things celebrity related so I greedily grabbed the issue and shelled out the $6. The issue did not disappoint. My favorite celeb house featured in it was by far Brooke Shields home. She has incredible taste and style. I loved getting a sneak peek into her home. I really loved her dining room and gallery wall over her desk. The magazine also featured Diane Von Furstenberg and Adam Levine's houses- it was a good read.

On another note I was reading the newest issue of Instyle last night and was so super duper excited to see that Diane Von Furstenberg is collaborating with The Gap and coming out with a kids line this March.

I showed Matt the article and his exact words were "Man I am glad we don't have a girl." I am seriously considering buying a few dresses to save if I ever have a girl or if my sister does. They are too cute to pass up. The dresses are adorable in her signature bold geometric prints. Coming to Gap Stores March 2012.
(sorry for the crappy iPhone pictures I could find no pictures of the DVF line online).

images via Architectural Digest

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Veggie Ranch Pizza

I am about to introduce you to your new favorite pizza. Crescent Rolls, Cream Cheese Ranch Mixture, Veggies, and tons of cheese = the best pizza ever. My mom made this while I was home last week and I remembered just how darn good it was. This pizza is always a hit with kids and adults. For those of you attending Sterling's Birthday party next week it will be served:) You can use any veggies you have on hand but the ones listed below are what my family normally uses. The original recipe doesn't call for olives or onions but I think they give the pizza great flavor so we always add them. If you are feeling extra lazy and don't want to cut up veggies you can buy a bag of the broccoli slaw and use that instead. But it really is better if you chop the veggies. Enjoy, I think you will love this tasty spin on pizza.

2 (8 ounce) packages refrigerated crescent rolls
2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup mayonnaise
1 (1 ounce) package dry Ranch-style dressing mix
1 cup fresh broccoli, chopped
1/2 cup sliced red onion
1 cup chopped cauliflower
1 cup shredded carrots
handful sliced green olives
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (I usually add more)

1.Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
2.Roll out the crescent roll dough onto a 9x13 inch baking sheet, and pinch together edges to form the pizza crust.
3.Bake crust for 12 minutes in the preheated oven. Once finished cooking, remove crust from oven and let cool 15 minutes without removing it from the baking sheet.
4.In a small mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, mayonnaise, and dry Ranch dressing. Spread the mixture over the cooled crust. Arrange broccoli, cauliflower, shredded carrots, onions, green olives and Cheddar cheese over the cream cheese layer.
5.Bake at 375 degrees for about 15 minutes or until cheese is bubbly.