I wanted to share pictures from the wedding we attended last weekend which was amazing. Truly one of the best weddings I have been to, but of course I forgot my camera. I did manage to snag two pics of Matt and I on my IPhone. I went with the black one shoulder dress. Voting was mixed and in the end I had to trust my mom and sister's opinions, so the black dress won (yes, I did wear a one-shoulder dress both nights:).

Last night Matt and I finally watched Bridesmaids. Holy crap that movie was funny. There are so many things I want to discuss like the weird foreign brother and sister Kristen Wing lived with, the plane flight scene, and the mom with the 3 boys. Lets just say Matt and I both loved the movie. If you have not seen it please rent it asap!

For dinner we cooked some Truffled Lobster Ravioli I picked up at the Charleston Farmers Market. We made a white wine butter sauce to serve it with it and was ridiculously good. Local readers you should definitely check out the pasta stand at the Charleston Farmers Market. I am super excited because I am headed back Saturday to score some more goodies!

**Note that is not our ravioli picture I scarfed it down before I thought to take a picture!**
Last weekend in Blowing Rock I ended up at an Old Navy Store. Now I am normally not an Old Navy shopper, I usually never have luck there. Since there were no other shops in sight I browsed. I found this dress on sale for $14.00. I need an honest opinion, are the stripes too much? Is the dress too 1980's? I kind of liked it and thought it reminded me of Marc Jacobs/PRADA stripes but I am not totally sold. I know it was cheap but is it cute? I pictured it with high heeled booties for fall. Be honest because I am happy to return it!

US Weekly is reporintg Nicole Ritchie had a boob job and from the pictures it looks true. I am surprised as she doesn't seem the type to me to want big boobs.

My little man is totally ready for Halloween. He loved playing with my mom's pumpkins and gourds while we were home last weekend. His costume is another story! I need to get on it!

Lastly, does anyone have suggestions for getting their Toddler to brush their teeth? I can get Sterling to brush his teeth for maybe 10 secs before he clamps up! It is a struggle every night! Any advice is much appreciated!

Happy Weekend! Hope it is a great one!