Monday, June 21, 2010

The Apple of my Eye

Sterling is now 4 months old and growing so fast! I can't believe how quickly the time is flying. The other day I caught myself looking a pregnant woman feeling jealous about how much she had to look forward too! I am not one of those people who loved being pregnant, I felt huge, bloated and unattractive the whole time but for a second I started thinking well maybe being pregnant wasn't that uncomfortable! I am no where near ready for baby number 2, I have my hands full with one but I definitely think about it sometimes!

Anyways so far this is my favorite age, he is smiling and trying to talk and sleeping through the night- hallelujah. and most importantly I finally feel like myself again. The first 2-3 months after I had Sterling were a total blur. I was sleep deprived and trying to figure out this whole mom thing! Here are a few recent pictures of my sweet little man flashing the smile that melts my heart!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A New Blog in Town

So I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile now but I am not the most computer savvy person, unlike my sister Taylor who is a genius with computers. So please bear with me as I get my blog up and running, as I am sure there will be many layout changes along the way. I absolutely love reading other people's blogs so I thought why not start my own. This will be a little window into the life of the Masons!

I debated long and hard about a title for my blog and finally decided on designer bags and dirty diapers. For those of you that know me I have a strong love for designer purses, my heart used to belong to Louis Vuitton (and still does) but there is a new player in town named Gucci. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I immediately thought hmmmm I need the coolest diaper bag I can find. I stumbled upon a large Gucci tote that is made of material easy to wipe down and clean and thought done! and its been a love affair ever since! and the dirty diapers part, well I am a new mom and thats pretty much what my days consist of!