Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Obsessions- Christmas Wish List

Today I thought I would share a few things I am hoping to find under the tree this year!

I have wanted one of these forever. The Zhush has such incredible stuff at her online store including these beauties. (side note- I may have just ordered one for myself who has time to wait for Santa).

This may totally be a Southern thing but I really want a set of Mint Julep Cups. Not just for boozing purposes but I love them for flowers too. I saw these at the Zhush online store too. For those of you in Charlotte Elizabeth Bruns has beautiful Mint Julep cups too.

It is no secret I freaking love blouses. They are my standard daily outfit. Love this T-Bags one. The pattern is gorgeous.

I Love Alexis Bittar jewelry. He makes such unique stand out pieces!

This is top on my list of things I want. I always buy myself clothes but never want to spend my money on gadgets. I have been wanting a juicer forever and I heard this is the best one around.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tween Love

Normally I don't browse on Pottery Barn Teen. However, while I was reading House Beautiful they had an online article about personalized gifts and I fell in love with these Needlepoint Pillows from PBTeen. They remind me so much of the Jonathan Adler pillows but for a fraction of the price. I am pretty sure a few of these will be ordered for our home.

While browsing I also came across these POM-POM blankets. Love them. Would love the pink or white one for our den!

and this Kilm rug is divine. Who would have thought PBTeen rocked out so many wonderful things?

And while we are talking tween stuff I still have not seen the new Twilight Movie, it is driving me crazy! I need my Edward fix. Who has seen it and is it good? dish!

Lastly, two of my dear friends have teamed together for a fabulous art sale you don't want to miss. My friend Chassity from Look Linger Love is doing an art sale with Katie Long Stevenson. I know you must remember me talking about my friend Katie and how talented she is and how amazing her artwork is. Well, now is your chance to own a piece! The prices are ridic, I wanted every single painting. Check out the sale HERE!

Happy Monday Dolls. Less than two weeks til Christmas, yikes!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Damn You Auto-Correct

I had to share these. A few had me laughing so hard I may have peed my pants a little. These were revealed as the 9 funniest texts of the year from the website Damn You Auto Correct. Enjoy:)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thoughts For Friday

We have a busy weekend coming up. We have house guests, my sister is in town, and the hubs is running a half Marathon in Kiawah. I desperately need to finish my Christmas shopping too!

This week I have been baking the Oreo brownies I blogged about Tuesday and assembling tins for my friends. I think they turned out pretty cute! Every year I always say I am going to bake treats for friends and never get around to it, so this year I started early so I would have time to get it done!

I am pretty much obsessed with the White Fudge Oreoas. They are amazeballs, knock your socks off good. They only come out at the Holidays so go pick up a box before they are gone. You will thank me!

This guy definitely loved the Oreaos.

My JCREW cobalt Blouse came and I love it. The sleeves are little more sheer than I thought but I still really like it. The fit is great, it runs pretty true to size for those wondering. I wore it to our girls Christmas Supper Club last night. I paired it with an old Bib Necklace from Banana Republic.

A few of you asked about the back view and how the buttons look- so here is the view from the back.

I just picked up Thomas Keller's Cookbook "Ad Hoc at Home." I saw a great special about him on the CBS Sunday Morning show a few weeks ago and have been obsessed with him ever since! This cookbook is so informative and has great recipes.

I hung my Sally Benedict Painting in Sterling's room and love it. It makes me happy every time I walk in there!

My little man is so ready for Christmas and loving the cooler weather!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tis The Season To Shop

I wanted to share with you guys a fabulous website and store (for locals) for holiday shopping or selfish shopping (which we all like to do). Novel. is one of my favorite shops in Charleston. They offer an amazing collection of hand curated and one of a kind finds. Such a wide variety of fabulous things from jewelry to fine paper to baby goods. They have it all at this store and best part all the items are made by 4 local girls (Lauren Lail, WayWay Allen, Jane Pope and Liza Cleveland)! I have the pleasure of knowing WayWay and is she is a real doll- she has a fabulous blog filled with family, interiors, food, and her designs. It is one of my favorite daily reads- Check it out HERE You will be hooked!

But back to the important thing, shopping! The website www.novel.bigcartel.com is only up for the month of December, but the store, Novel. (341 king st. suite b) is permanent! New products will be added to Big Cartel throughout the month of December so keep checking back in for the latest and greatest! For all you locals there will be a holiday show December 15 with discount coupons for the first 20 people as well!!!! So go get your shop on in store or online ladies!

Here is a little sneak peek at the goods from each of the 4 lovely ladies who contribute to this store. I showcased my favorites and they are all available online! I just ordered the Custom Silhouette for Sterling! Love it! I really want the Vintage Gucci Purse too but I guess I do need to be shopping for others right now...

Jane Pope Cooper-Balboa Jewelry and Jane Pope Collection

Lauren Lail-Library: Archives of Fashion (vintage clothing and accessories)

Way Way Allen-blue chickadee (custom art and hand painted baby goods)

Bon Vivant-Liza Cleveland (custom stationery and paper goods)

Hours for Novel. are Monday through Friday 10:30 to 3, but if you can't come by the showroom during regular hours, the girls would be happy to meet you by appointment. So no excuses not to shop!