Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturdays Steals and Splurges

There are some great deals this weekend!
Social Dress Shop is offering 40% off everything on the site til Monday (Loren Hope and Camile Beth are excluded).   I have had my eye on this Lauren Merkin Purse and Hunter Bell Maxi Skirt.
Use code SNOWEDIN and shop the entire site here.

DVF is having a Presidents Day Sale.  You can take 20% off everything with code FEBRUARY20
I love this striped dress, blouse, and these shoes!


Tory Burch is having additional 25% off all sale merchandise, only til Monday.  Use code SALE25, you can shop entire sale HERE.
A few of my favorites:
My friend Amy has this purse and it is even more gorgeous in person.  It is the perfect shade of green. It is currently 50% off then you get additional 25% off!  Such a steal!

These gold hoops are a steal at $55 plus additional 25% off.  I am always looking for new gold hoops because I wear them all the time!

My favorite leather wrap bracelet is on sale in gold and blue, both fabulous colors!

and love this Mandy Sweater.  It comes in three great colors.  I think you could wear it now and into Spring as well!

GAP has several hand picked items that are 40% off right.  I bought this dress for Frances awhile ago and love it.  It is neon stitched and so cute.  Only $20!

The colored skinny jeans I love for Sterling are also on sale and they have 4 great new colors! I ordered him two pairs.

Happy Shopping!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Life With Two: Surviving the First 11 weeks

 I got such a great response from my How I Do it Meal Time post and the Mommy Confessions, so I thought I would share a little insight into juggling life with two kids.   I love hearing from other moms and how you manage it all!
Below is the low down on life with two kids, it is both easier and harder than I thought it would be. 

The whole birthing experience was way easier.  I think because my body had been thru it before it knew what to do.  Pregnancy however was harder the second time around, way more taxing on my body.   I felt like I was 90 years old towards the end, plus the varicose veins I got were horrible.  Labor was much easier the second time and so was the recovery.  I was in labor with Sterling 30 hours, this time was 4 hours start to finish. Recovery time with Sterling was a good six weeks, I bled a ton and I was in alot of pain down there.  This time I took no pain medicine and the bleeding was much lighter and didn't last as long.  Birth experience all around easier for sure.

One thing I forgot about after I had Sterling was the hormones.  I was literally a crazy person for the first six weeks after Frances was born.  I cried almost everyday.   I know I had a touch of post partum- not in the sense that I wanted to hurt my children, I never felt like that at all, but just sad and overwhelmed.   Around 5 weeks I started to feel like myself again.  I did not take any meds but if you feel like you need meds afterwards because you are sad,  totally go that route.  Matt and I got into so many fights those first few weeks.  Two kids takes a toll on a marriage, I expected him to do more but never communicated what and he just thought I was crazy.  Since Matt works long hours I was used to single handily doing everything for Sterling but I quickly found I could not manage that with two.  He didn't understand why I was so upset but then again do men ever truly get what we go through??  I forgot how hard the first 6 weeks were.  You are happy not to be pregnant but its a whole different ballgame once that baby is out.  New moms just know it gets easier after the first 5-6 weeks.

With both pregnancies I gained around 35lbs.  I weighed in the hospital right after I had Frances and had only lost 10lbs- WTH.  I lost another 10 in the next two weeks but the last 15 has been tricky as I knew it would be. Those lucky few who only gain 25lbs during pregnancy have it made.   My sister bounced back so quickly after her son, that I thought I would too.  I still have 6lbs to go to get to my prebaby weight and I really don't think I will drop it til I stop breast feeding or start working out hard.  I know with Sterling by 6 months I felt and looked back to normal but for me the second time around is harder and longer to get back to normal. Not sure if my stomach will ever be the same though.   I am more frustrated this time around ready to be back to normal but I know it takes time for your body to shrink back.   With two the struggle is finding the time and energy to work out.  I hope as Frances gets older and the weather warms up this will be easier.

The biggest adjustment with two is there is literally no time for yourself.  I have started showering and doing my hair at night just to have time to get it done.  Mornings are usually too rushed to get it done and get the kids dressed and out the door.  After I shower at night I crash in bed, I am too tired to even read most nights.  I am on from 5:30 in the morning til 8:30 at night.  and really even longer because Frances still wakes up 1-2 times a night.  My body has gotten used to no sleep.  I was beyond exhausted the first 3 weeks and then it just felt like the new normal.  I can now function on little to no sleep.   I have not been alone by myself in a very long time.  I mean it has been four years since I was able to poop or pee alone- meanwhile Matt sleeps in and poops in silence.  In my next life I am coming back as a man. 

I had a hard time nursing Sterling. He never latched on right from the beginning so I had to do a mix of formula and breast milk from the get go.  I lasted three months nursing him and then quit.  It was too hard and my milk supply was too low.  I was much happier after I quit.   This time has been night and day different.  Breastfeeding has been easy this time around- although I still swear it is the hardest part of having baby.  You are always on demand and man do your nipples hurt.   I nurse Frances every three hours now and we are on a good schedule.  I only pump when I need bottle if I am going out.  I have yet to introduce formula but plan to in the next week few weeks because I have some trips coming up.  I don't know if I am just more laid back this time but I don't hate nursing like I did with Sterling.   I know my milk supply is way better this time so that helps.  The hardest part is dealing with Sterling while I nurse. He wants to climb all on me, punch my boobs, hit Frances in the face,  anything to get attention because he knows it is my one on one time with Frances. That has been really difficult.

Thank goodness Sterling is in school 5 days a week.  It has been nice to have alone time with Frances and bond with her.  But I do miss my one on one time Sterling.  Now that Frances is getting a bit older and we can space out feedings I want to carve time out for just me and him.  Something that surprised me post baby was how needy Sterling has been and the fact that he has acted out alot.  He has become very sassy and talks back all the time. I find myself getting angry and annoyed at him and I have to tell myself to take a deep breath and realize his world has been rocked too.  For 4 years he had all my attention. 

Are you surprised I made this a category??  Wine has been my saving grace post baby two.  It helps me unwind and feel back to normal.  I got many snarky comments on instagram about drinking while nursing.  I do not get drunk or drink more than two drinks (although really it is no one business but mine and Matt's how much I drink but dang people can be so judgmental).  My doctor said it is totally fine to have a glass of wine or two while nursing.  If I drink more I dump my milk easy as that.  You have to find that small thing that makes you happy and for me that is good wine- oh I have turned into such a wine snob post Frances since I don't drink much.  My 1-2 glasses better be damn good.  Mommy ain't got time for cheap wine.  Find what makes you happy and incorporate it back in your life- exercise is next for me when I find the time.
The new happy hour- bath time.

In order to get anything accomplished I must do it while Sterling is in school or while he naps. He still naps most days and if he doesn't he takes the ipad back to room for quiet time.  I run all my errands in the morning when it is just me and Frances.  Then at naptime I do blog work, emails and cook dinner.  Once Matt is home usually at night I straighten up and do laundry. It is a juggling act for sure.  While it stresses me out to the max to have unmade beds and toys everywhere, I have learned with two sometimes you just have to let it go.  Taking care of the kids is first priority so if I don't get to that I can't stress too much.  Now that Frances is older I am finding I have a little more time to straighten up and clean up.  I can't stand clutter everywhere but with kids its part of life now! 

Call me crazy but I already think about wanting a third child- but not anytime soon.  I grew up in a family of three and like that number.  Frances has been a doll of a baby and as hard as it is, I love being a Mom.  It is my life now, my kids are my greatest accomplishment and blessing.  I can not imagine my life without these two sweet souls.  It is a new kind of gratification, love, and happiness I never knew existed.  Matt only wants two kids though, so three may not be in the cards for us, who knows.  Either way I am immensely thankful for my two children and family of four!

I loved the quote below something important for us all to remember.  How do you manage your kids?

and a few of my favorite baby essentials:

Thursday, February 13, 2014

NDM Style : The Riley Tee

Me and the kids are snowed in, in Charlotte!!  I am hoping the roads clear up so we can get back to Charleston for Sterling's Birthday on Saturday.   I swear something happens every year right before his Birthday.  I call it the curse of his birthday week, last year the stomach bug hit us hard and we had to cancel his party, the year before I had my miscarriage on the day of his party,  and now this year the most snow Charlotte has seen in years hits while we are in town!  Oh well, just trusting God we can get back and celebrate my sweet boy turning 4 with his friends!
 I dreaming for some warmer weather when I can wear this blouse!

If you need a great basic versatile Summer Blouse, look no further than the Equipment Riley Blouse.  My pattern is old, but it comes in so many new patterns each season. 

The blouse is super light weight and so comfortable.   It is great for now with a Leather jacket and skinny jeans or jean shorts this Summer.  It runs true to size I would say, I am wearing a small.  As far as blouses go it is not too terribly expensive either!

I paired it with my newest obsession, The Loren Hope Clara Mini Bracelets.  They are great for stacking and layering.  I want one in every color!  They are a steal at $48!

 Love this Tory Burch Clutch, I carry it all the time.  Her clutches are my favorite because you can actually fit all your stuff inside them!

  If you are looking for the most comfortable pair of ballet flats, look no further than JCrew.  I want to snag another pair I love my blue pair so much!  They are made of the softest leather and are so easy to throw on with any outfit.

Here are all the current Equipment Riley Patterns for this season.  I want them all!  I especially love the python one!

and you can shop my whole look here:)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Love these sandals. Top on my list for Spring.  These need to happen in my closet.

I have been on the hunt for the perfect gray jeans for spring and these are the most gorgeous neutral shade.  I would wear these all the time!

I saw this clutch in the store yesterday and it is awesome.  Such soft leather and great colors.  Love the nude.   A fabulous price too, a must have clutch for Spring! 

This watch is so killer and best part it is under $100!!  The perfect Spring Watch!  I really like the tan leather band.

I am a huge fan of the Soft Joie line, it is a less expensive version of Joie.  This is the best chambray dress for Spring.  It would look killer with the TB flats above.  A great everyday dress and it looks comfy!
Love me some Zella leggings and I adore this new color combo for Spring.  Super cute paired with a white tee shirt.

Meet my new favorite sweater,  great for transitioning from Winter to spring because it is lightweight.   It is so soft and honestly cuter on than you would think.  It is 50% off right now too!

Nordstrom is having 40% off womens shoes right now and there are some good deals to be found.  I think these loafers are so cute.  I kind of love the blue and gold.  They also come in orange.  I think they would look great with skinny jeans or shorts. 

also love these metallic pink flipflops- so awesome for Summer and a steal!  you can check out the whole Nordstrom shoe sale here.  
Check out these TB Bow sandals they are too cute!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Polenta Veggie Bowls

I am switching things up a bit this week, you get a recipe today and Obsessions tomorrow!
For a meatless dish this was so good.  It is kind of like Shrimp and Grits but minus the Shrimp.  If you wanted meat you could totally add some Shrimps and it would be fantastic.  I prepped all the veggies at nap time and then just reheated them in the same skillet again before dinner.  Grits/Polenta do not reheat well so make this right before you are ready to eat!  I used bagged grits from Earthfare that said White Grits/Polenta so not sure which they actually were but you could use grits or polenta for this recipe.  We drizzled ours with sriracha sauce right before eating. The leftover veggies are great to add in scrambled eggs!

|| P O L E N T A  V E G G I E   B O W L S ||
1 cob of corn, shucked
1 cup of cherry tomatoes + drizzle of olive oil
1 cup of cream
2 cups of water
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup of grits
1/2 cup white cheddar, shredded
hot sauce to taste
1 tbsp olive oil
1 garlic clove, chopped
1/2 cup broth
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 bunch of kale, chopped thinly
1 bunch rainbow swiss chard
1 package sliced mushrooms
parmesan cheese
1 serrano chili pepper, thinly sliced

Preheat the oven to 425ºF. Place the cherry tomatoes onto a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil.  Wrap corn in foil and place on same sheet.  Bake until they turn golden brown and begin to burst. Remove from the oven and set to the side.

Bring 1 cup of heavy cream, 2 cups of water, and salt to a boil in a medium saucepan on med-high heat. Once boiling, slowly add the grits while stirring with a whisk to prevent lumps. Reduce the heat to med-low and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the stove and stir in the white cheddar and hot sauce. Cover and set to the side.

As soon as you place the water and cream on the stove for the grits, add the olive oil, garlic clove, broth, and kale,  swiss chard, and mushrooms to a large frying pan on med-high heat. Sautée until the greens are wilted.  Add in red pepper flakes- you can use more or less depending how spicy you like it.

You may need to whisk in a bit of cream or water to the grits to thin them out, depending on your preferences. Plate the grits, then a generous serving of kale/chard/mushroom mixture, followed by the corn, and roasted tomatoes. Drizzle the liquid from the sautéed kale on top, and garnish with parmesan cheese, and thinly sliced peppers. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Scenes From Our Weekend

Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.   I spent our weekend finally addressing Frances Moon's announcements.  They turned out fantastic can't wait to show y'all later this week!

 A nasty cold hit Matt and I this weekend but we powered thru and feel so much better.  I swear we both recuperated quickly thanks to Gwyneth's Lemon Ginger Tea.  We drank this for two days straight.  We both actually loved it so much we decided we are going to drink it on our detox nights.  It is so easy to make all you do is fill a pot with water, add a sliced lemon, sliced fresh ginger, and bring to a boil.  Pour in mug and drizzle in honey.

My sister was in town for two short days we had a quick but fun visit.  I finally got to take her to my favorite lunch spot Xiao Bao Biscuit.  We are ladies who like to have cocktail while we lunch, so we sampled two of their specialty drinks.  Since I have been pregnant every time I have eaten there in the past I never got to try the cocktails and they were so good.   One was tequila and ginger beer and the other was vodka, pear and ginger beer.

We shared a few dishes.  The black bean encrusted chicken with the spicy papya salad is one of my favorites on the menu.  So of course we had to have it!

We attempted to get a picture of all three of the kids which was kind of hilarious.  Not the best idea to let a three year old hold both babies!

Sunday our nephew Drew was baptized. Such a special day- Frances is next weekend!  It was a miracle we all were dressed and out the door in time for early service!
And thanks to my father in law we were able to get a really good family picture that I am going to blow up for our hallway gallery wall.

My mom saved alot of our old baby clothes and I was able to dress Frances in my old dress.  How sweet is that??

The kids and I are off to Charlotte this week, we are planning Valentines, Sterling's Party and Frances Moon's Baptism.  Lots to be done with my moms help!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturdays Steals and Splurges

Happy Saturday Friends.  My sister has been in town visiting and it has been so nice having her here in town!  
Here is this Saturdays round-up:

I am always on the hunt for the perfect tee shirt.  I recently found this Rag and Bone tee and love it.  It is currently on sale at Saks.  Yes it is a bit on the pricey side for a tee shirt but such a great fit and the material is so soft too.  I am wearing a tank under mine but I don't think you would need one under the navy or olive colors which are on sale.  I love, love this heathered gray tee as well.

These Rag and Bone Jean Shorts are on super sale too, only $57!!  Love the rust color.  They would look so good with navy, white or pink!

This is the last call for the Gigi New York Winter Clearance sale.  My clutch came and I adore it- super fast shipping and such great quality.  My purse is in the emerald color.

JCrew is having 25% off  Spring Merchandise with code BRINGSPRING only thru Sunday. I have my eye on this embroidered Tunic.

Thanks to one of my readers who alerted me to the 7 For All Mankind "The Skinny" Jeans on sale at Nordstrom! My favorite post baby jeans because they sit higher up and have stretch to suck you in!  They run true to size.

Target is running a sale on the Nate Berkus collection online.  His prices are already awesome so with the discount they are prectically giving them away.  
I love this basket so much,  great for storing toys, books or even for a small house plant.  Was $35 now $27.
also loving this gold Nate Berkus lamp on sale for $52.  I am thinking about getting a pair of these for Sterling's room.

I would pair the lamp with this gold lined shade on sale too!

Happy Saturday and Happy Shopping!