Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Life Lately + Chicken Broccoli and Brie Quiche Recipe

A few snippets of our life lately.  
The big girl bed is going great for Frances Moon, she loves it!  Her headboard arrived this week and I am hoping to assemble it this weekend.  I am still searching for cute sheets for her bed so for now we are using Sterling's pirate ones which she of course loves:)  
Frances Moon had her first day of school Wednesday.  She loves it and was so excited to go back.
Of course she needed a little lipgloss for the first day:)

I have started volunteering one day a week at Sterling's school.  I either take the class to lunch or go listen to the kids read.  Last week I took them to lunch and Sterling was so excited I was there, it made my day.  I try to savor these moments while they still think it's cool for their mom to be around.

I am loving this Rebecca Taylor blouse I bought during the Labor Day sales.  It is now 50% off.  Runs TTS, I am wearing a 4.  It also comes in white.

Yesterday I attended a fun brunch at Candy Shop Vintage to preview her new fall line.  How gorgeous is this table setting?  I loved all the gold and white and vintage glasses.
and all the yummy food!

The rice beads now come in rings, I was really excited about that!   They make great gifts! 

The kids and I went to Wonder Works last week so Sterling could spend some money he had saved. They have so many cool toys there, I love browsing as much as they do.

Gwyneth Paltrow's stir fry chicken has been on repeat around here lately.  Both the kids love it and I do too.  I found a new recipe for Asian Broccoli and carrots that is really good too.  I always make it with the chicken and the kids gobble it up.

A recent OOTD.

Several of you commented on my instastory that you wanted the recipe for the Chicken, Broccoli and Brie Quiche that I made last week.  I made this up and it actually turned out really good!!  Only issue is while the brie cooks it gets a bit oily so just blot the top of the quiche before you serve it.  I am loving quiches lately because they are easy to make and both my kids will actually eat it!

C H I C K E N,  B R O C C O L I + B R I E  Q U I C H E
- 1 pie shell
- 1 rotisserie chicken shredded
- 2 crowns broccoli chopped
- 1/2 white onion diced
- 8 pieces of bacon cooked and crumbled
- 4 oz brie diced (about 1/2 a triangle of Brie)
- 4 eggs
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1 cup shredded white cheddar cheese

Spread pie shell in pie dish.  Heat oven to 350 degrees and cook pie shell 10 minutes.  
Toss broccoli with olive oil and salt and pepper and roast at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
In a bowl combine the shredded chicken, diced onion,  and roasted broccoli.  Then pour this mix into the slightly cooled pie shell.
In another bowl whisk the eggs and milk.  Stir in the cheddar cheese and brie and add salt and pepper.  Pour the egg mixture over the chicken. Sprinkle bacon on top.  Cover with foil and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.  Remove foil and let bake another 10 minutes or until eggs have set and cheese is bubbly.  

Another favorite top is now back in stock in all sizes.  I am wearing a small.
Krispy Kreme doughnuts for the win Sunday after church.  Why are the hot and now doughnuts so good??  They are like eating air! 

I finally tried out Kudu coffee DT.  It is such a cute coffee and craft beer bar.   I am obsessed with iced coconut milk lattes these days.

We are so lucky because our pool stays open til October.  It is still really hot here so we are these most weekends!  My favorite sunglasses are out in this awesome taupe color for Fall.  I love them and they are under $70!

The most gorgeous clouds.

My girl.  I can't believe she will be 3 in two months!

I love Eckhardt Tolle.  His book A New Earth is really amazing- deep stuff but powerful.

Happy Tuesday!  

Monday, September 12, 2016

August Outfit Round-Up

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!  Truth be told our weekend was pretty low key and I didn't snap a lot of pictures!  I mainly worked around the house organizing the kid's closets and cleaning out clothes.  They both are growing so fast!  My closet is next and I will probably do an instagram sale soon with some of my old clothes- you can follow me @shopsnoopnattycloset if you want to see what I list.

Also thank you to everyone on instagram who gave me advice about my ring finger rash.  I have had a rash/irritated skin on my ring finger for a few weeks now and it hurts so bad I can't wear my wedding rings.  I got lots of good advice and I know many of you mentioned you had the same issue so I will report back what works for me.  Right now I am keeping my rings off to let the skin breath.  Then I plan to clean them in hydrogen peroxide and I have been use hydrocortisone on my finger a few times a day.  Hopefully it works!

Today I wanted to share an outfit round-up from last month! Many of these items are now on sale:)

Dress 40% off | Necklaces Purse | Sunglasses 40 % off

Dress/cover-up on sale | Necklace | Hat on sale

White Blouse | Earrings | Jeans (on sale) 

Burnout Tee 40% off | Necklace | Purse | Shorts