Rachel Zoe's Style A To Zoe.
I bought this book a few years ago but have been revisiting it. I forgot how much I love Mrs. Zoe. This book has great fashion and styling tips.

Charlie St. Cloud.
Not the best movie ever but Zac Efron looks scrumptious. Definitely worth watching for the shirtless scenes with Zac.

Giuliana and Bill.
Now that I am at home visiting my rents, I can catch up on the whole season of Giuliana and Bill. I dvred all the episodes since we don't get the Style network in Charleston (tragic, I mean what cable provider doesn't offer the Style Network). I had forgotten how much I love them. I hope their marriage doesn't suffer the same curse of all reality tv show marriages. I also really hope Giuliana gets pregnant soon. They honestly seem like the sweetest couple. I feel like if I met them we would totally be friends.

Mumford and Sons


To say I am obsessed with these two bands is an understatement. I have their cds on repeat in my car. Listen to them if you never have!
Tonight is ladies night out with all my old girlfriends. Gotta love having a free babysitter= my parents! Hope everyone else is enjoying this holiday week!
love me some Zoe! I need to get her book. I watched the entire season of G&B. So sad. A little hard to watch but hoping they get pg soon!
Yay, so glad you got to catch up on G&B! Have a wonderful HOliday with your parents and that darling little Sterling :)
We just got Style a few months ago and now I am obsessed with G&B! They are the sweetest couple. Enjoy your relaxing time at home and have fun tonight :)
i like the format of this post! very cute. and scrumptious is definitely the best word to describe zac. mmmmmm
Love hearing great recommended shows/movies/books and will totally be looking up those cds! Thanks :)
Great blog; happy I found you!
Delightful Bitefuls
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