Ok, so back to the topic of Hammocks and High Tea. HB featured these adorable totes.

They listed the website, HammocksandHighTea and I have been browsing on it all morning. The totes are $130 and come in such cute patterns. They also have amazing pillows, napkins, drawer liners and runners. I adore this black and white pattern called Sumba.

The other patterns are equally as stunning!

Do yourself a favor and go check out the Hammocks and High Tea Website today! I am wanting to order one of each thing! I especially love the napkins for entertaining and the pillows!
Ha! I JUST sent an email re: pillows to you and alluded to House Beautiful, and now I see you'd blogged about the issue already! Love it, and the new website!
I just received it today and can't wait to have a chance to go through it. Maybe tonight after AJ goes to bed since my husband is out of town. The magazine and a glass of red wine. That will be my amazing Saturday evening.
It's such a great site!! Thanks for the reminder. That last pillow is fabulous.
Ditto to Chassity on the last pillow! Great site and great finds!
Too funny...I was just in Safeway and was flipping through HB and saw these!! They're great. I love the pillows, too! Is this going to be your new diaper bag?!
Those totes are great!
Thanks for the teaser:) I haven't received my March issue yet.I am off to stalk Hammocks and High Tea. Great chic finds!
I love these gorgeous textiles! And wasn't HB gorgeous this time? Love the Ruthie Somers article and all of the pink!
I also love getting my new HB in the mail each month! I love your new header too:) And yes, you need that Maxi dress! I can't believe you and your hubby have been together 10 years! Way to go!!
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