Lets dish. Did anyone catch Britney on Good Morning America yesterday morning? My girlfriends and I have been emailing back and forth all day discussing. I so wanted Britney to kill it with her performance, but sadly she didn't. She did Look AMAZING. I mean seriously her body was fierce and her legs were so toned. I am glad she is back to blond too. She looked gorgeous. Her performance however was awkward. It looked like she was moving in slow motion and she hardly did any dance moves. I am wondering if she was on some sort of medication because she just seemed out of it. She just sat in her chair and hardly danced. I am longing for the "Slave For You Days." That was the peak of her career.

I am still a huge Britney fan and I totally support her comeback. Lets just hope she has some better moves up her sleeve for her tour with Enrique. Team Britney all the way. Has anyone bought her new CD? Is it worth buying? I do love her music to workout to.
I just posted on this yesterday! You have to check out the gorgeous photos of her I used from V Magazine! I haven't decided whether I'll buy it either.
I'm hosting a linkup beginning this Friday called "Fashion Fridays." I'd love for you to be a part of it! Any post you do on fashion will count and you can grab the link and get some traffic. Hope you join us! Have a fantastic day honey! Kori xoxo
seriously, it was so painful - made me so sad because i loooove her!
She has been a Hot Mess these last few years. I agree with you, I miss the "I'ma... Slaaaavvve" Brit.
I have to admit that I could kind of care less about Britney. I kind of think she should just go away for the sake of her kids b/c it's always disastrous these days... Oh man I'm being uber negative right now...
I agree :( I really wanted her to bring it, and it was just...awkward and kind of sad looking.
oh brit brit...pull it together girl.
Her performance was a hot mess. She however did look hot! I still love me some Brit Brit.
I bought her cd- it's so techno-y. I can prob send it to you through gmail if you want. Email me! I wonder if that's even legal. Oh well. Hahah
She's getting old and slow like the rest of us! haha
I completely agree with you!! I wanted her to kill it. And you are right, she looks fierce. I think with each performance, she is getting a little better...but I keep having to remind myself that she is getting older and maybe she needs a little more practice this time around. I know that it is harder now for me now to run 5 miles then it was 5 years ago. But hey, if Madonna can do it, so can she...right. Lets keep the faith:)
I've always secretly had the biggest girl crush on her and I'm so glad that she's turned around for the better! I've got to youtube her performance ~ she looks fab in the first 2 pics that you posted!
xo, LRT
Ugh, I missed her on GMA yesterday! I need to YouTube! I did hear that she left a lot to be desired in the dancing department though! And I've heard her CD is amazing! Need to get it!
Lauren @ tickled.
I didn't see it, but even in her video her dancing wasn't what it used to be like. I miss the old Britney, but not sure we will ever get her back.
Argh!!! I know, right??? I have had a serious love affair with Ms. Britney for quite a while now (ahem, high school, which was *forever* ago)...I am so pulling for her, too! I hope that she can return to her glory days soon! We miss the real Brit Brit!(c:
I did not see her in the am, but caught her in the pm on Jimmy Kimmel Live (which is the first time I've ever watched him...ended up staying up really late last night!) Anyway, yes it did seem ackward how she was moving, I was sitting there thinking that it was almost mechanical. Hmmm. Wonder why?
she looked great, but it was so obvious her heart was not into like before. I wonder if her best days are behind her?
I don't understand her dance moves either! It looks like she is just barely running through the motions like it's rehearsal?? I'm still routing for her though!
I meant to watch it. I am a big fan of Brit too and I hope she is getting healthy. I'll have to look on you tube to see her performance.
I didn't see her performance, but sadly, I'm not surprised. It's been a while since she's really knocked one out of the park! And like you, I always think back to her "Slave 4 U" performance...she did SUCH a good job then!
yea, she looked fab but wasn't really committing to the dance moves. at least she has her hair back! :) i'll always love britney!
I didn't see her on it, but I was a big fan when I was younger! Her legs are so toned. That reminds me to, like, maybe start working out now.
I missed it! I have always loved me some Brit-Brit! Doesnt sound like i missed much!
I am a huge Britney Spears fan myself. Did you see the performances she did in Vegas? I have a blog dedicated to it. http://nikkigerber.blogspot.com/2011/03/britney-bummer.html
Give it a look. Have a great day.
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