We are back from vacation and had an amazing time! I will share some pictures later this week when I get the time to upload them.
When we got back home I sent Matt to the grocery store to pick up a few things. This reminded me why men shouldn't be allowed to grocery shop. He came home with the Jean Huggies diapers for Sterling- yes I am serious, and Busch Light because "he liked the orange camo cans they were in." I will give him credit he did remember milk. Here is Sterling clearly pissed off about the jean diapers.
When we got back home I sent Matt to the grocery store to pick up a few things. This reminded me why men shouldn't be allowed to grocery shop. He came home with the Jean Huggies diapers for Sterling- yes I am serious, and Busch Light because "he liked the orange camo cans they were in." I will give him credit he did remember milk. Here is Sterling clearly pissed off about the jean diapers.

I finished reading Heaven is for Real while on vacation and I liked it alot. Many parts of it gave me goose bumps. Now I don't doubt it is real but I do have a few suspicions since the boy's father was a minister so I feel like he probably grew up hearing alot about heaven and Jesus. But doubts aside, It is a great faith filled story. I just started the Hunger Games series. It was a little hard to get into at first but now I am digging it.

I am obsessed with this outfit Blair is wearing. I am dying over the blouse and skirt, it is the perfect outfit in my book! Marc Jacobs is a genius. If that blouse and skirt go on sale they are mine!

Via Macy's and Shopbop
Last Night we made these Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms, Parmesan and Balsamic Vinegar and they were amazing. Matt has issues with green veggies like any man and he could not stop eating these. I highly recommend you make them!

I just read that Anderson Cooper is launching his own talk show. I love me some Anderson but I am wondering how his talk show will be. I really can't picture him doing anything than the news but I will turn in for sure and give the Silver Fox's new show a try!

My little nugget starts Toddler Time tomorrow and that makes me a little sad. I am probably going to cry when I drop him off, serioulsy we do everything together. I will say I am excited to have a few hours to myself to get some house projects done though! Anyone else feel sad when their kid started school? Sniff, sniff my baby is growing up.

Enjoy your Mondays!
I LOVED the Hunger Games...so good. Let me know how you like them!
HaHahaha---Too funny about the diapers.
Girl you know I love me some Sterling! I hope this doesnt mean he'll be missing our next coffee date! I totally understand how bittersweet this will be for you. I dream of taking a shower and running errands alone but everytime I get that oppurtunity I miss Wells like crazy!
The first pic is amazing!! Those greenbeans sound delicious!
That is SO something Spencer would do. Camo cans and beer diapers. Love it!!!
so many things to comment on!! The jean diapers and orange beer cans? lol The hunger games....so good!!! PROMISE! The outfit, AMAZING! the food, looks great! and mine starts preschool next week!! I know how you feel! Time is really flying!
Welcome back!!! P will be starting school soon, can't imagine! Love that fit, you need to get it.
Ahhh! AC LOVE!
And Sterling LOOKS like the baby in the jean diapers commercial! (it cracks me up!-
So cute!
Oh my I love those diapers! ha, they are so awful. Also, love The Hunger Games! The other two books are just as good too!
My husband was just cracking up reading the first part...that's SO him! The jean Huggies are too funny! Definitely want to read Hunger Games. :)
that is hilarious that he brought home the denim diapers and cool beer cans hahahaha can't get over it! that's exactly what my hubby would do. :)
Seriously, husbands never follow the grocery list like they are supposed to! The green beans look fab! And I loved the HG series, such a fun book...can't wait for the movie!!
bahaha poor Sterling looks disgusted with the combination of jean diapers and orange camo Busch Light.
OMG those jean diapers are awful!!
Welcome back!!
I love that Marc Jacobs outfit too!!
Yeah, I'm totally pathetic when it comes to moments when I realize my little babies are growing up...I'm going to be bawling my little eyes out when he goes to kindergarten...pathetic! But Hunger Games is pretty bomb, I just had to keep reminding myself that Katniss is a teenager when she started annoying me (c: I was *DYING* over your story about the hubby and grocery shopping...it's always an unmitigated DISASTER when the hubbs goes...we end up with the most random shiz...(c:
The jean huggies made me laugh out loud! Typical guy shopping shenanigans!
Those diapers are TOO funny!
Yes, boys should not be allowed to grocery shop. Ever.
So much to say... I LOL'ed over that diaper pic. Dying. And I too loved Blair's outfit, so cute. Lastly, today I found out that Lilly got off the waitlist for school too, she starts Wednesday. So crazy.
i am crying im laughing so hard at those diaper jeans - hyyysterical!!!
hahaha the diapers!!! My father-in-law keeps tell me about them and I'm like "yeah...but no thanks!". Love that MJ blouse!
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