Happy Tuesday Lovelies. Confession, I lost my IPod last week (I think I left it at the gym and someone stole it) and our computer crashed Sunday. It has been a bad week for technology in the Mason Household. Running without music is torture and not having a working computer sucks. My husband is the real one having withdrawals he doesn't know what to do at night without the Internet. And of course this all happens right before Christmas when we need our extra money to Christmas shop! Luckily I am visiting my rents this week so I can use their computer til we get a new one or ours gets fixed!
Here is what I am obsessing over this week:
This is pure genius to me. I think you all know how much I heart a zebra rug so imagine how much I love these gorgeous walls. Perfect for a foyer or bathroom.
Here is what I am obsessing over this week:
This is pure genius to me. I think you all know how much I heart a zebra rug so imagine how much I love these gorgeous walls. Perfect for a foyer or bathroom.

Love me some Tory. I was so excited to see these new designs she came out with. What a great Christmas gift (hint, hint).

I am pretty simple when it comes to my Christmas decorations, I only use silver, gold, and white. So it is no surprise I love an all white Christmas tree! I know one day this will change when Sterling actually has an opinion for how he wants to decorate the tree (sigh, I can just picture our tree now covered with trucks and dinosaurs) but until then this Mama is decorating how she wants to!

via Pinterest
Here is a sneak peek of our tree, not all white but lots of lights. My motto is the more the lights the better, I am seriously considering adding a few more strands.
I have been hooked on my Bobbi Brown eye cream since I got it, but several people recommended this eye cream to me so I picked up a sample a few weeks ago. It is beyond amazing. A thicker consistency than the BB cream. It hydrates great and left my skin feeling so smooth. It is most def on the pricey side but my sample has lasted forever. I think I may stick with the Bobbi Brown cream during the day because it is lighter and splurge on this for the evening.

I just had my first one of these of the season Sunday after church. Holy crap I forgot how delish this drink was. I always associate Peppermint Mochas with the holidays and shopping so this drink makes me very happy!

Love the zebra walls!! I am dying to get some zebra wallpaper for my foyer, I actually mentioned it again in my post today!!
Love the walls!! If you ask for a tall skinny peppermint mocha it only has 100 calories, not too bad!!
I lost my ipod too, I think I left it on the plane and yesterday was painful to run with no music.
We now have 3 trees in our house, 1 is all mine, 1 has all candy on it, and 1 the kids can decorate however they want. Of course they all have thousands of lights
enjoy your week with your mom and sis!!
Isn't it crazy how you realize how much you use your ipod, computer, phone....once they go broken! It's like, I don't even know what to do myself when the power goes out!! Hopefully the computer will be an easy fix!
Your Christmas tree looks lovely - but I do love the look of a white christmas tree, I just think it would be hard to use as your main source!
Have you tried the Creme Bruelee latte from Starbux? It's amazing.
I just had a peppermint mocha yesterday (by accident since I ordered a white chocolate mocha). I think I might be a convert. Hope you are having a great week with your folks!!
love me some zebra! i have a zebra rug in my den and i love it! i am loving that zebra bathroom!
i used chanel sublimage eye cream for years and it is the best! just sooooo expensive!
we are getting ready to decorate this weekend! i am so excited to put up our tree(s) yep! i am putting up more than one this year! love the all white tree!
I've heard great things about the Chanel eye cream and my Mom recently mentioned she wanted a new one-perfect Christmas gift!
I need to try that eye cream. I need to start a regimen STAT. So sorry about your computer and iPod, so frustrating!!
Your tree looks very similar to mine, but with more lights haha :)
Those zebra walls are fabulous! I did a double take because I thought you said you lost your IPad. IPod is bad enough, right?! The tree is looking pretty! I'm ready to get mine up and all decorated, too! XO
Ugh Being without technology is depressing.. Best of luck to a quick recovery for your computer.. (and maybe the return of your ipod)... your tree looks awesome!! That all white tree is beautiful!!
Yummm Peppermint Mochas!! Love! And I'm sorry about your iPod and computer! When it rains, it pours I guess! Hope you get back on track soon!
You tree looks great! Is it a live tree?
Love the TB accessories! I am sure you will get them for Christmas.
I also have 3 trees like Jill. One is totally pink and white and it's in Keira's bedroom. I found a pink tree at Walmart for $20!! The second has all red and gold ornaments on it (the shatterproof kind), and the 3rd has all the passed down ornaments that mean so much to me. :-) It's been a challenge to keep my 2 and 4 year old away from the ornaments but they have learned. Sterling will too!
Your obsession posts are the best! Love the zebra walls and TB cases. I want to try that Chanel eye cream (anything Chanel sounds divine) and YES YES to peppermint mochas.
loving the zebra walls!
Gahhh those walls! I love the TB ipad case...the metallic one is divine!
Bought Ghiradelli's Peppermint White Chocolates yesterday! I try and eat only one a day...okay, so yesterday I had three, but if I let loose, I would seriously eat a whole bag in one sitting!!
Nothing gets me in the mood more than a little holiday starbuck's beverage! Love your Christmas tree, so gorg.
Love all the holiday coffees! And yes ma'am to the zebra walls, so fun.
I am obsessed with your blog! I love looking at it every morning when I wake up.
Loving the zebra walls!! so fun! and now I want a peppermint mocha! ;)
This round up is awesome! Love the zebra paper and the Tory burch cases!!!
Nancy xo
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