I enjoyed the Snapper and Butternut Squash Creme Brulee. Both were amazing, I cleaned my plates! I highly recommend this place to any of you locals.
They just announced Emily Maynard is set to be the next Bachelorette and they will be filming in my hometown Charlotte. I have mixed feelings about Emily, she seems sweet but I have heard she is a bit of a gold digger. I do look forward to see what she is wearing. I really liked her wardrobe choices on the Bachelor (word is they were provided by Poole Shop and Capital, two amazing stores in Charlotte). Thoughts on Emily, do you think she was a good choice?
I picked up the most adorable maxi dress at Target this week while stocking up on toiletries and cleaning supplies. Gotta love a shop where you can buy Bleach and a cute dress all in the same spot. The maxi dress has me ready for a tan, summer cocktails, and a day at the beach!
I have been getting super organized around here. I saw this idea on Pinterest and quickly organized all my manuals like this. It is such a genius idea.
I was super excited to get my new Elle in the mail this week featuring Reese Witherspoon. I am a huge fan of her and think she looks gorgeous on the cover.
I found quite possibly the perfect snack combo. In my attempt to eat healthier and cleaner I have started popping my own popcorn and avoiding the chemical filled bags. It tastes so much better when you pop your own. and Target has a whole grain version that is so good, especially drizzled with truffle oil!
Found this amazing quote from one of my favorite Mumford and Sons songs. Love it!
Have a great weekend!
love the mumford and son's quote!! I have to run to target today and I am getting that dress!! So cute, have a great weekend Nat!!
Love fish! I can't believe that's Reese, she's so gwyneth on that cover. What a great look for her! Kinda makes me want to keep my hair long. Have a great weekend girl!
fish looks great! we went to fulton five last night and it was amazing. you definitely should check it out if you have not been!
the truffle oil popcorn is my favorite snack as well. it is so delicious!
I don't think I like Emily as a bachelorette choice. Love your new dress though :)
So much in this post that I lOVE!! I love restaurant week, counting down the days til it is in my city. I love Mumford and Sons, what an amazing quote. Always love Reese, cannot wait to check out that mag. Have a fab weekend
Great quote and Great dress! May have to make a stop at Target today! I am on an organizing mission around my house too! Loving all the ideas on Pinterest :) Have a great weekend!
I agree with everything you said about Emily - seems sweet but I've heard the same things you said. She does have great style! I tend to always end up watching anyways though - it's always a train wreck and good entertainment!! haha Ohh I love popcorn and thanks for the great idea!
Yummm..that restaurant sounds delish-- your meal is right up my alley!! I'm excited to see that Emily is the next Bachelorette and love that they'll be filming down South! Finally, I MUST try that popcorn--I love anything with truffle oil!
What a fun dress! Love a good target find.
LOVE that quote. "Gotta love a shop where you can buy Bleach and a cute dress all in the same spot." -- I almost just spit out my coffee laughing bc it's so true.
i found yuor blog via natasha at schue love and so glad i hopped over!!!
that dress from target is adorable, too-can't say i haveb't stocked up on household stuff and a new swimsuit from time to time either ;)
Ok, two quick comments. Fresh Market has this popcorn called 459 and they have a white cheddar and black truffle snack - made me think of you. Also, I came home last night and my husband was asleep on the couch with the Elle magazine opened to a picture of Reese. He's her dream girl. Have a great weekend!
We have the same JCrew necklace! :-)
You look so pretty in that picture with your hubby.
That meal sounds SO good - $20 is a steal!
And I looove popping my own popcorn - it's so much better than microwave bags - I probably make it for myself at least 3 times a week ha!
Hope you have a lovely weekend :)
Oh I can't wait until next month for Chicago's Restaurant week! You and your hubby looked adorable! And I of course will watch Emily.... not thrilled with her- but I think she is absolutely gorgeous and I agree she will have amazing clothes.
p.s. so glad you are the one person who watched Virgin Diaries like me and thought the Bachelor girl looked like her :) It was killing me!
I'm excited about Emily being the next Bachelorette simply for the fashion! And that's so neat that it will be filmed nearby! And I love the maxi dress! Need to hit Target stat!!
Reese is the bomb. Glad you had fun last night! xoxo
Your dinner looked divine - glad you enjoyed it. I miss Charleston (I lived there a while back when my hubby played for a short time with the Stingrays)...it is truly a beautiful city. I also love your manual idea...I've been doing that for some time with a binder my mother-in-law gave me just before I was married. It was so simple to just pull out the manuals to all of the appliances we are leaving at our house we have for sale for the potential new owners - easy peasy!
love your new maxi dress! and I also have organized my electronic manuals like you. I love staying organized.
I need to try making my own popcorn, sounds delish!
Ok. Now I am hungry...your dinner looks amazing. Not too thrilled with Emily as next season's pick either. Just don't feel like she will find someone who she will be happy with. I'll probably still watch though!
Ps. I tagged you in my post today
Can't believe it will be filmed in Charlotte!!! The entire show? Crazy! I usually don't watch but I might have to watch this one. I saw her in a few episodes and her personality was a little dullsville but I'm sure they will get her intoxicated to sauce it up. At least it is good for business here!
In love with the dress! Have a great weekend!
Hey Natalie! I'm over her from Natasha's blog and just wanted to say hi! I just learned that you're living in Charleston and are from Charlotte...I'm from Belmont! We got married in Charleston and are hoping to move there in the next couple years! Small world :) Enjoy restaurant week and have a great weekend!
Found your blog through my girl Julia!! Love it!! I have made your jalapeno popper dip several times and it is a HUGE hit every time!! So funny that you were at Fish last night as were my sister and her beau. My sister had the same exact meal that you did, snapper and the butternut creme brule. Also, on an even funnier note, my sister's beau is in the background of the pic of you and your hubby! Small world!! BTW, love your blog...it's a definite daily read for this mama!
Just discovered your blog and can't wait to read more!
This is SO random but did you see the special on Dateline (or 20/20) that they did on how most of the truffle oil here is a sham? They went undercover and tested it and then called various companies out on it -- basically they are calling things truffle oil that technically are not and it's hurting truffle farmers in France, etc. I have NO idea if the one you use fell into the category but when I saw the picture it made me think of it. Random, I know!
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