I finally jumped on the band wagon and made a Facebook page for my blog. And when I say I did it, I mean my sweet sister set it up because I am so bad with computer stuff. You can check out my page HERE and please show me some Love and "like" my page!

I am currently lusting over this Hot Pink Greylin blouse. I really want her to wear with my white shorts this summer. I keep remembering my mom saying hot pink is not a good color on us. Tell me do you think blondes look good in Hot Pink or is it too Barbie looking? I love pink and think I am going to go for it. Best part the blouse is very reasonably priced. It also comes in white, black and cobalt blue.

I love this quote from Gwyneth. I thought about it the whole time I was on the treadmill yesterday. It is so true it takes alot of hard work to have a fit and toned body. I love how honest she is about how hard she works out. Most celebrities are not that truthful about it. Something for all us to remember. It ain't easy but its worth it!

My little man may be Matt's twin but he is alot like his Mama. He loves good jewelry (My necklaces are his new favorite thing to play with and I kid you not it took me a good twenty minutes to unknot all the ones he is wearing) and he loves shopping. A man after my own heart.

Have you seen these "slutty brownies" floating around Pinterest? I am pretty sure these will be made in my near future. Brownie Mix with Oreos and a bottom layer of cookie dough = pure heaven.

Matt has the alarm on his his phone set up to play Lionel Ritchie's "Hello" every morning at 6:00. I can't tell you how weird it is to be awoken by a voice saying "Hello is it me you're looking for."

How gorgeous is this kids bedroom? I want to do something similar when Sterling moves to his big boy room next year. By similar I mean I would like everything in this room especially the bed and light!

Have a great weekend! We have a busy one filled with Carson's 3rd birthday party, time spent with my brother and sister-in-law, and a few house projects!
I will leave you with one of my all time favorite quotes from Elizabeth Taylor!

Great post Natalie! Have a great weekend :)
Blondes look great in HOT PINK!! The light looks too girly for me..and lionel Richie that is a hoot!!
Blondes look great in HOT PINK!! The light looks too girly for me..and lionel Richie that is a hoot!!
Gwyneth is my absolute fav, She speaks the truth.
Have such a fun weekend! That color is divine on blondes!
That Gwyneth quote is one of my favorites. Sterling is too cute and I can't get over waking up to "Hello" how do you not laugh every morning?
Love all the quotes today! Hot pink and white is a great summer combo...I think it will look great!
that little boys room is my current favorite as well. I just adore the colors and patterns and the upholstered footboard. LOVE! I had to say I wore much brighter colors as a blonde than I ever do as a brunette. I feel like blondes can pull off fun colorful looks better and I stick with moody darks and neutrals now. ha! Lets go ahead and delete those brownies from the internet altogether. I don't have much time to left to loose this baby gut I'm rocking and not much time for all of Gywnnies hard work.
Love this post every little thing on it! And excuse me Blondes look fab in pink and you are no exception Get that TOP!!!!! Love Gwyneth and that quote so so true! Cant wait to celebrate with you this weekend!!!!
Great post! I think you would look great in hot pink! I have red hair, so I usually stay away from hot pink shirts, but I "forget" sometimes! Have a great weekend!
I love the hot pink!! I hope you get it, I think I am ordering it soon. I think with a hint of a tan, hot pink looks great on blondes! Love the Gwyneth quote, very inspiring. xo
I'm your newest follower! Love your blog! I have a blouse from H&M that looks like the pink one you posted...love it!
I'd love for you to check out my blog when you have a chance! :) http://placestogothingstobuy.blogspot.com
I am seriously laughing out loud at this whole post. Sterling w/ the necklaces on is hilarious. He's going to be quite the charming boyfriend and his future gf will appreciate him carrying her bags for him! Lionel Ritchie as an alarm clock is genius. Who can be mad waking up to that!? Seriously, hysterical.
I have that Greylin blouse in white and LOVE it!! Definitely getting the hot pink version- I'm all about blonde hair and pink clothes :)
I love that Gwyneth quote! I am glad she didn't lie about it and said it was a lot of hard work. Def motivates me to get to the gym more. And how cute is your baby boy?! Headed over to "like" your FB page! ;)
Love Gwyn's quote! And that hot pink blouse is HOT!! :)
Congrats on FB page! Sterling is getting his Mr. T on! LOL
Love Sterling's cute necklace pictures. I laughed. Blondes are super hot in hot pink! ;) The Gwen quote is so true, and I really like the other quote, too. Have a good weekend!
That is a perfect quote! Yes - I love hot pink. I wear it all the time. :-)
I just saw that Elizabeth Taylor quote on Pinterest and loved it!
Just liked your page! And those brownies are insane.
I seriously love that his phone alarm plays that... hysterical!!! I may have to steal that one. Have a great weekend!
just liked you on fb :) And I adore that gwennie quote- love that she's normal and doesn't say 'i guess it's just good genes'. And Matt's alarm is hilar. I remember in college my friend's ring was 'Who can it be nowww?' so funny! Happy weekend! xoxo lis
I love EVERYTHING in this post! The Gwyneth quote is fantastic and your baby boy is adorable!
♡ Lexi
FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings
Your little boy is so so sweet! And I'm loving that pink button down. Have a great weekend, Natalie!
Well, you know how I feel about pink silk blouses! I also have the Gwyneth quote on Pinterest. I just love her and I love how truthful she is in that statement. Hope you're enjoying the weekend:)
haha the alarm song, so funny. Love Gwyneth's quote, heading over to your FB page ;)
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