I hope everyone had a great Easter Weekend!! Ours was excellent, super relaxing filled with lots of quality family time!
I tried out the stripes and brights trend.

You won't believe this but I found these jeans at Target. They are only $22 and I swear the fit is as good as expensive jeans. They have stretch in them which I love and they were long enough for me (I am almost 5"10 so finding long jeans is always an issue). My Target was pretty much sold out of all colors and sizes but I did manage to snag my size in the Lemon Yellow. I looked online when I got home and they have red, purple, green, blue, pink, really any color you could want (HERE). I will say order up a size from what you normally wear, these jeans run on the small side (I could not even get the 7 up over my hips and had to get a size 9).
Mossimo Juniors Colored Jeans

On Saturday we enjoyed some quality family time.

We painted some Easter Eggs. I figured Sterling was still a little young to paint actual eggs so we did paper ones. I swear my little man is going to be an artist, he's got some major talent.

Later that afternoon Matt whipped up a batch of mojitos made with fresh mint from our garden. They were so good, I gulped down three (quickly)!

Our sweet next door neighbor steamed us the most amazing crab legs. Pure heaven and yes, we ate every last one of them

On Sunday we headed to church. But first little man got a peak at what the Easter Bunny brought him. He loved all the chocolate and his bunny ears.

My Easter Sunday Dress: Tibi Dress (from about 3 years ago).

I tried to snap a picture post church but it is next to impossible to get this little guy to stay still for a second!

Later I finally got him to pose for a solo picture!

Happy Monday! Hope your week is off to a great start!
You look gorgeous! Looks like an absolutely perfect weekend. xo
Happy Easter! Love your Tibi dress and I spied those pants at Target too. I was too chicken to try them on since I had just finished a big lunch. I need to go back! Looks like you had a wonderful Easter and congrats on Grit!
Happy Easter! Love your yellow jeans! Super cute!Looks like a perfect weekend! That was super sweet of your neighbors to steam crab legs for you! Where do I find neighbors like that?!
So cute! I had the same issues with the Target jeans. I left feeling defeated. If I have to go up in sizes I am immediately turned off. Maybe I will give her another go. Congrats on Grit. You deserve it!
Can Matt come and make me some of those Mojitos???
Love those yellow jeans!!! I will definitely have to look at Target online for some!!! And that dress I love too! My sister in law had it on for Easter church yesterday too! Looked like y'all had a great weekend!!!
Ya'll are all so gorgeous. Love those jeans, I might have to go look too! And his eggs are adorable.
Sterling looks so happy! Love your Easter outfit and the yellow jeans...I'm wearing red jeans today myself! Looks like a wonderful and relaxing Easter!
I did a post about those target jeans a couple of weeks ago, how they are a fraction of the cost of Jbrand, I love them. I originally bought them in a size 7 too and could not get them past my thighs so I had to go with a 9 as well. I was relieved to find out they were junior sizes
love both of your outfits. just wanted to say hi because i love your blog and its become one of my daily favs! btw, what nice neighbors you have! yum!
i was looking at these jeans online yesterday and was bummed...there are out of stock of nearly EVERY size! :(
You look fabulous! Love the stripe/ yellow mix and the pink dress..oh my, GORG :) x
I'd heard about those jeans, but now I'm going to have to try them out- very cute. And, I think I got a similar Easter picture with my 2-year old :)
Love the jeans. I almost bought the blue over the winter - definitely right about the sizing!
You looked beautiful for Easter, love that dress!
Loving those yellow jeans! Where did you find the stripe shirt? Love that it's not so fitted! Love the pink dress too. And of course all the cuteness that is Sterlipng! I just love him!
Love the yellow ones! I didn't know you were almost as tall as me. Are you still loving your bob? I'm tempted to get one this summer. :-)
Loving your outfits from the weekend! The yellow pants are SUPER cute!! Looks like you had a great weekend....I want a mojito!! ;)
Looks like a great weekend! I saw those jeans in Target this past week and was really curious about them- thanks for the review!
Love the Easter festivities, your dress is *awesome*! And amen to the Target jeans! That's where I got my green ones and I'm seriously thinking about going back for the yellows now (c:
Love your jeans! :)
What a great weekend!! Your outfits are amazing as usual! I agree, Sterling is destined to be an artist! :)
looks like a great weekend!!! love the yellow jeans + your pink tibi dress!!! sterling looks so cute in the easter pics!
LOVE your matching stripe shirts! happy belated easter~!
Love your yellow jeans! I agree with your sons art skills! Totally looks like MadeByGirl artwork - love it!
oooh! Thanks for sharing about your Tarjay find!! They are SO cute and what a great deal! :)
Those Target jeans are so cute! I tried on the ones at J Crew and looked so silly in them. For $22 I might be able to try again!
You had a super stylish weekend!! Love both of the outfits!!
I hope you and your family had a fabulous Easter....I just died when I saw your yellow skinny jeans. I need them in my life. I also love the pink dress.
Looks like a lovely weekend! Love the yellow jeans and your easter dress.
You are seriously the cutest + most stylish mama around!
You and Sterling look so cute! It's so hard to get a good pic of these little busybodies, but you did good!
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