Happy Easter to everyone. I am looking forward to this weekend with my two boys. We always stay in Charleston and celebrate just the three of us. It is a holiday I hold special because it is just us!
First of all I am so excited to share with you with you something I have been working on for awhile. Charleston Magazine has asked me to be a contributor to their new blog "Charleston Grit" and it is officially live! The peeps at Charleston magazine have worked so hard getting this blog ready to go live and it's awesome! It has already become a daily obsession for me. It is filled with so many topics from home decor and food to local happenings. Please check it out, there are some amazing bloggers on there!

I ended up making the Baked Hummus and Spinach Dip I blogged about last week. It was so good. You must make it next time you entertain. It is only 3 ingredients, hummus, spinach, and cheese!

Last year Sterling was too young to actually understand an egg hunt but this year he loved it. I hosted one at our weekly playgroup and he went crazy! His favorite part was scarfing down all the chocolate I hid inside the eggs.
First of all I am so excited to share with you with you something I have been working on for awhile. Charleston Magazine has asked me to be a contributor to their new blog "Charleston Grit" and it is officially live! The peeps at Charleston magazine have worked so hard getting this blog ready to go live and it's awesome! It has already become a daily obsession for me. It is filled with so many topics from home decor and food to local happenings. Please check it out, there are some amazing bloggers on there!

I ended up making the Baked Hummus and Spinach Dip I blogged about last week. It was so good. You must make it next time you entertain. It is only 3 ingredients, hummus, spinach, and cheese!

Last year Sterling was too young to actually understand an egg hunt but this year he loved it. I hosted one at our weekly playgroup and he went crazy! His favorite part was scarfing down all the chocolate I hid inside the eggs.

I hit up Target for stuff for Sterling's Easter Basket and found this adorable Maxi Dress. Why I can't I ever just stick to my shopping list there?? It is only $27, such a steal girls. I live in cotton dresses during the summer and I love finding cute inexpensive ones. It also came in a really cute navy color. if your store doesn't carry it, it is online HERE.

Call me lame but I am a sucker for a Nicholas Sparks movie. I think it is the previews paired with the awesome music and pretty boys. Matt asked if the only reason I wanted to see this movie was because they played Adele and had Zac Efron in the movie. Who cares about the story line I just want to look at Zac's pretty face.

I am in love with Rachel Zoe's new Spring/Summer Collection. Girl can do no wrong! I have my eye on this dress and think I am going to use my birthday gift card to buy it. Stripes + a shift dress = the perfect little summer dress. I am thinking it will look great with my hot pink necklace from the Bauble Bar!
Rachel Zoe Madison Colorblock Shift Dress

Your quote for the weekend, so true my friends. Something important for us all to remember.

Have a lovely Easter Friends!
Congrats on the new gig girl! I've been wondering when it was going to be announced! Whoohoo!!
Congrats on Charleston Grit! Very cool! Love that Target dress too. Happy Easter!-e
Love the quote you ended with today! Also, laughed out loud at Adele and Zac Efron. Something my husband would say, too. Saw that cute dress in Target. You made me think I may need to own it, and that Rachel Zoe dress has perfect stripes. Congrats on Charleston Grit.
Have a great Easter!! Congrats on your new job, you will be fabulous as usual!!
I bought that same dress from target too;)
Congrats on the new job- you'll be perfect! That Target dress is super cute. Don't worry I share your love of Zac Efron so I won't be missing his beautiful face on the big screen :)
Dude, that dip looks so good, I think I might have it pinned too to try. And I'm been eyeing that striped dress too :)
Congratulations on the new job! That is awesome! I love that maxi too, actually heading to Target after work so I will check them out. The Lucky One was one of my favorite books, and yes Zac Efron is not to bad on the eyes! RZ is one of my favorites and that dress is perfect! And that quote is so important and something that I think I forget (a lot)! (sorry for the essay length comment) :)
Love so much about your post - congrats on being a contributor! Love your new maxi - and I totally agree with you on Rachel Zoe - the dress is perfect- happy Easter!
I love your blog!!! you are like my little personal clothe shopper! ha ha Question on the dress...what kind of bra do wear with that thing? ha ha
Congrats on the gig! Love that Old Navy dress. I need to stock up on some. That Rachel Zoe is it! That would be too cute with the pink necklace!
I have been eyeing that Targ dress and I think it's time to bite the bullet on it! Congrats on Charleston Grit! It is great! I am making my first trip there in a couple of weeks and this will def help me prepare :)
LOVE that maxi! Going to Target tomorrow for that very one! Oh and Sterling is so so cute! Hope he has fun Easter Egg hunting this year!
Congrats on Charleston Grit! I just spent an hour browsing the site and will definitely be checking it out more. Great Target find! I love the back of that dress. I'll be visiting Target later this afternoon to find a bunch of things I don't need, so I'll have to see if that still have it in stock! Hope your sweet family has the happiest of Easters!
love this post! congrats on the new job, so exciting!!! i, too cannot wait to go sob my eyes out at that movie. i think i need to go alone so as not to embarrass (and lose) any friends. love the striped RZ dress, that has your name all over it! have a wonderful easter weekend :)
I can't wait to read your contributions to Charleston Grit. It sounds like a fab concept.
Congrats on your new gig with Charleston Grit, how wonderful! I adore that RZ dress, and it would look perfect on you! I just finished reading The Lucky One yesterday and am now even more excited about the movie.
Have a wonderful Easter weekend with your family!
Natalie, I just came across your blog and love it! Happy Easter!
I'm loooooving that Rachel Zoe dress....ahhh...perfection. Can to WAIT for a little Zac Efron. Happy Easter!
Love both dresses..the Target one is such a good find! Congrats on the new job too! Have a wonderful Easter!
I saw that striped dress on Shopbop's sale this week, I love it, but kind of pricey for me, LOOOVE the maxi you found ;)
I too love N. Sparks. I read The Lucky One and it was really good. Can't wait to see the movie!
Congrats on Charleston Grit, how exciting!! Wishing you and your boys a happy easter!!
Congrats on the new job!! So exciting and well deserved.
Hi! I've read your blog daily for quite a while now but I'm not sure if I've ever left a comment! Anyway....love that Target maxi! I just got some gift cards for my b-day so that'll be perfect! I also love your stripes & brights outfit AND your Easter dress. You are just too cute. And forget about Zac Efron's FACE.....Have you seen his sexy BODY in the preview (the kissing scene, where we get a glimpse of him in his underwear for a moment)?? YOWZAS. :)
I really can't stand how cute Sterling is!!! He is just the cutest thing ever. I love your outfits! Glad to see you had a great Easter, friend!!
I really can't stand how cute Sterling is!!! He is just the cutest thing ever. I love your outfits! Glad to see you had a great Easter, friend!!
I've just now caught up on your last few posts, and there are so many things I want to say. First of all, congrats on your new gig!! Very exciting for you! That Target dress is beautiful. I'm definitely going to have to check that out for myself. I also love Nicholas Sparks. I just gave that book bo my dad's gf for her b-day. Lastly, I'm wanting to eat some of that dip right now! Seriously, it looks amazing. Yes, I'll be sharing that with the girls at my next get together for sure.
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