I am so excited because this weekend is the opening of the Calypso St Barth store in Charleston! I am sad because I had to miss the opening party last night. Having a kid plus a husband that works late= I never get to go to things!
I bought this cover-up/dress at the Chicago Calypso store years ago and I still love it.
Cool Change Pull On Mini
I bought this cover-up/dress at the Chicago Calypso store years ago and I still love it.
Cool Change Pull On Mini

And these are two things I have my eye on in the new store:
Hanne Bloch One-Piece, Irene Ikat Skirt,

I think I want to buy a Popsicle maker for Sterling. My GF told me that she uses the leftover juice from her juicer to make pops for her son. She said he will even eat beet/veggie ones. This is genius to me since Sterling has a major aversion to most vegetables. I looked at the ZOKU one at Williams Sonoma but did not buy it. I would prefer one that would make more pops at once. But then again maybe I don't need to make that many all at once. Any recommendations? Anyone own the ZOKU?

I am hooked on this Citrus Kale salad I made for lunch the other day. Several of you asked what was in it so here is the recipe. The dressing is so good and the citrus in it helps cut the bitterness of the kale. I added fresh shreds of Parmesan to mine.

I am finally finishing up the Hunger Games books. I am on the third book, sad for it to end but this one has not been nearly as good as the first two. Next on my reading list is Fifty Shades of Gray. I keep hearing about this book and want to see what all the hype is about.

I also picked up Hoda's biography. I have kind of been obsessed with her ever since she was on Bethenny plus I love the third hour of the Today Show with her and Katie Lee. Hoda seems so sweet and down to earth, can't wait to read her story.

What are your thoughts on denim shirts? I really dig the look in picture (I think it might be Emily Maynard) but I can't get past the fact that I used to wear denim shirts in like 8th grade. Are they still cool?

I have my eye on this one by Joie. Thinking it would look cute with my colored jeans, white jeans, or black jeans.
Joie Pinot Denim Shirt

Sterling has been on Spring Break all week. I never realized how much I needed those 3 hours every Tuesday/Thursday morning. It has been a long week. and this quote is too true around here (applies to the husband too)!

Have a great weekend!

Love that Ikat skirt! Hmm....I amy need to add it to my "want" list. I think you could totally rock a denim shirt. Would look great with white jeans. Let me know how that book is. I am trying to get back into reading more after Owen goes to bed.
I love the quote about mommy asking for things to get done the 1st time. Ahhh...if it were just that simple!
Have a great weekend Natalie!!
so enjoy your Blog..It is refreshing that you are so put together and can cook and manage to look great..some young moms I know act like they can't even take a shower much less clean and cook! I mean WTH?? Congrats on making it look effortless.
Fifty Shades of Grey is beyond steamy - I'm on the second book and can't put it down!
Get a denim or chambray shirt - I have both and they are staples of my wardrobe.
Have a great weekend!
I can so much relate to this whole post. Love that swimsuit. Our spring break was last week. I just got a long denim shirt after seeing them on so many people and loving that look. I still prefer it on other people who are not me. Oh well.
I have the zoku and love it! I am so excited to make pops for Wells once it gets a bit warmer. I had the same aversion to it at first but honestly it's all you really need and they "make" really quickly. You can also buy storage things for them if you wanted to make a lot for a guests.
Ummmm first of all. You do not need a one piece. That is darling but you are TINY. Girlfriend.
50 shades of grey is on my nightstand, I just need to find the time to start it.
I have the zuko and I love it, I put it in the back of my pantry for the winter and just yesterday i was thinking I need to get it out and dust it off. I am not sure if I remember correctly but I think you need to use special liquids to put in the machine. i feel like if you just pour in juice it won't freeze. I know that sounds like it makes no sense but I swear there was something about it. either way I do love the popsicles
love the denim shirts! Bought one at Jcrew months ago!
I've heard the Zoku is great. And love everything from the Calypso store you want. Such cute stuff.
I'm about 1/3 through Shades of Grey and it's soooo good and soooo bad all at the same time! Hoda is my next book in line too! I met her in a bathroom last time I was in NYC. She is so nice and gorgeous in person. I adore her!!!! J Crew has some cute denim shirts too!
I just laughed out loud at the "if you listened to mommy the first time..." image. Hilarious! I love that bathingsuit too!!!
I am in the middle of Fifty Shades of Grey, and I cannot put it down. It is keeping me up way to late on a work night. I will be interested to know what you think! Love the denim shirt, but I feel the same way :)
Love Calypso St Barth- so jealous you'll have a store there! I read the Fifty shades trilogy, it's sooo good but soo dirty! I promise you won't be able to put them down.
Hahaha-just laughed out loud at that e-card. Soo jealous of the Calypso store! I ordered a dress from them on sale last summer that I'm dying to pull out and wear. I haven't heard of this book, but I'll have to check it out. Have a great weekend!
ps. Come check out my Kate Spade giveaway. ;)
I'm thinking about purchasing the zoku as well. A friend of mine has one and loves it! Fifty Shades of Grey is SO good. I just started the second book and can't put it down! Be prepared to blush. I went to the Calypso party last night and there are so many beautiful things I want now. Have a great weekend!
I ended up skipping the party too.
And random, but I just have to say that Just Ask Beth's comment disturbs me a little bit....
haha this spring break some-e-cards is hilarious!!! I want a chambray denim shirt so bad, I think that is Cat (host of So You Think You Can Dance) in the pic, she always looks like perfection!! My friends starting reading 50 shades and said it was definitely worth the time!! love the one piece as well! Happy Weekend :)
That one piece is gorgeous! And I LOVE the idea of homemade popsicles! Yum yum! Have a great weekend! :)
i have the "old fashioned" popsicle maker, it's basically just the mold and you stick it in the freezer for a few hours. it holds 4 popsicles at once, but i bought 2 just incase we have mini guests over. and as for the denim shirt? get one! trust me, it'll become a wardrobe staple. i have to stop myself from wearing them so much! and as for hoda? i love her, and her book was a really good and easy read :-) happy weekend!
I'm on the 3rd book in the 50 Shades of Grey series. Dirty dirty dirty. That's all I'll say. Dirty!
That bathing suit is all that! Love the qoute!
Will have to try that salad - it sounds really good! I also started liking Hoda more after seeing her on Bethenny! (obsessed with her show!) She was so much more relaxed and normal - I had no idea they were friends! Have a good weekend!!
fun post -- love all the goodies to check out! And you look amazing in those yellow jeans, btw!
We're getting a Trader Joes soon, so I'm saving your list!
Oh, and I hear 50 shades of gray is all kinds of good smut!!
Love the quote!!! Hilarious!!1 I have the Zoku popsicle maker from Williams Sonoma. The idea is great but I so wish you could make two popsicles at once!! Having two impatient boys makes it hard only doing one at a time!!! I don't think ahead and make and freeze either!!! Went for a bit to the Calypso opening-such great pieces in there-can't wait to go back and shop!!!!
We have the zoku and LOVE it! We have the one that makes 3 at a time. It makes 3 in 10 minutes and another 3 in 15 minutes and if your fast, you can make 3 more in about 15-20. We store pre made ones in freezer. Juice hasn't been a problem for us. Our favorite is an Arnold Palmer (1/2 tea +1/2 lemonade) purchased from Amazon.
Love that one-piece, kind of hippie, hippie chic I would say ;)
I just love this post!! I'm new here... was randomly blog hopping and HAD to say hi. Your blog is so lovely and I can't wait to read more! I hope you have a great weekend, sugar! xo
Taylor is right, that is Cat Deeley. Target has some cool molds for ice pops... Have a good weekend!
I own a Zoku (received as a gift), but have NEVER used it- lol. It is odd that it only makes 3 at one time.
I am a new follower of your blog. Would love the follow back :
The Pretty Pinhead
2 things:
I love my denim shirt- wear it all the time! I have the J.Crew chambray shirt and it is awesome
That some e-card? Its pretty much what I feel like saying to my students every day haha.
I also love me some Hoday bc of my BFF Bethenny :) Interested to hear what you have to say about 50 shades of gray-- I have heard mixed reviews. And the denim shirt is a MUST! So cute w/ patterned or colored skinnies. Remember the denim and white striped ones? hahahha
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