JCrew has been killing it with their Summer line and now they are having a great sale. Just what I don't need to see when I am on a budget and have a preggo belly that won't fit in everything I want to wear. But seriously I am scheming ways to buy a few of these things. Please buy these things so I can viciously live thru you guys!
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Use code SHOPNOW at checkout to save!

Jcrew has so much good stuff!! I got that black striped straw hat for summer and I love it- I say get yourself a small gift to celebrate :)
OMG!!!! Adore your new layout! So hot.
AHHH I love the new design! So fun and fresh for summer!! ox
Yes there are new arrivals with discount offers at J'Crew.M so thrilled for shopping now.
iPad developer wanted
I just got that cover-up and can't wait to live in it all summer. J Crew has really been stepping it up recently!! :)
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