"I die" are the famous words of stylist Rachel Zoe when she loves something. Lets just say I have a small obsession with Rachel Zoe. I adore her, her husband Rodger, assistant Brad, and her closet. She has the best style. If I were a celebrity I would hire her in a minute to style me. Well the time has come she is back for a third season next week, August 3 to be exact. I can't wait to watch her dress endless celebrities and herself most importantly. If you have never watched this show I highly suggest it especially if you love fashion and reality. I will admit I am sucker for a reality TV show, it annoys the crap out of Matt- his least favorite being the Housewives of New Jersey. He claims they encourage bad behavior like shopping too much, acting selfish and bratty, and arguing. But they sure do make me happy so I continue to watch them I just dvr them and watch while he is at work:) So next week August 3 you will find me glued to the tv waiting for the gorgeous Rachel Zoe to impart her style wisdom for a new season!
I agree completely, I love Rachel Zoe and her style is impeccable! I can't wait for the first week of August, Rachel Zoe and the Real Housewives of D.C., its a great week for TV:)
...and lets not forget Joey the makeup artist and his mad skillz. Let's be honest, he's a magician. We've seen those dark circles on perez without makeup. In the words of Teresa Guidice, "Love love love love love!"
right there with you--especially with the dvr watching while the mister is gone. all he ever says when jersey is on is, "it's just so sad".
he does watch rachel zoe with me though, God love him.
Have adored Rachel from the beginning. And, my husband DESPISES most of the Bravo shows. That is why I DVR them and watch during naptime :)
I am beyond excited for the new season, and am soooo happy to hear that Taylor is leaving (she made me crazy)!!!
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