Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I am shocked that August is almost over! Where has this year gone? It is going to be the Holidays before we know it- which makes me very happy because I love the Holidays. Here is what I am loving this week!

I came across these napkins on the Horchow website and I am in love. I have a slight obsession with monograms and ikat so these are perfect for me!

I am embarrased to admit but I got this Clarisonic for Christmas a year ago and I have just recently started using it. Why it took me so long to bust out I have no idea. I have been using it daily when I shower and I swear it makes such a difference in my skin. It is smoother and looks brighter. This thing is a miracle worker.

I am sure most of you are already familiar with this blog but I just found it and I am obsessed. Blair has the best style ever, I am so inspired by all the outfits she puts together. Most are mix of high and low end which I love. These are a few of my favorite looks I found on her blog while blog stalking her! Check out all her fabulous fashions HERE.

This wine is fabulous. I have recently really gotten into Sauvignon Blancs, I think they are a great summer wine. This wine is light and citrusy but not too fruity or sweet. It retails for about $13 so it is great buy!

I have made this fabulous dish twice in the last week. I absolutely love it. Fresh tomatoes, basil and cheese- does it get any better? If you are not a Southerner you may have never even had tomato pie before, but I promise it is amazing! I have a great recipe to share tomorrow:)

Happy Tuesday! xoxo


Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

I need a Clarisonic, I have heard such great things! And seriously is Blair the cutest thing on the planet??

Sarah Hawkins said...

I love that you found Atlantic Pacific! I have know Blair since high school and she has the best style!

Jill said...

I developed an obsession with sauvignon blanc this summer too.

I love my mia, I use it every night!!

I am looking forward to another fabulous recipe

Liz said...

Loving Atlantic-Pacific also :)

Laur said...

Mmmm…Sauvignon Blanc…my favorite! I will have to try that bottle. Looking forward to your recipe tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

ah im so jealous you have a clarsonic- i have always wanted one but i have no money ha. :) xo

Chassity (Look Linger Love) said...

Oh Natalie you're making me want to ask for a Clarisonic for Xmas now. I've been hearing good things and I trust your judgement. And yep, Blair is abosultely unreal. I've been following her since we were both in that Vday crush game and am in love a little.

California Wife said...

Sauvignon blanc is my absolute fave, especially for summer. Charles Krug is my favorite, so yummy!

megan said...

Thank you for reminding me to add the Clarisonic to my Xmas/Bday list. :) Mmmm tomato pies are the BEST!

Tara {The Silver Lining} said...

Loving the colors and patterns on those napkins. I need me some! You are so right - Blair's style is to die for!

And pizza and wine? yes please!

Kim @ keller-creative said...

I think I need to have those napkins. Except they are so pretty I don't think I would ever let anyone use them!

Carly Messmer said...

I LOVE that first DVF dress. Gorgeous!

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

Love this post! I just found Atlantic-Pacific, too & she is fabulous. I looked at her previous posts for hours the other day!

Hope you have a great day! XO

ps. That tomato pie photo made me hungry!

Unknown said...

I love my Clarisonic! I'm so excited for this recipe too!!!

natasha {schue love} said...

LOVE the ikat napkins and really need to get into Atlantic-Pacific! She has FAB style!

Baby Shopaholic said...

I don't cook but I love tomatoes so I can't wait for your receipe. That Blair is extra fly!

Virginia Belle said...

Sauvignon Blanc is my go to Summer wine so I can't wait to give the Charles Krug a try! That tomato pie sounds amazing!

Alison said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower. I'm looking forward to reading more about Charleston, food, and style. :)

If you get a chance, I would love to have you link your blog to my "Locals Link-Up". You don't have to follow mine to join in. :)


Your Southern Peach said...

I also love my Clarisonic and have been using it for about month. AP is certainly one of my fav blogs too.

Thanks for the heads up on the wine. I love whites in the summer and think it would pair nicely with the tomato pie too.


Lara {simply irresistible} said...

That tomato pie looks so yummy - I made tomato and goat cheese tarts this weekend. Similar ingredients :)

Checking out Atlanta Pacific for the first time now. Thanks for sharing.

Julia Ryan said...

can't WAIT until next summer when I can finally enjoy a cold sav blanc on the water!!! Pretty obsessed with AP blog too, she might be the most stylish chick I've ever seen! Really really want to try that clarisonic I've been eyeing it at Nordstrom and Gwynn's for years!

Jen Watts said...

I didn't know that DVF dress came in the long version..LOVELY!

I have always wanted to try a tomato pie..it sound delicious.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

I love those napkins, too, and I'm completely already gearing up for Halloween, it's my *favorite*!!! And I think I might give a kidney for 5 minutes in Blair's closet...*drool*...

Bud and Leo said...

Tomato pie sounds A-mazing! Yum!!!

We love Atlantic Pacific, too!


erica said...

Love love love those napkins. Definitely need to order some ASAP. I have a Clarisonic but I am not a huge fan of it.


Unknown said...

Ugh that chevron top is killin me! Luuurve it!

Happiness Is... said...

I love, love, love tomato pie.

Anonymous said...

you found this 4 months before me! I just found her blog last night and I'm obsessed!
