Monday, February 20, 2012

Sterling's 2nd Birthday Party

We celebrated Sterling's Birthday this Saturday and had the best time. I am not one for planning themed parties so kept it simple and just decorated for a kids birthday. We had a painting station for the kids and a booze station for the parents- everyone was happy:) Here are a few pictures my sister snapped from the big day! It was so fun but I am glad it's over, every year I forget how much time and effort it takes to put a party together! Most important thing though, the Birthday Boy really enjoyed himself!
The Birthday Boy

The Goody Bags for our Guests

The Food Spread

The Painting Station

My little man's works of art.

Artwork by the Other Kids. Pretty Impressive

A Few Decorations

Family Pics with the Birthday Boy

And for those who are interested, My Outfit. This was before I decided what shoes I was wearing. I went with the right ones because they were more comfortable, always best when chasing kids around.

JCrew Blouse, Stella and Dot Clover Necklace, 7 for all Mankind "The Skinny" Jeans, Micheal Kors Shoes.


Sadie + Stella said...

I prefer the wearing two different shoes :) Super darling! Looks like fun. He is so presh!

Natalie said...

What a beautiful party! And Sterling is precious. Love your outfit, that J.Crew top is perfect on you!

Liz said...

Awesome party and I adore Sterling's Star glasses. And I love how you made some food yourself and then outsourced others for a time-saver (I saw that Chick fil A plate Girl!) Love the rainbow fruit skewers!

Julia Ryan said...

great job Nat! Sterling looks like he's having a ball. I am in love with your art project idea. Will surely be saving that idea for my kids parties! And your hair is looking mighty fine lady!

Unknown said...

Aw what a cute party. All that food looks so delish!

And always, love your party day outfit.

megan said...

Looks like Sterling and his buddies had a blast! The paint station is a great idea!

katie stevenson said...

You did the BEST job and we had a blast!! Happy birthday, Sterling! xx

Kathleen said...

love your food spread, the painting station & outfit! great ideas all around!

Kyle said...

Love reading about everything you did to make it such a festive party. Your decorations, food, party bags and painting station look really professonal. What a memorable 2nd b-day. Great outfit choice, too! : )

Unknown said...

how fun! you look great in your new top!

Chassity (Look Linger Love) said...

You did such a great job and I spent much of my time at that food table! Loved it all. So happy to get to celebrate with Sterling. You're a good Momma!

Unknown said...

How adorable!! Happy Birthday to Sterling!!

Baby Shopaholic said...

Party looks so fun! Love the idea of painting station. I may have to use that.

Natasha said...

what an ADORABLE party!!! you really went all out and everything looks perfect...such a happy occasion and i love the painting station--very clever

Pris said...

Looks like a great party! Excellent job!

Kim @ keller-creative said...

I love the kids art! Its so much fun.

Taylor said...

love your outfit - the striped top is too cute! and that food spread looks incredible!!

natasha {schue love} said...

Looks like SUCH a fun the painting station! And your Jcrew blouse is gorgeous!

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

That food all looks SO YUMMY!

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

What a great party! We just had a first birthday party this weekend as well. All of that fun can wear a family out! :)

Portuguese Prepster said...

you look great and the food looks delish! Sterling is adorable as always.

Hannah said...

Looks like tons of fun! I really like how you took the idea of a painting station and made it for younger kids. And the food looks delish!

Jill said...

The food looks delish, it is making me hungry! Love the painting station idea and I love your blouse!!

well done lady:)

Val said...

Wow - you put on one tasty party. I wanted to reach through the screen when I saw the cheese tray. I hope Sterling had the best day, ever.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

So cute! Love the painting station for the kids, what a great idea. Happy bday little man!

Bud and Leo said...

Awe, Happy Birthday Sterling!!! Adorable party- love the painting station and seriously can I buy one of their pieces?? hahahah :) You look adorable, too! xo Lis

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Definitely looks like a good time was had by all! I love the painting station, that will keep any kid busy! (c: And I LOVE the blouse, girl! And now I have the munchies after seeing that fabulous spread....

caycee said...

So much Fun!!! We had such a great time and everything was amaze!!! Xoxo

Balancing Lisa said...

where to start??! Happy B-day to your little man! EVERYTHING looks amazing! wow! and I love your outfit, you're always so chic! xo

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

Everything looks so delicious! And Sterling is quite a talented painter ;)
Loving your J.Crew blouse (need one) and you look gorgeous with your new do!

Nat said...

You did such a great job on the party and it looks like Sterling had a blast!

Anonymous said...

interesting post. Now you can use these business trade offers to promote fashion bags import & export business.

Katharine @ SouthernBourbonMountains said...

LOVE it! I am doing the same with the Plum Organics & gold fish!!!! Birthday parties are WAY too much fun to plan! Sterling looked adorable and love your new do!!!

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

I love that you put the goldfish and m&ms in mini cupcake cups! The painting station also turned out wonderfully!