Happy Thursday Lovely Ladies!
Today I am looking for some feedback from you. I want to know what you enjoy reading on my blog. I feel like there are so many blogs out there and I want to be one you enjoy reading daily. I know I personally like blogs that are a mix of family, fashion, food, and interiors. That is what inspires me and makes me happy, so that is what I like to write about. I like "real life" blogs where people show me a sneak peek into their lives. That is why I often show pictures of things we did over the weekend etc. I love seeing how other people live and spend their time.
I have gotten pretty comfortable with my standard line-up of Monday being Weekend Happenings/Random, Tuesday- Obsessions, Wednesday- Recipes, Thursday- Fashion/Interiors, Friday- Random Thoughts. But is this working or am I in a rut?
Are the Obsessions posts getting old or do you still enjoy them? Same with the Recipes and Random Thoughts. Are you sick of seeing pictures of my family (be honest)? Basically I want to know your favorite thing to read on my blog and what you would like to see more or less of. I love writing this blog and your comments make my day, seriously! I am so honored that you guys read and actually respond to things I write. You see I majored in Journalism in College so this is my jam writing this blog. Spelling and grammar however are so not my jam, so bear with my grammatical errors. I may or may not have failed the Spelling and Grammar Test 7 times in College, but hey that is what computers and spell check are for these days! Blogging makes me so happy and I look forward to doing it each and everyday as well as reading your blogs. I feel like I have made so many "virtual" friends through this crazy blogging world and I love you all and treasure your friendships. I get excited each morning to read your blogs and see what you write on mine! Being a stay at Home Mom= long ass days alot of the time and blogging helps keep me creative and sane.
A reader emailed me and asked if I would do a questions and answers post about myself which I am working on. She said she wanted to know more about me and my daily life and life preblog etc. So if you have any questions you want me to answer for this post shoot them my way and I will add them in.
So lay it on me ladies. Share what you love/hate want to see more of! I want to make this blog even better! I appreciate each and everyone of your feedbacks. xoxo
(and if you actually read this whole post- you rock because I can be kind of wordy at times)!
Today I am looking for some feedback from you. I want to know what you enjoy reading on my blog. I feel like there are so many blogs out there and I want to be one you enjoy reading daily. I know I personally like blogs that are a mix of family, fashion, food, and interiors. That is what inspires me and makes me happy, so that is what I like to write about. I like "real life" blogs where people show me a sneak peek into their lives. That is why I often show pictures of things we did over the weekend etc. I love seeing how other people live and spend their time.
I have gotten pretty comfortable with my standard line-up of Monday being Weekend Happenings/Random, Tuesday- Obsessions, Wednesday- Recipes, Thursday- Fashion/Interiors, Friday- Random Thoughts. But is this working or am I in a rut?
Are the Obsessions posts getting old or do you still enjoy them? Same with the Recipes and Random Thoughts. Are you sick of seeing pictures of my family (be honest)? Basically I want to know your favorite thing to read on my blog and what you would like to see more or less of. I love writing this blog and your comments make my day, seriously! I am so honored that you guys read and actually respond to things I write. You see I majored in Journalism in College so this is my jam writing this blog. Spelling and grammar however are so not my jam, so bear with my grammatical errors. I may or may not have failed the Spelling and Grammar Test 7 times in College, but hey that is what computers and spell check are for these days! Blogging makes me so happy and I look forward to doing it each and everyday as well as reading your blogs. I feel like I have made so many "virtual" friends through this crazy blogging world and I love you all and treasure your friendships. I get excited each morning to read your blogs and see what you write on mine! Being a stay at Home Mom= long ass days alot of the time and blogging helps keep me creative and sane.
A reader emailed me and asked if I would do a questions and answers post about myself which I am working on. She said she wanted to know more about me and my daily life and life preblog etc. So if you have any questions you want me to answer for this post shoot them my way and I will add them in.
So lay it on me ladies. Share what you love/hate want to see more of! I want to make this blog even better! I appreciate each and everyone of your feedbacks. xoxo
(and if you actually read this whole post- you rock because I can be kind of wordy at times)!

I feel like I am in a rut too, but honestly I love your blog just the way it is...I love that you share photos from your weekend and your family but it is not over kill, I of course love the recipes, I brought the 7 layer greek dip to my bingo party last night and I love all your obsessions. I have bought so many bottles of wine/pieces of clothing/ new jewels based on your "obsessions" alone!!
Dont change a thing:)
I think having a mix is key to keeping things interesting on a blog. I love how you include family pictures because it gives your readers and 'virtual friends' sneak peaks into what your life is really likes, and makes us feel like we are really getting to know you. You are a daily read of mine so I have no improvements, but this is your blog/forum, so do what you like and we will all follow! I do have one request (being a busy mom like you) - I'd love to know how you fit in time to do all that you do...working out, cooking, house projects, etc. Time managment is something I think all mothers struggle with and it's nice to see how other people handle it. Do we handle it?! :)
Have a great day!
I adore your obsessions post, always love seeing new recipes, and love a peak into your sweet life! It would be fun to learn more about you but I think you are doing the fantastic job! You have an amazing sense of style which is clear through each and every post, keep it comin'!
Love you and your blog girl. Just blog about what makes you happy and what you feel that week. Ultimately you're blogging as a creative outlet for yourself and if you always try to keep up with other bloggers or "blogging for the jones'" if you will, you'll never feel satisfied and you'll get burnout. I sometimes wonder if a bit more structure might be better on my own blog but can never seem to get my mind to think in boxes like that. Keep on doing what you're doing girl!
I absolutely LOVE your recipes!! I now follow follow you on Pinterest. I think we have the same taste buds. haha!
And I love reading about your little man and looking forward to your posts every day.
I actually have to say, I think your blog is a perfect mix of everything I like to see on blogs! There is not a single thing I would change. I will admit, I have been feeling in a blogging rut too though. I think it just happens.
I adore your blog! I love it the way it is, you touch on everything. I made your shrimp tacos this week and they were amazing! I follow you on Pinterest also and love your decor style. If you feel the need to 'mix it up', you could always do a 30-day challenge or 'a day in my life' that details you and Sterling's day. He's so adorable by the way. I really enjoy reading and always feel like we would be friends if we lived in the same city. Ha! Happy Thursday!
Personally, I think your blog should be what you want it to be and you will probably have people follow you for different reasons(recipes, design etc).
The important thing is for you to enjoy it and be true to yourself.
I'm one of your newer followers.
Enjoy your day! :)
You know I'm a big fan of you and your blog..I love the mix of things that you post about! But I feel the same way..like I'm in a blogging rut. Keep the super cute pics of Sterling, the amazing recipes and the always stylish clothes coming! :)
I love reading your blog because of the variety. I'm never bored with your content! I love the fashion, recipes, wine and sneek peek into your family life. I'm not a blogger, but I think you're doing a great job!
I don't know how I stumbled upon your blog, but I did a few months ago and love it!! I wouldn't change a thing if I were you!
I love the obsessions and recipes!
I love the obsessions posts. I'm always finding new things from you. I've been in and out of the blogging rut recetly too. I think the schedule you have is great and I'm thinking I need to get one myself!
I totally hear you-- it's so hard to find inspiration all the time. I've been feeling in a blog rut for a bit now, too. I think you have a great mix and all your posts are colorful and cheery, which at the end of the day makes it a nice, easy read. The peeks into your personal life and your obsessions are great! Keep it up. XO
I love your obsessions posts! They are definitely some of my favorites. I wouldn't change a thing!
I love your blog just the way it is, I wouldn't change a thing. You have incredible taste and style!
I love the variety! Keep it the same! Agree -- I like to see a bit of the "real-life" to make that blog have a soul.
You're doing fabulous Natalie! Write what you want to write about, not what you think people want to read. That way you stay passionate about what you're saying. And this is your blog, no one else's. We all love your blog b/c we can tell you love what you're doing. Keep doing it :)
I love reading this blog...I love trying your recipe and wine suggestions! I also really love when you show before and after's of projects you have done (closets, reupholstering etc) or great deals you have found! Someone suggested hearing about your time management...that is a great suggestion but I think your blog is such a great read!!! It is very organized and obvious that you put a lot of time and effort into it!!
I adore the obsessions posts...there have been many I've clicked through to get more info on..or order. I love the variety of what you post..it's a good mix and best of all, it's you. Keep it up!
The other ladies are all right - you're blog is wonderful! So "real life", relatable, and a perfect mix from day to day. It's one of my favorite daily must reads!
Your blog is definitely one of my favorite reads and you always have great stuff and a good mix. I would like to read more about your daily life, like how you keep all parts of your life balanced. Maybe you don't think you do it as best as you can, but I think you do and I would love to know how you keep the balance of your "love life" with your hubby, always look fabulous, still have time for friends, keeping a clean house, and still have time for Sterling. I think it would also be nice to see a "Splurge vs. Steal" kind of post. I love all the fashion you post but don't always have extra cash to spend on items. So that would be cool. Either way, you have an awesome blog!!
I love your obsession posts, and your mix of various topics! It also helps you are a fellow charlestonian! So when I run into you somewhere random and introduce myself, dont think I am a weirdo, because I read this blog daily :)
I love, love your blog! It is one of my daily reads even if I don't comment each day. I like the pictures of your family that you post and don't think it is too much. Um, of course I love your recipes, too, and make tons of them. I like everything just the way it is! I've almost posted this exact same type of post for my readers for feedback. My blog can be such a boomerang sometimes.
Well first, I LOVE your blog! It is a daily read and I am constantly inspired! I love your obsessions posts and anytime you post about what you're wearing...seriously, you have the best style! I also love hearing about you and your fam...really I'm super happy with your content! :)
I love your blog exactly how it is!! I know you always comment on my fashion blog but I think you would like my other blog more. It's more recipes and family stuff. :-) Just a thought!
I recently found your blog and love reading it every day! I think it's perfect just the way it is. I'm a brand new stay at home mom (month 5) so I would love to hear more about how you fit everything into your day and manage your time. Just keep doing what makes you happy and we'll keep reading!
Like you, I enjoy reading (and writing about) random musings in my daily life - whatever is on my mind at the moment. I think that's what makes all of these so fun to read because you never know what's coming next. I tend to get bored with blogs that only focus on one thing - like DIY/home improvement blogs - and find myself only checking in on those when I'm looking for help on a project. I love your recipes (pinned the quesadillas and can't wait to make them!), fashion, and the glimpses into your family life. You definitely are on my daily read so don't change a thing (although maybe give me some insight as to how you manage to whip together such amazing meals with a little one hanging on you!)!
Please please please don't stop your Obsessions posts! Those are my fave. I truthfully like your whole format. Maybe the weekend happenings could feature more of Charleston, but that might just be me being fixated on Charleston (not complaining living in Manhattan, but I do love CHS ;) I wouldn't mind more tips on what to invest in for baby, but again, that's a selfish request! Love your fashion tips, I wear a lot of the designers you do and am equally obsessed with blouses and shifts. So basically, don't change it up too much!? I totally get being in a blog rut at times too, just blog about your passions!
I've been reading your blog for awhile and LOVE it! I don't comment that often but will start commenting more! Keep doing what you're doing. I love the mix!
Everyone loves you Nat! I love your obsessions. I think you are doing great and you are not in a rut. I was thinking about a Q&A too but I am nervous. I will see how yours goes : )
Here is my question: Do you plan on ever going back to work? Are you interested in making your blog into a business? You should cuz everyone loves you!
I'm not a blogger, but I adore your blog. It's the first blog I always read every morning. I find it to be authentic, relatable and extremely useful! I've made many of your recipes and all were greatly received by my family and friends! Keep doing what you are doing. Your blog is unique in that your personality really comes through.
I think you do the perfect mix. I like that you bring in photos of your personal life and also fashion, interiors, etc. I think we can all get in a rut and if you feel like YOU are bored with what you are doing, than change it up a bit! We will still all be reading because we like YOU! ;)
I love the way you post about recipes, life, fashion, interiors, etc - those are the things that I like to read and write about most as well too - and I think you do an amazing job of mixing it up!!! I definitely want to keep seeing obsessions, recipes, personal pics, everything!!! Your blog was one of the first ones I found and is still one the first ones I go to when I open my computer!
I love your dessert recipes, love to see you in your cute new clothes, and love the stuff you introduce us to! I love your whole blog, and I catch up on a weekly basis...even tho I'm bad about commenting! :/ I'm usually on my nook or phone and it's not comment friendly for my impatience.
I like it all. That is what is great. Some mornings I get a great recipe while others I see pretty Spring clothes. I appreciate the time and effort that goes into each post. It is fun to read about what delights you each day.
I always enjoy reading your blog. It's a good mix and it's always interesting to read. I added a new fashion series to my blog to mix it up a little because I generally blog about interior design. That's why I love visiting yours because it's a mix of everything!
I think your blog is great just the way it is! I like that you have a good mix of real life, fashion, food, decor, etc. Those are usually my favorite blogs because I love to get a glimpse into the real lives of bloggers. Plus remember the blog is for you so you just have to keep posting what you love!
Natalie- Your blog is seriously one of my favorites! I look forward to reading your posts each day. I think you offer a great balance between fashion, interior design, recipes and life in general. The "obsessions" postings on Tuesdays are fab, and I gather inspiration from them. Also, your recipes have made cooking more fun. : )
I read your blog daily and love it just the way it is. Your obsessions are my favorite because we have similar style and I love your recipes...which I'm always repinning btw! I'm not a blogger but a stay at home mom that just enjoys reading blogs. Keep it up Natalie! :)
I like your blog the way it is, but I'd love to see more OOTD photos - you have such great style and get to wear clothes I can't afford. :) So I love seeing your gorgeous outfits and living vicariously through you. Lol.
Of all the blogs I read, you are in my top 5 favorites. I love your blog just the way it is....you give us a perfect mix of different things and I really enjoy that. My favorite things are your recommendations (on everything...especially wine!) and your recipes and family happenings. Keep up the great work. Love your blog. Love YOU!!
Love everything about your blog. I look forward to reading it every day, and I would hate to see a drastic change in your posts. Keep it up!
I just started reading your blog a few months ago because a friends' blog had you listed as one of her daily reads. and I love it. it's a great balance of fashion, family, recipes, etc. with the occasional reality or celebrity gossip or fodder thrown it that i think is always healthy to admit we follow ;) keep up the good work!
I love your blog and LOVE when you detail an outfit --you have the cutest clothes!
I hate to be chiming in here late but I LOVE your blog!!! You are my first read everyday!!!! I love how you mix it up each day and I am truly amazed at how much new content you come up with to write about in each post!!! Gotta say love it how it is....my favorite part is your fun fashion or product finds!!! Keep it up!!!!
Keep truckin! I think your blog is cute and it's one I read every morning during Sesame Street!
I love your blog (and always have!) I make your appetizers ALL the time, love seeing your gorgeous family - esp since I know you IRL!
I love your blog the way it is! Each day yours is one of the first ones I read and enjoy your style, recipes and obsessions! I think it is great having a peak into your life as well! I also love seeing how others live and feel like I know so many people just from reading what they write. You are doing a fabulous job!
I adore your blog! It's usually on the top of my daily reads list each morning! I personally am a fan of blogs that dabble in a little bit of everything, especially home life. I think it's great to see other normal mom's out there just doing their thing!! I too am a fan of your recipes and obsessions posts! I say keep on going just the way you are- it's great!
Please don't change your blog, I love it! You're fabulous! I have so enjoyed reading about everything you post!
Natalie- your personality and charm shines through in all your posts which makes me excited to visit everyday... I think no matter what you write about, as long as it makes you happy, you're readers will feel the same way!!
Hey Natalie! My friends and I read your blog almost everyday! I am a senior in college, and I would really like if you did a post about your college days and your post-grad life before you got married and had Sterling. Thanks!!
I second Elyse! As a college junior, I think that a college post/reflection would be fab. I also love your obsessions!
Your blog seems original, authentic, and has a really good mix of things, like everyone else has said. It does not seem contrived at all which I really like. That being said would love to see more photos of your family, what you did etc. as well may OOTD and as some have posted time management, etc. and any other tips you may have. However I don't think you can ever top that sleeping picture of diaperless Sterling. It was priceless!! This is a daily read, my favorite blog and I read too many! :)
Girlfriend. No rut! Please. Your blog is a daily read for me. I absolutely love everything you post!
I love your blog! It's my favorite daily read :) I love all the fashion, the recipes, product reviews, and the pictures of your family. It's a great mix of all the stuff I feel like I would talk to a good friend about over lunch :)
I love your blog just the way it is. It's always my first blog to read every morning. I love your style!
Natalie, I love your blog and love the mix you currently have, I seriously wouldn't change anything. I know there are a thousand blogs out there but each person is different and each person has a different way to see and live their life so I think that each blog is different even if they look similar. I enjoy blogs that are all about what the blogger wants to blog and not what their readers want to read about, this is your space, so just keep communicating what you like and enjoy, this is how you stay true to yourself ;)
I love your blog, you seem so down to earth and genuine and someone I would be friends with. I follow about 50 blogs on google reader and you are #1on my list, If I don't get a chance to read any of my blogs in a day..I always try to read yours! Keep up the great work!!
I know this is like my tenth comment, but I was sick for a week so I'm catching up :). I hear ya bc when I was sick I really missed my blogs and felt like I needed to catch up with all of you! I can honestly say that I love your style and I love your family posts --- I think you seriously have the perfect mix so I wouldn't change a thing! Please do not take that precious Sterling off of here b/c i love him hahahhhhaha! No really so glad we found you :) xo Lisa
I honestly love your blog just the way it is. I love your style finds and love seeing the outfits you put together. I wouldn't change anything. It's the perfect mix from day to day to keep readers interested.
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