Ever since seeing this tee at JCrew I have been stalking it to go on sale. What's not to love about it? Adore the navy stripes and orange lobster it would be so cute on Sterling. But $29 for a kids t-shirt is ridiculous. Ain't happening.

Then I was shopping in Target yesterday and found this Cherokee Tee that looked very similar to the JCrew one for, wait for it...... $6! I promptly bought it and I am saving it to go in Sterling's Easter basket. I could not find it online so you probably need to check your local Target store to find it. But what a steal.

Speaking of my little man he has decided he is ready to start using his own potty. I am so not ready for this looming task quite yet because this is what happens:
He sits on the potty and doesn't actually go.

Then he proceeds to pee on our couch when I am not looking.

I am not really going to start potty training him til this summer. Pass along any success tips if you have them! For now we are just experimenting, taking it slow, and getting used to his own potty.
I had to share this one picture from our playgroup this week. How adorable are all these kids??

Happy Sunday Friends!
That little striped shirt is too adorable! Do you ever look at J Crew outlet? Every time I go there they have the cutest clothes for little ones. Hope you had a Happy Birthday, loved those coral jeans! xo
I saw those shirts and thought the EXACT same thing. Did u get your jeans? Hope you had a great bday weekend....potty training in the warmer months is very helpful and I know this sounds straight up trailer park, but if u let him run around outside naked in the backyard he will totally be able to tell when he needs to go and wont freak out about not making it to the toilet in time. Again, I know it sounds like complete trash, but it works...grab yourself a box of wine and a lawn chair and cheers:)!
Love the shirt. Much better price for a tshirt he's going to spill on in 2 seconds!
That J.Crew shirt is on sale in the actual Crewcuts stores... :)
Love the shirt! haha that is too funny about him peeing on the couch! Hope you are having a great weekend!
I would wait until the end of the summer when he is closer to 2 1/2. I waited until my son was a little older and he was potty trained so fast. My friends that started earlier spent months potty training. I just knew I didn't have the patience for that! I used a sticker chart and went to Target and bought little prizes in the dollar aisle. After so many stickers he got to choose a prize out of the basket. Worked great and he was trained in a week. I think a big part of it though was that he was older and "got" it. Good luck!
great find! heading to target!
Cute story about your little man! It made me laugh out loud. :)
What a great shirt for him! And at a much better price!! Oh my...the pee on the couch...classic. Hope it goes well! What a little cutie :)
That picture of him in the orange, is just TOO precious!
ahhhahahaha too funny! I can't even imagine! And that pic on the playground looks like it's out of a magazine!
I'm loving Tarjay for little boys lately!
That's an awesome find. I love Target, especially their Circo line, the clothes are really cool and super affordable!
Potty training boys usually results in new furniture purchases later...I trained 2 and it is not the easiest. They were both more like 2.5 yrs when we started--I bought twin sized waterproof mattress covers w/old towels on top in an attempt to save furniture!! And summer is easier, I agree. Less clothing to wash.all.day.long.
That shirt is so adorable! We bought lots of books about going to the bathroom which seemed to help a little! I am dying over your description of lychees! xo
The best advice I ever received about potty training was not to use pull-ups - coming from a mom of two boys. At first I thought that was bananas but she was right. Pull-ups and diapers are the same thing essentially. When my little girl got ousted from her gymnastics camp for not being potty trained (and wearing a pull-up) I knew I had to bite the bullet. I went home, threw away the pull ups, and resigned myself to two days of being house-bound (stock up on the vino) and more than a few accidents. The first day was rough, but by day two she was mostly accident-free. She was closer to 3. The important thing being that she recognized when she had to go and had no safety net. Another great motivator was not wanting to soil her new big girl undies. Hope that helps. Good luck!
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