Rachel Zoe, finally confirmed what we have all known for awhile that she is pregnant. I am happy for her and Rodger. What I am most happy about is watching her maternity style and taking notes for the next time I am pregnant! You know she is going to look fabulous this whole pregnancy and probably stay tiny too! I on the other was as big as a house at the end of my pregnancy. At the hospital while I was walking around before being admitted to a room, someone had the nerve to ask me if I was expecting twins. That will never happen to Mrs. Zoe I am sure. I heard a rumor that she is expecting a boy, not confirmed. I am sure she is wanting a girl to pass all those clothes and jewelry on to. If it is a son maybe his future wife will get all that loot! Congrats to her and Rodger!

A first sneak at her tiny baby bump. She looks great.
**btw Matt said "I didn't know skeletons could get pregnant." He then asked me to post the picture of Rachel Zoe in her bikini beside this statement.
i die! can u pls post the bikini shot? haven’t seen it!
Haha! I love the skeleton comment! Too funny!
I am so happy for them!! Yay!!! I can NOT wait to see her maternity style!
Skeleton comment was pretty funny!
I'm surprised she was able to get preggars too... Way too skinny!
Wow, I didn't know! I mean I'd hear a rumor but that's great! Hope it'll be a big part of her show in Bravo!
SHUT UP! :) I was GINORMOUS when I was pregnant- and pretty miserable because of it. Next time, I will totally do it differently. Did her and Brad really break up?? I'm out of the loop but looove her show!
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