1. If your house was to catch on fire what is the one thing you would take? (non living)
If I were not wearing it, my wedding rings and my grandmother's wedding ring. Both are so meaningful to me. I was thinking photo albums at first, but now with pictures saved on online sites like shutterfly, I could always reprint them. So, I would definitely save my two special pieces of jewelry.
2. What is your all time favorite piece of clothing?
This is a hard one, as I frequently tire of my clothing. I guess I would say my two Missoni dresses. One I wore the night of my rehearsal dinner and the other is more of a fall sweater dress. Love them both and I feel like they are pieces I will always have in my closet.
3. If you had to live in one place the rest of your life would it be on a beach or a mountain top?

The beach! I love the mountains but I am much more of a beach gal. Love the water, salty air, sand, and palm trees!
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Umm, this just might be the hardest question ever! I have way too many favorite shows! I will just give you a run down of my favorites starting back up this fall: Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, Modern Family, Gossip Girl (mainly for the fashion), and just recently added Glee to my list. I am also obsessed with the Food Network. I hate to even go into the reality TV category, there are way too many reality shows I love. As you can see I have a small TV watching problem!
5. If there ever was a movie about your life, which actress would you want to play you?
This would be a toss up between Cameron Diaz, Charlize Theron and Gwyneth Paltrow. I am thinking Charlize Theron, because someone once told me we looked alike. One of the few times I have ever been told I look like someone famous and I was beyond flattered. I think she is gorgeous, now who would my leading man be...........

6. Are you an animal lover? Do you have any pets?
I love animals! Well most animals, I am really not a big fan of cats, but I do love dogs. We have a 7 year old boxer named Nelson. She is the sweetest dog ever!
7. Are you a righty or a lefty?
8. What is the last book you read? OK I stole this question, but I need some suggestions for some good books!

Please don't make fun of me for this cheeseball cover. I promise I don't always read romance novels! This is quartet of books by Nora Roberts about a group of wedding planers. I just finished the second one, Bed of Roses (see cheesy cover above). Sometimes I am just in the mood for a light and easy read and that's exactly what these books are! So don't judge me, I know you all like a romance novel every now and then too!
Now, here are my 8 questions for these lovely ladies (and no pressure if you don't want to answer:)
1)Who are your female and male celebrity crushes?
2)What is your favorite beverage? alcoholic and non-alcoholic?
3)What food can you not live without?
4)What is your favorite reality tv show?
5)What is your must read magazine?
6)Are you a purse or a shoe girl?
7)Do you like to cook? If so what is your signature dish?
8)If you were rich, what is one item that you would have to splurge on?
Erin at Huddy P
Brooke at Life.Love.Lawton
Lise at Sticky Baby Chronicles
I didn't know you had a boxer! We have 2, they're the best dogs ever.
Don't worry, I read Bed of Roses (well, all 3 of them) too. They're such easy reads, and aren't nearly as cheesy as they look. : )
I love finding out all about my blogger friends. My sister has 2 boxers, those are some high energy dogs:)
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