When My friend Julia posted this article last week, I knew I had to share it. So many days Matt will come home and say how was your day, what did you do? Besides the obvious feeding Sterling, changing diapers, cleaning house, doing laundry, etc I am sometimes like what did we do today? It is not like I sit around and watch tv all day, my day is busy. It is just hard to put into words what we do all day. This article said it perfectly. Also since having a child I am slack about returning phone calls, emails and even sometimes texts, so hopefully this helps explain it. Word to your mom.

That is awesome and very well put!
I truly love this post and feel the same way. I feel like there are days where I don't have a minute to stop and smell the roses! Thank you!
this is complete perfection. As a fairly new mother (to a 2 year old) ill need to post this to my blog! so perfect, thank you natalie!
LOVED this article!! So well-written and so well-explained!
I loved this post/article! So right on. And we all have thos girlfriends who are in competition mode all the time. This post made me feel better about not getting everything done every day.
Such a great article and SO true!
oh so true! I often don't even call my mother while Matthew naps because I just want "me time" as in me and nobody else!
Can I B*#ch slap the lady who asked that question?
OMG and an AMEN! Great article!
I am your newest follower and you have won me over with this post AND your fabulous sense of fashion and style. I love finding other blogger moms that love decorating, fashion and their families.
You are tres chic!
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I forgot to ask, are you on twitter? I am @ShastaAnne
I remember reading this great article. It is so true. Unfortunatelly, sometimes it doesn't matter what you show someone they would never understand what you go through as a stay at home/work from home mom.
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