Monday, April 8, 2013

Scenes From our Spring Break

Happy Monday Friends!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  We have been in Charlotte for the last week and it has been glorious.   Sometimes it is so nice to have a change of scenery.  Here is a little peak at our Spring Break.

We got in town to await the birth of my nephew.  This is my sister two days before she gave birth, she looks amazing right??

While I was home Mom and I did what we love best, shopping.  We found some great deals at The Gap, all on Super sale!  You can 15% off everything online with code GAPSTYLE.

The next day my sister went into labor.  I have to admit I was a bit envious of her labor.  I was in labor for 32 long hours.  She arrived at the hospital at 8am and had her baby at noon.  A super fast delivery right?  and she looked amazing afterwards.  Even my dad joked how rough I looked post birth compared to her!  I cried the second I met my nephew- who they named Finley Wilburn Powell.  I was so overcome with joy.  I was filled with so much emotion seeing my sister become a mom and welcome this perfect baby into our lives.  Witnessing a newborn enter the world reminds you there is a God and babies are such miracles.  I am such a proud aunt and filled with so much love for this sweet fella. (No pictures of my sister she didn't want hospital pics of her floating around the internet).

We decided to surprise my sister with some of her favorite cake.  It is the caramel cake from Reids.  If you live in Charlotte you must try it.  It is hands down the best cake I have ever tasted.  It is 13 layers of icing, enough said!

I rocked my new Baublebar necklace alot.  It is the perfect statement necklace to wear with a tee!

I also wore my Camilla and Marc Dress from Social Dress shop.  It is on major sale,  somebody needs to snag the last ones left.  I got so many compliments all day!  I have been living in it since I got it.  It is the perfect Summer Dress and so comfortable!

Sunday we hit up Freedom Park.  I forgot what a great park it was.  Sterling absolutely loved it!

We definitely had a great and relaxing Spring Break!  Cheers to Monday!


pretty little things said...

looks like you had a lovely spring break! xo

Alicia xoxxo said...

Your sister looks amazing! I am so jealous of how great she looked right before she had her beautiful baby!! Isnt becoming an auntie amazing? Love the name she chose. And he is truly a beautiful baby! Congrats to the whole family!

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

Congrats on being an auntie! I just welcomed a niece 10 days ago ;)

Michelle @ Ten June said...

Congrats to your sister! That baby is precious : ) And hello, love that bauble necklace/leather coat/tank combo. Hot momma!

KatiePerk said...

Love his name! Sterling and Finley are both family names for us!! My nephew is Finley and I have Sarah Sterling! Too fun! I am a fan of that jacket in a major way!
Sterling is so handsome!

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

Looks like a perfect spring break. And what a BEAUTIFUL baby!! Know you are one proud aunt.

Love the new clothes usual! Congrats again!

Alexa said...

Awww your new little nephew is so sweet! And I love your pink dress!

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

What a beautiful baby!! Your sister is so lucky. That was a short labor!! Just holding a newborn I have a hard time keeping it together. I can't imagine if it were my sister's child...

I really wanted the GAP tote. I might still have to get it. :-)

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

Your nephew is beautiful, such a perfect little baby :) Also, that cake looks incredible! And as always, I totally want to raid your closet, your clothes are all SO cute! xoxo

Tess said...

What a beautiful baby - and I love the name they chose to for him. Congratulations!

Pink is seriously your color!

Erin said...

You are SO right about witnessing a birth and being reminded that God is great and babies are perfect miracles. I am doing an OB rotation right now and am in awe each and every delivery I am in on. It is such an incredible thing. How exciting for your sister and family!

Meredith said...

Congrats again on becoming an aunt! What a wonderful Spring Break! :) You're looking fab, btw.

Matters of Style said...

So fun! Congrats to your sister!

Val said...

The new addition to the family is adorable!!! Life is so beautiful.

Natalie said...

The pictures of Sterling and his new cousin are precious! Congratulations, auntie!

17 Perth said...

YAY! Congratulations to your sister---and yes--She looks beautiful! Looks like a great, lovely spring break!

Unknown said...

I love Charlotte! And newborns are such miracles! Congratulations again!

Jill said...

I completely agree, How can see a tiny newborn and not think there is a God!! Congrats Auntie and I love the name!!

Anonymous said...

Love Reids and Freedom Park!! Some of my favorite areas in Charlotte!! Congrats on being an auntie!


Sadie + Stella said...

You look presh little auntie!!

E Hayes said...

Congrats on your new nephew! Love the baublebar necklace too!

katie ridings said...

Love that bag!!

kristen said...

love love love that pink dress. so stinkin cute.

i am nine weeks away from having my very first sweet baby... this post made me even more excited!!!

Francis said...

Aw. Adorable little squishy. Congrats on your new niece.

Anonymous said...

Ok I need to know where you got your tan leather jacket. Adorable!!

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

There really isn't anything like a brand new baby...or really great cake (c; What a perfect spring break!

Nat said...

Your sister looks great! What a precious little addition Finley will be to your family! Love your gap finds

Lulu said...

That cake looks amazing! Congratulations to your family!

Rebecca and Lori said...

Congratulations to you and your family on the newest addition! Love the name Finley!

Glitterista said...

What a beautiful new baby nephew, and I adore the name! :)