It's crazy. I mean do they even know we are in the middle of a recession right now? The Fantasy section of gifts is quite extreme. If you have some extra money to blow you can get:
A Custom Speedboat for only $250,000

or maybe you would rather an International Flower Show (I will be honest I still don't even know what this is) for $420,000

Or better yet a private Johnny Walker Scotch Tasting for $5,000. That better include several bottles of scotch and a good buzz.

Or perhaps a day trip to Stone Barn Farms outside of Manhattan is more your speed. This will only set you back $9,500 to take 5 friends to this farm to look at vegetables. What a steal right?

Or are you in the market for a new car? You can get this Ferrari for only $395,000. Who needs a house when you can buy a car for the same price!
Anybody else think the Fantasy section of the catalog is a bit much? And what I really want to know do people really buy this stuff?
I did however spy a few things in the catalog that I would really like for Christmas (Santa I hope you are reading).
Once again these boots are haunting me. I keep seeing them everywhere! When are they going to go on sale? And it makes me want them even more that they are only sold out in my size, size 9.
I adore the color of these pumps and the heel height is perfect. They would go with everything!
Big enough for all my stuff and Sterling's too and it's gorge. Enough said.
I love crocodile and how gorgeous and versatile is this cuff?
But seriously Neiman Marcus, even though your Fantasy gifts anger me, I could never hate you because your Last Call sale makes me very happy!
I think all of your "loves" are extremely justifiable, especially next to the $10,000 vegetables!
Neiman Marcus was on Today this morning showcasing these gifts! Apparently, the car sold out in 50 minutes of going on sale. It comes with a custom set of luggage, so if you ask me, that makes the price totally justifiable. ;)
I, too, am in love with those boots. I'm size 9 in TB, too, and feel like it's always one of the first sizes to sell out!
Ridiculous! Must be nice. Love the Tory Burch boots as well.
I am just watching the Today show and they are talking about this. So ridiculous!!! But I love your picks :)
You're in luck! I actually know that Neimans rarely ever sells the fantasy gifts... they are really only there for show. The cars usually always sell out (I think there was one year they didnt), and then they might sell 1 or 2 of the other ones each year. But they sure are fun to look for each year!
I'm a 9 in Tory too and those boots are calling my name. However, I have a friend that found them in her size and she said they were really narrow and not very comfy, which makes me feel better about not being about to get them :)
I tried on the Selma boots in black suede. I'm dying for them, but really want that dark brown leather. Monkees in Raleigh had them a month or so ago. You might want to call them if you're really wanting them.
I don't know who is buying that stuff! I don't even think rappers are doing that anymore LOL. Love what you want santa to bring!
That's so funny...they do that every year. I really do wonder if people buy that stuff! Wowza! Totally want the TB boots...like now!
I saw the list on the Today Show this morning. They also had a $45,000 ping pong table! Crazy! If I had that kind of money, I doubt I'd be spending it on those kind of items.
I laughed so hard at your post title - every time I'm home for the holidays my mom is saying the same thing about Neiman Marcus... they'll have a gorgeous coat or pair of pants and I'm like "Oh wait... 1500 for a pair of jeans??? Nevermind!"
Target has pumps that look exactly like those kate spade pumps that i saw today!!! may not have the name brand but the price is a lot better...
Seriously I can't even imagine blowing that kind of cash on that stuff...of course, the person that does actually buy that stuff probably doesn't even think twice about it, right?? CRAZY. I guess it's time for me to start making my Christmas list! (c:
I'm just stopping by new blogs today and thought id say hello. We should be receiving some snow today in the Lancaster Pennsylvania area which will be the first time since 1972 that it has snowed this early in fall. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon Pennsylvania.
Ha yes that stuff is crazy. What's with the flowers?? Great picks for your own list though :)
The Fantasy Gifts tradition has been going on since the 50's I believe, so I don't think they should exclude any year. I know I look forward to seeing what fun items they feature. I was at Nieman's a few years ago and they had a coffee table book featuring the items from over the past decades and the prices so it was neat to see how prices have escalated.
Seriously, just a tad over the top! Those boots are also on my wish list and yes I also need a size 9. If you notice them ever on sale let me know!!
Neimans is accepting Visa and Mastercard now! Ha!
Oh NM is so out of control- like I think that catalog was printed for Jay Z & Beyonce! Love those TB boots! I tried on the suede this weekend but I like the leather much better and it will hold up better! xo Lisa
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