Friday, August 23, 2013

Just The Two of Us

Let me start this post by saying I am over the moon excited I am pregnant and having a baby girl. I think most of you know that it was a struggle for us to conceive baby number two and I have taken nothing for granted this pregnancy, I am so thankful to be pregnant and can't wait to meet this little baby growing in my belly.  I am so excited to turn this family of 3 into 4.

But that being said sometimes I get sad thinking about another baby entering our house. You see for the past almost four years Sterling has been my side kick, it has just been me and him and I have loved every minute of it.  I love our lunches together, our strolls together, our play dates, our conversations; I really treasure this time with just me and my little man.   He is such a sweet soul filled with such a big personality. I love him so much it feels like my heart will burst sometimes. I get sad thinking about not having all this one on one time with him once the baby arrives. I don't want him to be neglected once the baby comes. I know a sibling will be a great thing for him, trust me he needs to learn that he is not the boss of this family and to share.  I just hope I have enough time and energy for Sterling and his sister.   As our due date rapidly approaches, I mean we have less than 95 days to go, I just want to savour these last few weeks that it is just me and Sterling. 

I wanted to capture this moment in our lives when it was just me and Sterling and his sweet personality at age 3.5.  I had my friend Brook Bertschy take some pictures for me and I could not be happier.  If you live in Charleston and need a photographer, Brook is amazing with kids and super reasonably priced.  Her contact info is HERE if you are interested.  Her photos are really special and amazing.

Here are a few of my favorite snap shots from our shoot,  Just me and my firstborn son who brings me more joy than I ever thought possible.

The last picture totally captures Sterling's personality exactly, such a ham for the camera!  It was a miracle we got any of him just smiling because he was acting up so much!  That is how good Brook is!
Have a wonderful weekend!


Amanda | Kids and Cabernet said...

Beautiful pictures! I felt the sane way when I was having my son. I felt like I was cheating my daughter time with us, but honestly it has been great. It's so sweet to see them be affectionate and play with each other -nothing warms your heart more <3

Rise Up Daily said...

Hi Natalie,
I totally understand your anxieties as I experienced the
Same feelings when I had my 2nd child But believe me your precious daughter will arrive into your lives and everything will just make sense for you. Sure it's going to be different but still so wonderful.. My eldest is 11 #2 is 7 and my precious girl is 5 months. Love your blog....Kara

Rise Up Daily said...

Hi Natalie,
I totally understand your anxieties as I experienced the
Same feelings when I had my 2nd child But believe me your precious daughter will arrive into your lives and everything will just make sense for you. Sure it's going to be different but still so wonderful.. My eldest is 11 #2 is 7 and my precious girl is 5 months. Love your blog....Kara

Kristen [Playground Prepster] said...

Such a sweet post! I used to cry before our 2nd arrived, thinking of how much my first's life would change. And as much as I loved my big guy before, I love him even so much more seeing what an amazing brother he is.
Your pictures are beautiful and such treasures!

Lindsay, XO Lindsay said...

Awww, Natalie! I love these pictures!! They are so sweet!! You'll definitely find time for just you and your little man after your girl arrives... I know a lot of Moms who were worried about the same thing. I'm sure Sterling will be the best big brother!!

KW said...

That pic of him on the curb with the loafer MELTS my heart!!

Anonymous said...

Natalie- Where did you get Sterling's little loafers? I am melting. Beautiful photos! :) -Caitlin

Anonymous said...
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Jenna said...

Beautiful pictures! My son is 2.5 and we have been debating timing for number two. Little boys are the best... And I am sure little sisters are too!

Jordin- I Love That! said...

Ahh he is the cutest!! My son is almost 3.5 and I am due with another boy in 7.5 weeks!! I feel the same way. How can you love another baby as much as you do your first born or spread your attention to both? I figure moms all over the world do it everyday, we can too! Happy Friday!

Julia Ryan said...

so sweet! Your anxieties are so real and scary right now. But they will melt away so quickly when you hold that baby girl. Its similar to how you can't really tell your best friend how much motherhood changes you, it's like that with two. Your love for your mom didn't go away when you met your husband and it didn't disappear for Matt when you had Sterling. It's all the same but it is different. There is room for everyone!

tpatters5 said...

Beautiful pictures! I had the same anxieties when I was pregnant with our second child. Ella was 2.5 when Leo was born and I worried she would feel left out. Instead our twosome just became a threesome and it has been great.She became a little helper and loved taking care of the baby. (Poor Daddy still on his own! I think he thought one would be his go to kid, but they both want mama) Ella and Leo are super close and Leo looks for Ella when he wakes up. With their age difference, the relationship is different with each for me, but I am both their "best friend" (at least that is what they tell me).

Chassity (Look Linger Love) said...

I love this - and I fully understand. I was flat out terrified to have a boy after it just being Lilly and me and our girl time. She was the best little shopper with me :) But this girl will only enhance your life leaps and bounds. You'll love her just as much. She and Sterling with play together so that you can have some time. And guess what, you can still take them each out alone to have some one on one time :) xoxo
PS these pics are pretty of you two, so sweet you did that.

Amy Florez {Baby Mama Juice} said...

Gorgeous pictures! I love the black and whites!

Mary Kathryn said...

Hi Natalie! My oldest son is almost 4 and our baby will turn one next month so the feelings you are having are still very fresh in my memory as well. It's a hard transition for so many reasons and it's so important to keep seeking out that one on one time with Sterling. Just drink lots of coffee and you will make it through! BTW, I live in Charlotte and Brook came up a few months ago and she did some pictures for us! She is amazing and I can't wait until she comes back our way so we can have her do more! Yours are great and you will treasure those shots...

just ask beth said...

he is an absolute doll!!! I cried when I had my second you feel like you ruined your first borns life..not so, it all works out and and your love doubles..

Jennifer@The Chronicles of Home said...

Sweet pictures, Natalie. It won't be the same, but it will be wonderful and you'll be filled with even more love. Hard to imagine. And when your little girl gets older and they play won't believe how much that fills your heart too :)

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

Great pictures!! I felt the same way but your heart will expand for 2. It's a miracle the way that happens.

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

Beautiful photos Natalie! So precious!

Tess said...

These pictures of you two are absolutely precious. You've got quite the little looker on your hands!

Christina said...

This is so sweet! The first black & white picture is gorgeous and I love you in that blue!! :) Happy weekend darling!

Ally Harding said...

Gorgeous pictures! Blue is your color!

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Actually love that first photo you posted the best!
Stop worrying, you can't understand until it happens, but you have enough love for both and the oldest won't feel neglected at all. I always spent time with the oldest when the new baby was napping and it seemed to work out fine. Mine were two years and one week apart and the funniest thing was when the baby would start crying, especially when we were in the car, my oldest would tell me that he wanted to put her in the woods!

Alicia xoxxo said...

Love this! It made me cry..... Gorgeous pics!!!!

Pink and Fabulous said...

These are so gorgeous! It's definitely hard to expand your family but when you see the two of them together it will be the greatest thing ever!

Carter (The Mean Mom Chronicles) said...

I felt exactly the same when I was preggo with #2. Mine are about the same age gap that yours will be. It's strange to have such mixed feelings - excitement over the new baby, but also a sense of loss for the one-on-one time with #1. What I ended up loving about the age difference was that when Davis was a baby, and Ava was in preschool, I had time with just Davis. And then Ava would come home, and Davis would be sleeping, so I'd take some time to do something with just Ava, even if it was only reading a book or coloring.
Love the photos!

Portuguese Prepster said...

These pictures are so beautiful! What a sweet idea. I'm an only child and wish I had siblings so I'm sure Sterling will love having a sibling!

Paula Jean | PJM Interiors said...

These photos, and the sentiment of this post, are really precious!

Megan said...

That quote is perfect, true words! You have so much love in your heart, I'm sure it will be an easy transition to love on 2 sweet angels :)

Great pictures too!

IG: megawat
Would love for you to stop by my blog :)

MyRoseAmongThorns said...

I worried about that a lot when I was pregnant with #2. The love just happens! Your heart explodes all over again! You won't believe it, but it will happen. I worried, less, when #3 was on her way, and I will admit it took some getting used to having another baby, but I don't remember life without her! And it's only been 10 days-although I'm still adjusting to the fact that I have a baby girl named Hannah...and she's mine!!!

Michelle said...

I'm going through something similar that I guess you already may have gone through - I'm due with our first child in 5 weeks, and as excited as I am to meet the little guy, I'm really sad at the thought that it's no longer going to be just my hubby and I. We've been together 10 years just the two of us, and it's hard to "give up" something that I know is wonderful for something I hope is even more wonderful.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Those pictures are'll definitely be glad that you have them! And it is scary any time you mess with the family dynamic, there will be bumps in the road, but the fact that you are thinking about it and making it a priority means that everyone is going to be just fine <3

Jenny Castle Design said...

Beautiful pictures Natalie! I have the same concerns about whenever we introduce another baby/sibling in to our house, but I'm sure it will be natural and you'll only embrace new love more then over. Very excited for you and your family! Sterling is such a stud!

Unknown said...

Y'all are seriously the sweetest things I've ever seen! I could just eat Sterling up...he is adorable! And I'm sure you aren't alone on feeling like this and all the anxiety but you are a wonderful mom and Sterling will love having a little sister! XoXo

Katie said...

Beautiful photos! I felt the same way with my son before my daughter came. Now I cannot imagine life without the both of them. You will make special time for just you and your little man and it will be that much more special! Cannot believe you're in the home stretch! So exciting!
Have a great weekend! xo

Kyle said...

These photos are precious! The last one was definitely my favorite. You are going to have so much love for each of your beauties. I was solo with Hads for just about three years before James came along. It took some adjusting at first, but she quickly adored her little brother. Now she always says, "James is my best friend!"

Sadie + Stella said...

You are so gorgeous and so is Sterling!!

Michaela said...

What sweet pictures! I can totally imagine the feeling of bringing a new baby comes with many emotions. Luckily, I think S will be a great big brother and everything will fall into place. God's got you :) Love the last picture! He's such a cutie.

megan said...

Just now catching up on some posts and this one is so, so sweet! Such special memories and pictures you will always have of just the two of you. :)

blue chickadee said...

Love these pictures of you and Sterling!! Such a handsome boy and pretty momma!!!