We had the most lovely weekend. Here's what went down.
We finally took Sterling to the Pumpkin Patch! He absolutely loved it and tried to lift all the big pumpkins. He was hilarious!
We finally took Sterling to the Pumpkin Patch! He absolutely loved it and tried to lift all the big pumpkins. He was hilarious!

After the Pumpkin Patch my sister and I hit up a cute bar in West Ashley to grab a beer called the Oak Barrel Tavern. The owner was super nice and let us sample a few beers before we decided what we wanted. They had a great beer and wine selection with a laid back atmosphere. You must stop in this cute bar if you live in Charleston!

Sterling loved it at the Oak Barrel and the owner assured us we were not the first people to bring a baby to a bar in the afternoon!
We had friends over for dinner Saturday night and I made the Pioneer Woman's Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos. They were amaze to say the least.
We also enjoyed some festive Halloween Drinks my brother-in-law made that were delightful! Recipes for both to come Wednesday!
Sunday we took a family boat ride. We are trying to get in as many boat rides as we can before it gets too cold!
And our lemon tree sprouted a big lemon! I can't wait til we have tons of fresh lemons!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekends! xoxo
sounds like a great weekend! I love Sterlings monogram on his john john's ...cant wait for those recipes
Sterling is SO precious!! And i'm so happy u have lemons, that's awesome. Oh and i make PW's stuffed jalepenos a lot, they really are so fab!
Dear Sterling,
I know you are betrothed to our dear sweet Lily and that I am also spoken for with my future husband Shepard. But perhaps we could go to prom together one day just to satisfy my mom.
Love, Baby Wells
your little guy is soo cute!
Looks like fun!!! Those stuffed jalapenos do look amaze!!!
PS Sterling in that outfit is just way too much cuteness!!
ahh i looove sterlings outfit!!! too cute!!!
That 2nd photo of your little boy is adorable! Sounds like a great weekend!
Aw I love this. Your little man is so precious!!
Sterling is absolutely precious! That picture of him trying to pick up that big pumpkin is too cute. Glad you guys had a great weekend.
That picture of Sterling trying to pick up the pumpkin is adorable! Love it! We went on a boat ride this weekend, too. The weather was gorgeous! Xo.
Sterling at the patch, too cute!
I love that picture of Sterling trying to pick up the pumpkin! Too cute.
oh my lord, that monogrammed little outfit could not be cuter!!!!
sounds like such a fun weekend! sterling is sooo cute!
Sterling is really cute and I love the pumpkin photo with the 2 of you!
Such a fun weekend! :) LOVE that you were assured that you weren't the first to have a baby in the bar! LOL! :) OH and I'm jeali you're still out on the boat...lucky duck!
Your son is just way to adorable!! and may i add that you look fabulous!!
Pumpkin patches are always fun!
Sterling is so stinkin' cute! I love the picture of him "lifting" the pumpkin, just adorable. Sounds like a beautiful fall weekend!
such cute photos!!! Looks like you had a great time!
Oh my gosh...that picture of S trying to pick up the pumpkin...precious and priceless!! Sounds like it was a fabulous weekend!
Such a fantastic weekend, your little man is getting so big! And we were totally stuffing our faces with stuffed jalepenos on Sunday, they are the *best*! Especially when the hubbs is bragging about how he can totally take heat better than everyone else and then bites into one that makes him cry. Y'know, hypothetically. (c:
I love the pumpkin patch pictures!
Sterling is getting so big!! He is still as adorable as ever! Those stuffed jalapenos are one of my favorite appetizers:)
Ok, I need to come hang out with you. Pumpkins + bars + stuffed jalepenos + rinks... I think I can handle that!
Hilarious that he tried to pick up all of the pumpkins! He looks like a little Hamtons baby in the boat with his little sweater on! haha too cute! xo Lisa
Sterling has gotten SO big since I last stopped by!! I love the first picture of him on the pumpkin!
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